Changes between Version 403 and Version 404 of doc/app/initialization_parameters
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- Oct 4, 2018 2:01:42 AM (6 years ago)
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v403 v404 283 283 Parameter to choose large-scale forcing from an external file. By means of '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' the time-dependent surface heat flux '''shf''', surface water flux '''qsws''', surface temperature '''pt_surface''', surface humidity and surface pressure '''surface_pressure''' as well as vertical profiles of the geostrophic wind components '''ug''' and '''vg''', the large-scale vertical subsidence profile '''w_subs''', the horizontal large-scale advection tendencies of temperature '''td_lsa_lpt''' and humidity '''td_lsa_q''' and the large-scale subsidence tendencies of temperature '''td_sub_lpt''' and humidity '''td_sub_q''' are provided in the simulation. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here].\\ 284 284 285 '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs, and it does also not work for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions and non-flat topography. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity.\\285 '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for the ocean mode, and it does also not work for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions and non-flat topography. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity.\\ 286 286 In case of simulating moderately tall buildings on otherwise flat terrain, the user might choose to nevertheless apply large_scale_forcing. This can be done by setting [#lsf_exception lsf_exception] = ''.T.''. However, it has not been tested so far and thus should be handled with care. \\ 287 287 … … 307 307 If [#use_subsidence_tendencies use_subsidence_tendencies] is set to .T., the subsidence velocity w_subs is not used. Instead, subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the large-scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA] and applied to the prognostic variables in the subroutine {{{ls_advec}}}. 308 308 309 '''large_scale_subsidence''' is not implemented for ocean runs. \\309 '''large_scale_subsidence''' is not implemented for the ocean mode. \\ 310 310 311 311 '''Attention:'''\\ … … 358 358 Parameter to choose nudging. Nudging is a relaxation technique which adjusts the large-eddy simulation to a given, larger scale flow situation. It can, for example, be used to simulate an observed situation. Further information can be found [../../tec/nudging here]. \\\\ 359 359 360 With '''nudging''' = ''.T.'', additional tendencies are calculated for the prognostic variable u, v, pt, and q. It requires [#humidity humidity] = .T. as well as [#large_scale_forcing large_scale forcing] = .T.. So far, it is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runsand non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here]. \\\\360 With '''nudging''' = ''.T.'', additional tendencies are calculated for the prognostic variable u, v, pt, and q. It requires [#humidity humidity] = .T. as well as [#large_scale_forcing large_scale forcing] = .T.. So far, it is not implemented for the ocean mode and non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here]. \\\\ 361 361 362 362 Additionally, if ''nudging''' is set to ''.T.'', the input file [../iofiles#NUDGING_DATA NUDGING_DATA]. This file contains profile information at several time steps about the relaxation time scale tau and the prognostic variables u, v, w, pt, q which must be provided by a larger scale model or by measurements. … … 373 373 }}} 374 374 {{{#!td 375 Parameter to switch on ocean runs.\\\\375 Parameter to switch on ocean mode runs.\\\\ 376 376 By default PALM is configured to simulate atmospheric flows. However, starting from version 3.3, '''ocean''' = ''.T.'' allows simulation of ocean turbulent flows. Setting this switch has several effects:\\\\ 377 377 * An additional prognostic equation for salinity is solved.[[BR]] … … 390 390 391 391 * If switched on, random perturbations are by default imposed to the upper model domain from zu(nzt*2/3) to zu(nzt-3).\\\\ 392 Relevant parameters to be exclusively used for steering ocean runs are [#bc_sa_t bc_sa_t], [#bottom_salinityflux bottom_salinityflux], [#sa_surface sa_surface], [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient], [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level], and [#top_salinityflux top_salinityflux].\\\\393 Section [[4.4.2]] gives an example for appropriate settings of these and other parameters necessary for ocean runs.392 Relevant parameters to be exclusively used for steering ocean mode runs are [#bc_sa_t bc_sa_t], [#bottom_salinityflux bottom_salinityflux], [#sa_surface sa_surface], [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient], [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level], and [#top_salinityflux top_salinityflux].\\\\ 393 Section [[4.4.2]] gives an example for appropriate settings of these and other parameters necessary for ocean mode runs. 394 394 }}} 395 395 |---------------- … … 421 421 This parameter only becomes effective if [#reference_state reference_state] = '' 'single_value' '' has been chosen for the reference state to be used in the buoyancy term.\\\\ 422 422 '''Attention:'''\\ 423 This parameter has no effect in case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), where potential density is used in the buoyancy term (see [#reference_state reference_state] for more details).423 This parameter has no effect in case of the ocean mode switched on, where potential density is used in the buoyancy term (see [#reference_state reference_state] for more details). 424 424 }}} 425 425 |---------------- … … 456 456 In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead (see [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial water vapor mixing ratio profile). 