Changes between Version 498 and Version 499 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Jan 14, 2022 4:44:43 PM (3 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v498 v499  
    23042304Values may be combined, e.g. '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'set_constant_profiles initialize_vortex' '', but the values of '' 'set_constant_profiles' '', '' 'set_1d-model_profiles' '' , '' 'cyclic_fill' '', '' 'read_restart_data' '', '' 'inifor' '' and '' 'by_user' '' must not be given at the same time. \\\\
    23052305'' 'read_spinup_data' ''\\\\
    2306       Initialization of land and wall surfaces with provided spinup data from a previous run. This option is thought to initialize surfaces in an initial run without repeating the surface spinup. This is e.g. useful in ensemble runs (see [#ensemble_member_nr ensemble_member_nr]) where the initial state of the surface and the atmosphere is identical but the realization of random turbulence is different.  \\\\
    2307 Values may be combined with all other actions, e.g. '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'set_constant_profiles'', except for the values of '' 'read_restart_data' ''. To use this option, spinup data from a previous run with [#spinup_time spinup_time] /= 0.0 must be available. This data is written into [../iofiles#SVFOUT SVFOUT] triggered by {{{palmrun ... -a "... spinout"}}}. Please note, reading and writing surface spinup data is only possible with [#restart_data_format restart_data_format] = '''mpi''' or '''mpi_shared_memory'''. In order to input these
     2306      Initialization of land and wall surface data with provided spinup data from a previous run. This option is thought to initialize surfaces in an initial run without repeating the surface spinup. This is e.g. useful in ensemble runs (see [#ensemble_member_nr ensemble_member_nr]) where the initial state of the soil, the walls, the surfaces and the atmosphere is identical but the realization of random turbulence is different.  \\\\
     2307Values may be combined with all other actions, e.g. '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'set_constant_profiles'', except for the values of '' 'read_restart_data' ''. To use this option, spinup data from a previous run with [#spinup_time spinup_time] /= 0.0 must be available. This data is written into [../iofiles#SPINOUT SPINOUT] triggered by {{{palmrun ... -a "... spinout"}}}. Please note, reading and writing surface spinup data is only possible with [#restart_data_format restart_data_format] = '''mpi''' or '''mpi_shared_memory'''. In order to input the surface data in an initial run, the {{{spinin}}} attribute must be given: {{{palmrun ... -a "d3# ... spinin"}}}.