Changes between Version 445 and Version 446 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Nov 21, 2019 1:08:57 PM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v445 v446  
    17921792Parameter to define a y-shift for the recycled inflow turbulence, given in multiples of PE (may also be negative).\\\\
    1793 E.g. with recycling_yshift = 3  the turbulent fluctuations, obtained at the recycling plane, will be shifted by 3 processors in positive y-direction before being imposed on the inflow. This method can be used to avoid persistent streaks in the longitudinal wind component, that may form in a neutrally stratified boundary layer (detailed information about this method can be found in Munters 2016, ​
     1793E.g. with recycling_yshift = 3  the turbulent fluctuations, obtained at the recycling plane, will be shifted by 3 processors in positive y-direction before being imposed on the inflow. This method can be used to avoid persistent streaks in the longitudinal wind component, that may form in a neutrally stratified boundary layer (detailed information about this method can be found in Munters 2016, ​ See also description of parameter [#y_shift y_shift].
    17951795Note that '''recycling_yshift''' \= 0 requires [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow] = .T..
    20812081This parameter introduces a shift by multiples of a subdomain size in y-direction at the left/right domain boundary. The shift is such that a point (coordinate y=yr) on the right domain boundary no longer corresponds with the point with the same y-coordinate on the left boundary, but instead with the point with the coordinate {{{y=yr+y_shift*(ny+1)/npey}}}. Conversely, a point on the left boundary with coordinate {{{y=yl}}} corresponds with the point on the right boundary with the coordinate {{{y=yl-y_shift*(ny+1)/npey}}}.\\
    20822082Negative values and also those that exceed npey are allowed. They are transformed to the range {{{[0,npey-1]}}} internally.\\\\
    2083 This feature has been implemented to alleviate the occurrence of streak-like structures that appear during simulations with neutral stratification, cyclic boundary conditions, and driving velocity with no v-component. For a description of these structures, see Munters (2016; ​\\\\\\
     2083This feature has been implemented to alleviate the occurrence of streak-like structures that appear during simulations with neutral stratification, cyclic boundary conditions, and driving velocity with no v-component. For a description of these structures, see Munters (2016; ​ See also description of parameter [#recycling_yshift recycling_yshift].\\\\\\
    20842084'''Schematic of the y_shift method:'''\\
    20852085(Model domain with [../inipar#npex npex] = [../inipar#npey npey] = 5 and y_shift = 1)\\