457 457 458 In ocean runs, potential density is used instead of temperature (calculated from the initial potential temperature and salinity profile, see [#sa_surface sa_surface] and [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial salinity profile).458 In ocean mode runs, potential density is used instead of temperature (calculated from the initial potential temperature and salinity profile, see [#sa_surface sa_surface] and [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial salinity profile). 459 459 460 460 In case of [#initializing_actions initializing_actions]= '' 'cyclic_fill','' the main run uses the initial profile of the precursor run. … … 463 463 The instantaneous horizontally averaged potential temperature profile will be used. Please be aware that this causes the reference state to change in time. 464 464 465 In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead. In ocean runs, potential density is used.465 In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead. In ocean mode runs, potential density is used. 466 466 467 467 '' 'single_value' ''\\ … … 470 470 '''Warning:''' In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature is used. The reference value is then calculated from [#pt_reference pt_reference] and the surface water vapor mixing ratio (see [#q_surface q_surface]), i.e. it cannot be explicitly set by the user. 471 471 472 In ocean runs, the reference value cannot be explicitly set by the user. Instead, it is calculated as the vertical average of the initial potential density profile.472 In ocean mode runs, the reference value cannot be explicitly set by the user. Instead, it is calculated as the vertical average of the initial potential density profile. 473 473 }}} 474 474 |---------------- … … 660 660 {{{#!td 661 661 Height level above/below which the grid is to be stretched vertically (in m).\\\\ 662 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.F.,'''''dz_stretch_level''' is the height level (in m) above which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] above this level are calculated as\\\\662 For atmospheric runs (which is the default) '''dz_stretch_level''' is the height level (in m) above which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] above this level are calculated as\\\\ 663 663 dz(k+1) = dz(k) * [#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor]\\\\ 664 664 and used as spacings for the scalar levels (zu). The w-levels are then defined as:\\\\ 665 665 zw(k) = ( zu(k) + zu(k+1) ) * 0.5.\\\\ 666 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.T.,'''''dz_stretch_level''' is the height level (in m, negative) below which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] below this level are calculated correspondingly as\\\\666 For ocean mode runs '''dz_stretch_level''' is the height level (in m, negative) below which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] below this level are calculated correspondingly as\\\\ 667 667 dz(k-1) = dz(k) * [#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor]. 668 668 }}} … … 679 679 {{{#!td 680 680 Height level until which the grid is to be stretched vertically (in m). Up to 9 heights/separate stretching regions are possible.\\\\ 681 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.F.,'''''dz_stretch_level_end''' is the height level (in m) until which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] are calculated as\\\\681 For atmospheric runs (which is the default) '''dz_stretch_level_end''' is the height level (in m) until which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] are calculated as\\\\ 682 682 dz(k+1) = dz(k) * dz_stretch_factor_array\\\\ 683 683 and used as spacings for the scalar levels (zu). The w-levels are then defined as:\\\\ 684 684 zw(k) = ( zu(k) + zu(k+1) ) * 0.5.\\\\ 685 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.T.,'''''dz_stretch_level_end''' is also the height level (in m) until which the grid is to be stretched vertically but it is defined negative. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] are calculated as\\\\685 For ocean mode runs '''dz_stretch_level_end''' is also the height level (in m) until which the grid is to be stretched vertically but it is defined negative. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] are calculated as\\\\ 686 686 dz(k-1) = dz(k) * dz_stretch_factor_array.\\\\ 687 687 For each '''dz_stretch_level_end''' a corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] must be defined. \\\\ … … 701 701 {{{#!td 702 702 Height level above/below which the grid is to be stretched vertically (in m). Up to 9 heights/separate stretching regions are possible.\\\\ 703 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.F.,'''''dz_stretch_level_start''' is the height level (in m) above which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] are calculated as\\\\703 For atmospheric runs (which is the default) '''dz_stretch_level_start''' is the height level (in m) above which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] are calculated as\\\\ 704 704 dz(k+1) = dz(k) * dz_stretch_factor_array\\\\ 705 705 and used as spacings for the scalar levels (zu). The w-levels are then defined as:\\\\ 706 706 zw(k) = ( zu(k) + zu(k+1) ) * 0.5.\\\\ 707 For [#ocean ocean] = ''.T.,'''''dz_stretch_level_start''' is the height level (in m, negative) below which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] are calculated as\\\\707 For ocean mode runs '''dz_stretch_level_start''' is the height level (in m, negative) below which the grid is to be stretched vertically. The vertical grid spacings [#dz dz] between this level and the corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] are calculated as\\\\ 708 708 dz(k-1) = dz(k) * dz_stretch_factor_array.\\\\ 709 709 For each '''dz_stretch_level_start''' a corresponding [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] must be defined except for the last level. Here, it is possible to omit the value for [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] to consider 'endless' stretching until the value of [=dz_max dz_max]) is reached. In that case the stretching factor can not be calculated and is set to the value of [=dz_stretch_factor '''dz_stretch_factor''']. \\\\ … … 1149 1149 {{{#!td 1150 1150 Factor for Rayleigh damping.