Changes between Version 483 and Version 484 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Feb 8, 2021 10:37:55 AM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v483 v484  
    22942294      The initialization of the arrays of the 3d-model and surface-related quantities is under complete control of the user and has to be done in routine {{{user_init_3d_model}}} of the [../userint user-interface].\\\\
    22952295'' 'initialize_vortex' ''\\\\
    2296       The initial velocity field of the 3d-model corresponds to a Rankine-vortex with a vertical axis. This setting may be used to test advection schemes. Free-slip boundary conditions for u and v (see [#bc_uv_b bc_uv_b], [#bc_uv_t bc_uv_t]) are necessary. In order not to distort the vortex, an initial horizontal wind profile constant with height is necessary (to be set by [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles{{{'}}}'') and some other conditions have to be met (neutral stratification, diffusion must be switched off, see [#km_constant km_constant]). The center of the vortex is located at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. It extends from k = 0 to k = [#nz nz]+1. Its radius is 8 * [#dx dx] and the exponentially decaying part ranges to 32 * dx (see {{{init_rankine.f90}}}).\\\\
     2296      The initial velocity field of the 3d-model corresponds to a Rankine-vortex with a vertical axis. This setting may be used to test advection schemes. Free-slip boundary conditions for u and v (see [#bc_uv_b bc_uv_b], [#bc_uv_t bc_uv_t]) are necessary. In order not to distort the vortex, an initial horizontal wind profile constant with height is necessary (to be set by [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles{{{'}}}'') and some other conditions have to be met (neutral stratification, diffusion must be switched off, see [#km_constant km_constant]). The center of the vortex is located at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. It extends from k = 0 to k = [#nz nz]+1. Its radius is 4 * [#dx dx] and the exponentially decaying part ranges to 32 * dx (see {{{init_rankine.f90}}}).\\\\
    22972297'' 'initialize_ptanom' ''\\\\
    22982298      A 2d-Gauss-like shape disturbance (x,y) is added to the initial temperature field with radius 10.0 * [#dx dx] and center at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. This may be used for tests of scalar advection schemes (see [#scalar_advec scalar_advec]). Such tests require a horizontal wind profile constant with height and diffusion switched off (see '' 'initialize_vortex' ''). Additionally, the buoyancy term must be switched off in the equation of motion  for w (this requires the user to comment out the call of buoyancy in the source code of {{{prognostic_equations.f90}}}).\\\\