Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of doc/app/iofiles/pids/chem

Nov 20, 2019 3:53:35 PM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles/pids/chem

    v2 v3  
    11== [=#chem_input '''Chemistry input file'''] ==
    3 [[NoteBox(warn,'''Please note''' that input from chemistry input file is already implemented in PALM. A documentation will follow soon.)]]
     3The chemistry input file contains information required to setup aerosol emissions.  The input data format varies depending on the level of detail (lod).  For chemistry settings, there are
     4three possibilities
     6* '''LOD 0''' : This is known as '''parameterized''' mode.  All LOD 1 options are controlled from the namelist (_p3d file) alone and no chemistry data file is required
     8* '''LOD 1''' : This is known as '''default''' mode, where localized emissions are estimated through annual mean values, as well as temporal, spatial and speciation profiles supplied by \the chemistry data file
     10* '''LOD 2''' : This is known as '''pre-processed''' mode.  In this case the spatial and temporal emission levels are provided explicitly in the chemistry data file
     12Please note that some of the below inputs are only required for LOD 1, while some others are common for both LOD 1 and LOD 2, but with slightly different specifications.
     14||='''Variables'''  =||='''Type''' =||='''Explanation / Remarks'''  =||
     16{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     17[=#emission_name '''emission_name''']\\
     20{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     24List of all names of emitted species. The number of species (nspecies) varies depending on the employed chemistry scheme.\\
     28{{{nspecies}}}: number of emission species\\
     32{{{long_name}}} char: emission species name\\
     33{{{standard_name}}} char: emission name\\
     34{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     38{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     39[=#emission_index '''emission_index''']\\
     42{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     46Index of the emitted species\\
     50{{{nspecies}}} : number of emission species\\
     54{{{long_name}}} char: "emission species name"\\
     55{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission name"\\
     56{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     60{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     61[=#emission_values '''emission_values''']\\
     62{{{lod = 1}}}(z,y,x,nspecies,ncat)\\
     63{{{lod = 2}}}(dt_emission,z,y,x,nspecies)
     65{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     69Index of the emitted species.\\
     73{{{dt_emission}}}: hourly time step (LOD=2 only)\\
     74{{{z}}}: elevation[*] in m (LOD=2 only)\\
     75{{{y}}}: northing in m\
     76{{{x}}}: easting in m\\
     77{{{nspecies}}}: emission values of the different emitted species\\
     78{{{ncat}}}: number of emission categories (LOD=1 only)\\
     82{{{lod}}} integer: 1 or 2\\
     83{{{long_name}}} char: "emission species name"\\
     84{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission name"\\
     85{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     86{{{dt_emission}}} float: hourly interval (= 3600.0) between timesteps (LOD=2 only)\\
     87{{{units}}} char: "kg/m2/year (LOD=1), "kg/m2/dt_emission" (LOD=2)\\
     88{{{_FillValue}}} float: -9999.9f\\
     89{{{coordinates}}} char: "E_UTM N_UTM lon lat"\\
     90{{{grid_mapping}}} char: "crsUTM: E_UTM N_UTM crsETRS: lon lat"\\
     92[*] Note the z dimension is retained for backward compatibility and contains only one level.  It is not used and will be depreciated in future releases.
