Changes between Version 501 and Version 502 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Mar 1, 2022 12:07:30 PM (3 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v501 v502  
    23012301'' 'cyclic_fill' ''\\\\
    23022302      Here, 3d-data from a precursor run are read by the initial (main) run. The precursor run is allowed to have a smaller domain along x and y compared with the main run. Also, different numbers of processors can be used for these two runs. Limitations are that the precursor run must use cyclic horizontal boundary conditions and that the number of vertical grid points, [#nz nz], must be same for the precursor run and the main run. If the total domain of the main run is larger than that of the precursor run, the domain is filled by cyclic repetition of the (cyclic) precursor data. This initialization method is required if a turbulent inflow is used (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]). 3d-data must be made available to the run by activating an appropriate file connection statement for local file [../iofiles#BININ BININ]. The usage of a turbulent inflow is explained [../examples/turbinf here]. \\ Note that in case of [#reference_state reference_state]='' 'initial_profile','' the main run uses the initial profile of the precursor run. \\\\
     2303'' 'interpolate_from_parent' ''\\\\
     2304      This option is used for nest domains in nested initial runs. The initial conditions for a nest domain are interpolated from is parent domain.  \\\\
    23032305'' 'inifor' ''\\\\
    23042306      Initialization with provided input data derived from larger-scale model (COSMO data). \\\\