Changes between Version 95 and Version 96 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Sep 15, 2010 12:18:21 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v95 v96  
    15461546{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1547 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    1548 }}}
    1549 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1550 <insert type>
    1551 }}}
    1552 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1553 <insert value>
    1554 }}}
    1555 {{{#!td
    1556 <insert explanation>
    1557 }}}
    1558 |----------------
    1559 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1560 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    1561 }}}
    1562 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1563 <insert type>
    1564 }}}
    1565 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1566 <insert value>
    1567 }}}
    1568 {{{#!td
    1569 <insert explanation>
    1570 }}}
    1571 |----------------
    1572 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1573 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    1574 }}}
    1575 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1576 <insert type>
    1577 }}}
    1578 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1579 <insert value>
    1580 }}}
    1581 {{{#!td
    1582 <insert explanation>
     1547[=#surface_heatflux '''surface_heatflux''']
     1549{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1552{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1553no prescribed\\
     1557Kinematic sensible heat flux at the bottom surface (in K m/s).\\\\
     1558If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field '''shf''' is initialized with the value of '''surface_heatflux''' as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the temperature equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the potential temperature (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface temperature (see [#pt_surface_initial_change pt_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed. The parameter [#random_heatflux random_heatflux] can be used to impose random perturbations on the (homogeneous) surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
     1560Setting of '''surface_heatflux''' requires setting of [#use_surface_fluxes use_surface_fluxes] = ''.T.,'' if the Prandtl-layer is switched off ([#prandtl_layer prandtl_layer] = ''.F.'').\\\\
     1561In case of a non-flat topography, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field '''shf''' is initialized with the value of '''surface_heatflux''' at the bottom surface and [#wall_heatflux wall_heatflux](0) at the topography top face. The parameter random_heatflux can be used to impose random perturbations on this combined surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
     1562If no surface heat flux is assigned, '''shf''' is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} theta,,*,, (of course only with [#prandtl_layer prandtl_layer] switched on). Here, u,,*,, and theta,,*,, are calculated from the Prandtl law assuming logarithmic wind and temperature profiles between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the potential temperature.\\\\
     1563See also [#top_heatflux top_heatflux].
     1566{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1567[=#surface_scalarflux '''surface_scalarflux''']
     1569{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1572{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1576Scalar flux at the surface (in kg/(m^2^ s)).\\\\
     1577If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective scalar flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the scalar concentration equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the scalar concentration (see [#bc_s_b bc_s_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface scalar concentration (see [#s_surface_initial_change s_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
     1578If no surface scalar flux is assigned ('''surface_scalarflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} s,,*,, (of course only with [#prandtl_layer prandtl_layer] switched on). Here, s,,*,, is calculated from the Prandtl law assuming a logarithmic scalar concentration profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see bc_s_b) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the scalar concentration.
     1581{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1582[=#surface_waterflux '''surface_waterflux''']
     1584{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1587{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1591Kinematic water flux near the surface (in m/s).\\\\
     1592If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective water flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the humidity equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the specific humidity / total water content (see [#bc_q_b bc_q_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface humidity (see [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
     1593If no surface water flux is assigned ('''surface_waterflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} q,,*,, (of course only with Prandtl layer switched on). Here, q,,*,, is calculated from the Prandtl law assuming a logarithmic temperature profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see bc_q_b) must be used as the bottom boundary condition for the humidity.
    22392250{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2240 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    2241 }}}
    2242 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2243 <insert type>
    2244 }}}
    2245 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2246 <insert value>
    2247 }}}
    2248 {{{#!td
    2249 <insert explanation>
    2250 }}}
    2251 |----------------
    2252 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2253 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    2254 }}}
    2255 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2256 <insert type>
    2257 }}}
    2258 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    2259 <insert value>
    2260 }}}
    2261 {{{#!td
    2262 <insert explanation>
    2263 }}}
     2251[=#scalar_exchange_coefficient '''scalar_exchange_coefficient''']
     2253{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2256{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2260Scalar exchange coefficient for a leaf (dimensionless).\\\\
     2261This parameter is only of importance in cases in that both, [#plant_canopy plant_canopy] and [#passive_scalar passive_scalar], are set ''.T.''. The value of the scalar exchange coefficient is required for the parametrisation of the sources and sinks of scalar concentration due to the canopy.