Changes between Version 475 and Version 476 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Aug 6, 2020 1:16:15 PM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v475 v476  
    31863186Binary format of the input and output restart files.\\\\
    31873187Allowed values are '' 'fortran_binary' '', '' 'mpi' '', and '' 'mpi_shared_memory' ''. In case of '' 'fortran_binary' '' each core reads/writes its own file. In case of '' 'mpi' '', the I/O is done using a single file. This method can also be used in serial mode (when PALM has been compiled without {{{-D__parallel}}} option). In such a case, restart I/O is carried out using POSIX calls.\\\\
    3188 On many-core processors the I/O speed can be increased by setting '''restart_data_format''' = '' 'mpi_shared_memory' ''. With this setting, I/O is performed only by a limited number of cores on each of the nodes. With mpi every cores writes and reads its relevant data. With mpi_shared_memory, only every 4th (or any other multiple interger of the cores per node) reads and writes data and distributes this to the other cores. This is possible since the 96 processes on a node can share their memory. With this, the IO rates increase.
     3188On many-core processors the I/O speed can be increased by setting '''restart_data_format''' = '' 'mpi_shared_memory' ''. With this setting, I/O is performed only by a limited number of cores on each of the nodes. With mpi every core writes and reads its relevant data. With mpi_shared_memory, only every 4th (or any other multiple interger of the cores per node) reads and writes data and distributes this to the other cores. This is possible since all processes on a node can share their memory. With this, the IO rates might increase.
    31903190This parameter can also be used in the runtime parameter NAMELIST.