     96{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     97[=#stack_height '''stack_height''']\\
     100{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     104Vertical position for elevated emission sources (stacks).\\
     108{{{y}}}: northing in m\\
     109{{{x}}}: easting in m\\
     113{{{long_name}}} char: "emission staack height"\\
     114{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission_stack_height"\\
     115{{{units}}} char: "m"\\
     116{{{_FillValue}}} float: -9999.9f\\
     117{{{coordinates}}} char: "E_UTM N_UTM lon lat"\\
     118{{{grid_mapping}}} char: "crsUTM: E_UTM N_UTM crsETRS: lon lat"\\
     123The following variables are only required for LOD=1
     126{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     127[=#emission_time_factors '''emission_time_factors''']\\
     128(ncat, nmonthdayhour)
     130{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     134Emission time scaling factors for emission_values.\\
     138{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     139{{{nmonthdayhour}}}: number of time scaling factors\\
     141* '''1-12''' : scaling factor for the index month of the year (must be summed to 1)
     142* '''13-19''' : scaling factor for the index day of the week (must be summed to 1)
     143* '''20-43''' : scaling factor for the index day of the working day (must be summed to 1)
     144* '''44-67''' : scaling factor for the index day of a Saturday (must be summed to 1)
     145* '''68-91''' : scaling factor for the index day of a Sunday and public holiday (must be summed to 1)
     149{{{lod}}} integer: 1\\
     150{{{long_name}}} char: "emission time scaling factors"\\
     151{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission_time_scaling_factors"\\
     152{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     156{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     157[=#emission_category_index '''emission_category_index''']\\
     160{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     164Category inded of the emission quantity in question.\\
     168{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     172{{{long_name}}} char: "emission category index"\\
     173{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission_cat_index"\\
     174{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     178{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     179[=#emission_category_name '''emission_category_name''']\\
     182{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     186Emission name for each category indicated in {{{emisison_category_index}}}.\\
     190{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     194{{{long_name}}} char: "emission category index"\\
     195{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission_cat_index"\\
     196{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     200{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     201[=#emission_category_name '''emission_category_name''']\\
     204{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     208Emission name for each category indicated in {{{emisison_category_index}}}.\\
     212{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     216{{{long_name}}} char: "emission category name"\\
     217{{{standard_name}}} char: "emission_cat_name"\\
     218{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     222{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     223[=#composition_nox '''composition_nox''']\\
     226{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     230Composition of species NOx (NO and NO2).  The sum under each {{{ncat}}} must be equal to one.\\
     234{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     235{{{1:2}}}: 1:NO, 2:NO2\\
     239{{{long_name}}} char: "composition of NOx"\\
     240{{{standard_name}}} char: "composition_nox"\\
     241{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     245{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     246[=#composition_sox '''composition_sox''']\\
     249{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     253Composition of species SOx (SO2 and SO4).  The sum under each {{{ncat}}} must be equal to one.\\
     257{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     258{{{1:2}}}: 1:SO2, 2:SO4\\
     262{{{long_name}}} char: "composition of SOx"\\
     263{{{standard_name}}} char: "composition_sox"\\
     264{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     268{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     269[=#emission_pm_name '''emission_pm_name''']\\
     272{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     276List of all PM names.\\
     280{{{npm}}}: number of PM species\\
     284{{{long_name}}} char: "PM name"\\
     285{{{standard_name}}} char: "pm_name"\\
     286{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     290{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     291[=#composition_pm '''composition_pm''']\\
     294{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     298Composition of PM emission species (PM10, PM2.5, and PM1).  The sum under each {{{ncat}}} must be equal to one.\\
     302{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     303{{{1:2}}}: 1:PM10, 2:PM2.5, 3:PM1\\
     307{{{long_name}}} char: "composition of PM"\\
     308{{{standard_name}}} char: "composition_PM"\\
     309{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     313{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     314[=#emission_voc_name '''emission_voc_name''']\\
     317{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     321List of all VOC names.\\
     325{{{npm}}}: number of PM species\\
     329{{{long_name}}} char: "VOC name"\\
     330{{{standard_name}}} char: "voc_name"\\
     331{{{units}}} char: empty string\\
     335{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     336[=#composition_voc '''composition_voc''']\\
     339{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     343Composition of VOC emission species.  The sum under each {{{ncat}}} must be equal to one.\\
     347{{{ncat}}}: number of mission categories\\
     348{{{nvoc}}}: number of VOC species\\
     352{{{long_name}}} char: "composition of PM"\\
     353{{{standard_name}}} char: "composition_PM"\\
     354{{{units}}} char: empty string\\