67 | 67 | ||[=#buildings_2d ''buildings_2d(y,x)''] || NC_FLOAT ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.f}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{lod}}}=1\\{{{long_name="building_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Two-dimensional building height in m relative to the underlying terrain. No holes or overhanging structures are possible. ''buildings_2d'' will be mounted on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Please note, ''buildings_2d'' will not be used if [#buildings_3d buildings_3d] is present on file. If ''buildings_2d'' is used [#building_id building_id] is required. || |
68 | 68 | ||[=#buildings_3d ''buildings_3d(z,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no building, building"}}}\\ {{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_flag"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b,1b}}} || Three-dimensional building topology relative to the underlying terrain. ''buildings_3d'' will be mapped on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Note, ''buildings_3d'' does not need to be prescribed beyond the top level of the highest buildings, i.e. ''z'' dimension can me minimized accordingly. If ''buildings_3d'' is prescribed, [#building_id building_id] is required. |
69 | | ||[=#obstruction_uv ''obstruction_uv(azimuth_uv,zenith_uv,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no obstruction, obstruction"}}}\\{{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="obstruction"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b,1b}}} || Obstruction of the sky at a pixel location (y,x). This field is needed only if the [wiki:doc/app/biometeorology_parameters#UVExposureModel UV exposure model] is used. || |
70 | | ||[=#zt ''zt(y,x)''] || NC_FLOAT ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.0}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="terrain_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Terrain height in m relative to [#origin_z origin_z]. If not provided, the relative terrain height will be set to 0 m all over the model domain. Please note, ''zt'' must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. || |
| 69 | ||[=#obstruction_uv ''obstruction_uv(azimuth_uv,zenith_uv,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no obstruction, obstruction"}}}\\{{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="obstruction"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b, 1b}}} || Obstruction of the sky at a pixel location (y,x). This field is needed only if the [wiki:doc/app/biometeorology_parameters#UVExposureModel UV exposure model] is used. || |
| 70 | ||[=#zt ''zt(y,x)''] || NC_FLOAT ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.f}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="terrain_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Terrain height in m relative to [#origin_z origin_z]. If not provided, the relative terrain height will be set to 0 m all over the model domain. Please note, ''zt'' must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. || |