Changes between Version 65 and Version 66 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Sep 14, 2010 11:50:00 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v65 v66  
    599599{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    600 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    601 }}}
    602 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    603 <insert type>
    604 }}}
    605 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    606 <insert value>
    607 }}}
    608 {{{#!td
    609 <insert explanation>
     600[=#momentum_advec '''momentum_advec''']
     602{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     605{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     609Advection scheme to be used for the momentum equations.
     611The user can choose between the following schemes:
     615The scheme of Piascek and Williams (1970, J. Comp. Phys., 6, 392-405) with central differences in the form C3 is used.
     616If intermediate Euler-timesteps are carried out in case of timestep_scheme = 'leapfrog+euler' the advection scheme is - for the Euler-timestep - automatically switched to an upstream-scheme.
     619The upstream-spline scheme is used (see Mahrer and Pielke, 1978: Mon. Wea. Rev., 106, 818-830). In opposite to the Piascek-Williams scheme, this is characterized by much better numerical features (less numerical diffusion, better preservation of flow structures, e.g. vortices), but computationally it is much more expensive. In addition, the use of the Euler-timestep scheme is mandatory (timestep_scheme = 'euler'), i.e. the timestep accuracy is only of first order. For this reason the advection of scalar variables (see scalar_advec) should then also be carried out with the upstream-spline scheme, because otherwise the scalar variables would be subject to large numerical diffusion due to the upstream scheme.
     621Since the cubic splines used tend to overshoot under certain circumstances, this effect must be adjusted by suitable filtering and smoothing (see cut_spline_overshoot, long_filter_factor, ups_limit_pt, ups_limit_u, ups_limit_v, ups_limit_w). This is always neccessary for runs with stable stratification, even if this stratification appears only in parts of the model domain.
     622With stable stratification the upstream-spline scheme also produces gravity waves with large amplitude, which must be suitably damped (see rayleigh_damping_factor).
     624Important: The  upstream-spline scheme is not implemented for humidity and passive scalars (see humidity and passive_scalar) and requires the use of a 2d-domain-decomposition. The last conditions severely restricts code optimization on several machines leading to very long execution times! The scheme is also not allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see bc_lr and bc_ns).
    11261141{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1127 [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    1128 }}}
    1129 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1130 <insert type>
    1131 }}}
    1132 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1133 <insert value>
    1134 }}}
    1135 {{{#!td
    1136 <insert explanation>
     1142[=#mixing_length_1d '''mixing_length_1d''']
     1144{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1147{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     1151Mixing length used in the [[1d-model]].\\\\
     1152By default the mixing length is calculated as in the 3d-model (i.e. it depends on the grid spacing).\\\\
     1153By setting '''mixing_length_1d''' = '' 'blackadar','' the so-called Blackadar mixing length is used (l = kappa * z / ( 1 + kappa * z / lambda ) with the limiting value lambda = 2.7E-4 * u_g / f).