Version 1 (modified by scharf, 6 years ago) (diff)

created own page for aerosol input file

Aerosol input file

The aerosol input file contains information needed to setup aerosol emissions. Aerosol emission value can be given applying two alternative level of detail (lod): 1 or 2. See aerosol module documentation? for further details.

Variables Type Explanation / Remarks

aerosol_emission_values ((time),y,x,(Dmid),(ncat))


Emission values of aerosol particles per size bin. The coordinates vary based on the chosen level of detail.

lod=1: Emissions are provided per emission category and yearly as total PM in dimensions aerosol_emission_values(y,x,ncat). They are then scaled by pre-defined rescaling factors emission_time_factors. Default categories are traffic exhaust, road dust, wood combustion, other.

lod=2: Emissions are provided per aerosol size bin for each surface point in space and at given points in time in dimensions aerosol_emission_values(time,y,x,Dmid) and in units # m-2 s-1. The bin mean diameter Dmid given in nm.

composition_name (composition_index,max_string_length)


List of chemical components of aerosol particles.

emission_category_index (ncat)


Category index of the emission quantity in question (e.g. 1 = traffic emissions). lod=1 only.

emission_category_name (ncat,max_string_length)


Emission categories names (match to emission_category_index of the same index element). lod=1 only.

emission_mass_fracs ((ncat),composition_index)


Mass fractions of chemical components in aerosol emissions.

emission_time_factors (ncat,(nhoursyear),(nmonthdayhour))


Emission time scaling factors for emission_values (lod=1). Two different time factors are possible: 1) Scaling according to month‑day‑hour classification (emission_time_factors(ncat,nmonthdayhour)), or scaling for each hour of the year (emission_time_factors(ncat,nhoursyear)).

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