Changes between Version 453 and Version 454 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Dec 16, 2019 8:53:20 AM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v453 v454  
    29242924  The tunnel length and width can be specified via [#tunnel_length tunnel_length] and either [#tunnel_width_x tunnel_width_x] or [#tunnel_width_y tunnel_width_y].
    29252925  Furthermore, the depth of tunnel walls can be specified by [#tunnel_wall_depth tunnel_wall_depth].
    2926   Note, tunnels are always centered in the model domain along x- and y-direction. \\\\
     2926  Note, tunnels are always centered in the model domain along x- and y-direction.
     2927'' 'closed_channel' ''
     2928  Flow within a closed channel with walls at both the lower (w(k=0) and scalar(k=0)) and upper boundary (w(k=nzt) and scalar(k=nzt+1)). Note that PALM's default grid structure (see [../../tec/discret#Spatialdiscretization spatial discretization]) is modified in a closed channel (w(k=nzt) and scalar(k=nzt+1) are defined at the same height) because investigating this flow requires a symmetric model domain. For this special topography [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.T.'', [#momentum_advec momentum_advec] /= '' 'ws-scheme' '' and [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] /= '' 'ws-scheme' '' are not allowed. \\\\
    29272929Alternatively, the user may add code to the user interface subroutine [#user_init_grid user_init_grid] to allow further topography modes. These require to explicitly set the [#topography_grid_convention topography_grid_convention] to either '' 'cell_edge' '' or '' 'cell_center' ''.\\\\
    29282930Non-flat '''topography''' modes may assign a kinematic sensible [#wall_heatflux wall_heatflux] and a kinematic [#wall_humidityflux wall_humidityflux] (requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.) or a [#wall_scalarflux wall_scalarflux] (requires [#passive_scalar passive_scalar] = .T.) at the five topography faces.\\\\
    2929 All non-flat '''topography''' modes require the use of [#psolver psolver] /= '' 'sor' '',  [#alpha_surface alpha_surface] = 0.0, [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation] = ''.F.'', [#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets] = ''.F.'' (has not been tested), and [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.T.''.\\\\
     2931All non-flat '''topography''' modes require the use of [#psolver psolver] /= '' 'sor' '',  [#alpha_surface alpha_surface] = 0.0, [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation] = ''.F.'', [#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets] = ''.F.'' (has not been tested), and [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.T.'' (except closed channel flow).\\\\
    29312933'''Note: ''' In case there are holes in the topography that are resolved by only one grid point, the topography array in filtered so that such holes are filled up to the minimum topography height of the directly adjoining grid points in the x- and the y-direction. This is necessary, because for such chimney-like features resolved by one grid point, the continuity equation is not fulfilled on a discrete grid, as the only degree of freedom for the pressure solver is the vertical. Such holes are suspected to lead to unrealistic velocity blow-ups, hence, they are filled up. \\