Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of doc/app/iofiles/pids/static

Nov 26, 2019 7:02:31 AM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles/pids/static

    v21 v22  
    6666||[=#building_id ''building_id(y,x)'']   || NC_INT       ||{{{_FillValue=-9999}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_id_number"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}  || The building ID is used to identify single building envelopes which are composed of a number of grid volumes, and which is used for correct mapping of buildings on top of the underlying terrain, as well as for the [#indoor_model indoor_model]. Please note, '''building_id''' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where buildings are is defined via [#building_2d building_2d] or [#building_3d building_3d].
    6767||[=#buildings_2d ''buildings_2d(y,x)''] || NC_FLOAT     ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.f}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{lod}}}=1\\{{{long_name="building_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Two-dimensional building height in m relative to the underlying terrain. No holes or overhanging structures are possible. ''buildings_2d'' will be mounted on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Please note, ''buildings_2d'' will not be used if [#buildings_3d buildings_3d] is present on file. If ''buildings_2d'' is used [#building_id building_id] is required. ||
    68 ||[=#buildings_3d ''buildings_3d(z,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE     ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no building, building"}}}\\ {{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_flag"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b,1b}}} || Three-dimensional building topology relative to the underlying terrain. ''buildings_3d'' will be mapped on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Note, ''buildings_3d'' does not need to be prescribed beyond the top level of the highest buildings, i.e. ''z'' dimension can me minimized accordingly. If ''buildings_3d'' is prescribed, [#building_id building_id] is required. 
     68||[=#buildings_3d ''buildings_3d(z,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE     ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no building, building"}}}\\ {{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_flag"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b, 1b}}} || Three-dimensional building topology relative to the underlying terrain. ''buildings_3d'' will be mapped on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Note, ''buildings_3d'' does not need to be prescribed beyond the top level of the highest buildings, i.e. ''z'' dimension can me minimized accordingly. If ''buildings_3d'' is prescribed, [#building_id building_id] is required. 
    6969||[=#obstruction_uv ''obstruction_uv(azimuth_uv,zenith_uv,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE     ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no obstruction, obstruction"}}}\\{{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="obstruction"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b, 1b}}}  || Obstruction of the sky at a pixel location (y,x). This field is needed only if the [wiki:doc/app/biometeorology_parameters#UVExposureModel UV exposure model] is used. ||
    7070||[=#zt ''zt(y,x)'']                       || NC_FLOAT     ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.f}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="terrain_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Terrain height in m relative to [#origin_z origin_z]. If not provided, the relative terrain height will be set to 0 m all over the model domain. Please note, ''zt'' must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. ||
    76 === [=#surf '''Surface variables''':] ===
     75=== [=#surf '''Surface classification'''] ===
    7876For a proper classification of natural land and water surfaces, [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#soil_type soil_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type] and [#water_type water_type] are required, which define bulk parameters for albedo, soil, root distribution, leaf-area density, etc. To enable initialization of the land-surface model with input-file-provided variables, the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#surface_type surface_type] needs to be set to 'netcdf'. 
    7977In case more than one of the surface types (vegetation, pavement, water) is given at an (x,y) location, the relative fraction of each of the types must be provided by [#surface_fraction surface_fraction].
    80 Further, if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] is applied, also [#building_type building_type] is required, which defines bulk parameters to run the urban-surface model. Please note, for the sake of consistency, at least one of the variables  [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type], [#water_type water_type] or [#building_type building_type] needs to be defined at each (x,y) location if the land- and urban-surface model is applied.
    81 If only the land-surface model is applied but no urban-surface model, one of [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type] or [#water_type water_type] needs to be defined at each (x,y) location.
     79Further, if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] is applied, also [#building_type building_type] is required, which defines bulk parameters to run the urban-surface model. Please note, for the sake of consistency, at least one of the variables  [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type], [#water_type water_type] or [#building_type building_type] needs to be defined at each (y,x) location if the land- and urban-surface model is applied.
     81If only the land-surface model is applied but no urban-surface model, one of [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type] or [#water_type water_type] needs to be defined at each (y,x) location.
    8283Further, in case data is taken from the static input file, both, the land- and urban-surface model need to be either switched on or off. Applying only one of the energy-balance models is not sufficient and will lead to a controlled termination.  \\
     85=== [=#surf '''Surface variables''':] ===
     86||='''Input variable'''  =||='''Type'''  =||='''Attributes''' =||='''Explanation / Remarks'''  =||
     88 [=#building_type ''building_type(y,x)'']
     94{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building type classification"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}
     97Building type used to select bulk parameters. ''building_type'' is required if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] or the [#indoor_model indoor_model]  are applied. Please note, ''building_type'' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where ''buildings_2d''/''buildings_3d'' is defined.\\
     98   {{{#!td
     99         ||= ''building_type'' =||= Description (use, age) =||
     100         || 0|| User_defined according to ''building_pars''||
     101         || 1|| Residential, < 1950||
     102         || 2|| Residential, 1950 - 2000||
     103         || 3|| Residential, > 2000||
     104         || 4|| Office, < 1950||
     105         || 5|| Office, 1950 - 2000||
     106         || 6|| Office, > 2000||
     107   }}}
    84113||='''Input variable'''  =||='''Type'''  =||='''LOD''' =||='''Explanation / Remarks'''  =||
    161 Building type used to select bulk parameters. '''building_type''' is required if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] or the [#indoor_model indoor_model]  are applied.
    162 Please note, '''building_type''' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where buildings_2d/3d is defined.
    163 An overview of the different building types can be found [[attachment:wiki:doc/app/iofiles/pids:PALM_input_data_standard.pdf|here]].