INIFOR - Mesoscale Interface for Initializing and Forcing PALM-4U
INIFOR provides the meteorological fields required to initialize and drive the urban climate model PALM-4U. The required meteorological fields are interpolated from output data of the meso-scale model COSMO.
- Customize ./Makefile and ./tests/Makefile (netCDF library location, compiler and parameters, use Makefile.ifort as a template if you want to use the Intel Fortran compiler)
- Run make
- Customize ./namelist (number or grid points and spacings, end_time)
- Run current_version/trunk/SCRIPTS/inifor -path <scenario path> -date <YYYYMMDD>
Available namelist parameters
INIFOR mirrors a subset of the PALM-4U's Fortran namelists inipar and d3par and supports the following parameters:
Parameter name | Default value | Description
nx, ny, nz | None | Number of PALM-4U grid points in x, y, and z direction
dx, dy, dz(10) | None | PALM-4U grid spacings in x, y, and z direction [m]
dz_stretch_level | -9999999.9 | Height above which the grid will be stretched [m]
dz_stretch_factor | 1.08 | Factor by which the grid will be stretched
dz_max | 1000.0 | Maximum vertical grid spacing [m]
dz_stretch_level_start(9) | -9999999.9 | Array of height levels above which the grid is to be stretched vertically [m]
dz_stretch_level_end(9) | 9999999.9 | Array of height levels until which the grid is to be stretched vertically [m]
longitude, latitude | 0.0 | Geographical coordinates of the PALM-4U origin [deg]
Parameter name | Default value | Description
end_time | 0.0 | PALM-4U simulation time. INIFOR will produce hourly forcing data from the start date (see -d command-line option) to end_time seconds thereafter. [s]
Example namelist file
&inipar nx = 4679, ny = 3939, nz = 360
dx = 10., dy = 10., dz = 10.
dz_stretch_level = 2500.0, dz_stretch_factor = 1.08, dz_max = 100.0
longitude = 13.082744, latitude = 52.325079
&d3par end_time = 86400.0
Available command-line options
Option | Default value | Description
-a | " " | activation string list
-d, --date <date> | 20130721 | Start date of the simulation in the form YYYYMMDD of YYYYMMDDHH. If no hours (HH) are given, INIFOR assumes that the simulation starts at O UTC on that day.
-i, --init-mode <mode> | volume | Set the PALM-4U initialization mode. INIFOR can provide initial conditions as either profiles or three-dimensional fields. The corresponding modes are 'profile' and 'volume'.
-l, --hhl-file <netCDF file> | <scenario path>/ | Location of the netCDF file containing the vertical COSMO-DE grid levels, specifically the heights of half levels (hhl, i.e. vertical cell faces).
-n, --namelist <namelist file> | ./namelist | Location of the PALM-4U namelist file. INIFOR expects the file to contain two namelists, inipar and d3par, from which it will read grid parameters and the simulation time.
-o, --output <output file> | ./ | Name of the INIFOR output file, i.e. the PALM-4U dynamic driver.
-p, --path <scenario path> | ./ | Scenario path, i.e. the path of the meteorological input data.
-r, --surface-pressure <pressure> | 1e5 | Surface pressure at z=0 in the PALM-4U domain [Pa].
-s, --soil-file <netCDF file> | <scenario path>/ | Location of the netCDF file containing the COSMO-DE soil type map.
-t, --static-driver <netCDF file> | None | Location of the netCDF file containing the static driver file for the case to be simulated with PALM-4U. Optional parameter.
-u, --geostrophic-u <velocity> | 0 | Specifies the geostrophic wind in x direction [m/s].
-v, --geostrophic-v <velocity> | 0 | Specifies the geostrophic wind in y direction [m/s].
--version | N/A | Output version number and exit.
-z, --elevation <height> | 35 | Specifies the elevation of the PALM-4U domain above sea level [m].
Additional command-line options
option | default value | description
--flow-prefix <prefix> | laf | Set the file prefix of flow input files.
--radiation-prefix <prefix> | laf | Set the file prefix of radiation input files.
--soil-prefix <prefix> | laf | Set the file prefix of soil input files.
--soilmoisture-prefix <prefix> | laf | Set the file prefix of soil moisture input files.