Changes between Version 491 and Version 492 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Feb 26, 2021 4:20:51 PM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v491 v492  
    6262In this case the embedded particle model is used as a cloud model. Therefore, particles are representing droplets and aerosols.
    6363However, at present it is computationally not feasible to simulate a realistic amount of particles. A single Lagrangian particle thus represents an ensemble of identical particles (i.e., same radius, velocity, mass of solute aerosol) and is referred to as "super-droplet". The number of particles in this ensemble is referred to as the "weighting factor".
    64 The LCM must be steered with the list of [../parpar Particle Parameters].
     64The LCM must be steered with the list of [../particle_parameters Particle Parameters].
    13401340Parameter to choose the advection/time step scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE.\\\\
    1341 By default, the advection scheme and the time step scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE are set by the initialization parameters [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] and [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme], respectively. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' forces the Euler-scheme and the upstream-scheme to be used as time step scheme and advection scheme, respectively. By these methods, strong artificial near-surface vertical gradients of the subgrid-scale TKE, as they will be caused by non-diffusive advection schemes, are avoided. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' is required when subgrid-scale velocities are used for advection of particles (see particle package parameter [../parpar#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]) and [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] /= 'ws-scheme'.
     1341By default, the advection scheme and the time step scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE are set by the initialization parameters [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] and [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme], respectively. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' forces the Euler-scheme and the upstream-scheme to be used as time step scheme and advection scheme, respectively. By these methods, strong artificial near-surface vertical gradients of the subgrid-scale TKE, as they will be caused by non-diffusive advection schemes, are avoided. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' is required when subgrid-scale velocities are used for advection of particles (see particle package parameter [../particle_parameters#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]) and [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] /= 'ws-scheme'.