\\\\ 1151 A so-called Rayleigh damping is applied to all prognostic variables if a non-zero value is assigned to '''rayleigh_damping_factor'''. If switched on, horizontal velocities, temperature, humidity/scalar (if switched on) and salinity (in case of ocean ) are forced towards the value of their respective basic states (defined by the initial profiles of the geostrophic wind, temperature, etc.). In case of large-scale subsidence (see [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient]) the basic state of temperature and humidity is adjusted with respect to the subsidence. Scalar quantities can be excluded from the damping (see [#scalar_rayleigh_damping scalar_rayleigh_damping]). The intensity of damping is controlled by the value the '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' is assigned to. The damping starts weakly at a height defined by [#rayleigh_damping_height rayleigh_damping_height] and rises according to a sin^2^-function to its maximum value at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\1151 A so-called Rayleigh damping is applied to all prognostic variables if a non-zero value is assigned to '''rayleigh_damping_factor'''. If switched on, horizontal velocities, temperature, humidity/scalar (if switched on) and salinity (in case of ocean mode) are forced towards the value of their respective basic states (defined by the initial profiles of the geostrophic wind, temperature, etc.). In case of large-scale subsidence (see [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient]) the basic state of temperature and humidity is adjusted with respect to the subsidence. Scalar quantities can be excluded from the damping (see [#scalar_rayleigh_damping scalar_rayleigh_damping]). The intensity of damping is controlled by the value the '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' is assigned to. The damping starts weakly at a height defined by [#rayleigh_damping_height rayleigh_damping_height] and rises according to a sin^2^-function to its maximum value at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\ 1152 1152 This method effectively damps gravity waves, caused by boundary layer convection, which may spread out vertically in the inversion layer and which are reflected at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\ 1153 1153 The Rayleigh damping factor must hold the condition ''0.0'' <= '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' <= ''1.0.'' Large values (close to 1.0) can cause numerical instabilities. … … 2281 2281 This parameter does not have a default value and ,therefore, must be assigned with each model run. For restart runs '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'read_restart_data' '' must be set. For the initial run of a job chain the following values are allowed:\\\\ 2282 2282 '' 'set_constant_profiles' ''\\\\ 2283 A horizontal wind profile (or horizontal current profile in case of ocean runs) consisting of linear sections (see [#ug_surface ug_surface], [#ug_vertical_gradient ug_vertical_gradient], [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] and [#vg_surface vg_surface], [#vg_vertical_gradient vg_vertical_gradient], [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level], respectively) as well as a vertical temperature (humidity) profile consisting of linear sections (see [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient]) are assumed as initial profiles. The subgrid-scale TKE is set to 0 but K,,m,, and K,,h,, are set to very small values because otherwise no TKE would be generated.\\\\2283 A horizontal wind profile (or horizontal current profile in case of ocean mode runs) consisting of linear sections (see [#ug_surface ug_surface], [#ug_vertical_gradient ug_vertical_gradient], [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] and [#vg_surface vg_surface], [#vg_vertical_gradient vg_vertical_gradient], [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level], respectively) as well as a vertical temperature (humidity) profile consisting of linear sections (see [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient]) are assumed as initial profiles. The subgrid-scale TKE is set to 0 but K,,m,, and K,,h,, are set to very small values because otherwise no TKE would be generated.\\\\ 2284 2284 Instead of using the geostrophic wind for constructing the initial u,v-profiles, these profiles can also be directly set using parameters [#u_profile u_profile], [#v_profile v_profile], and [#uv_heights uv_heights], e.g. if observed profiles shall be used as initial values. In runs with non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions these profiles are also used as fixed mean inflow profiles.\\\\ 2285 2285 '' 'set_1d-model_profiles' ''\\\\ … … 2328 2328 This parameter assigns the value of the potential temperature '''pt''' at the surface (k=0). Starting from this value, the initial vertical temperature profile is constructed with [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient] and [#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level]. This profile is also used for the [../../tec/1dmodel 1d-model] as a stationary profile.\\\\ 2329 2329 '''Attention:'''\\ 2330 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), this parameter gives the temperature value at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model.2330 In case of ocean mode runs, this parameter gives the temperature value at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model. 2331 2331 }}} 2332 2332 |---------------- … … 2362 2362 That defines the temperature profile to be neutrally stratified up to z = 500.0 m with a temperature given by [#pt_surface pt_surface]. For 500.0 m < z <= 1000.0 m the temperature gradient is 1.0 K / 100 m and for z > 1000.0 m up to the top boundary it is 0.5 K / 100 m (it is assumed that the assigned height levels correspond with uv levels).\\\\ 2363 2363 '''Attention:'''\\ 2364 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. pt_vertical_gradient_level = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.''2364 In case of ocean mode runs, the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. pt_vertical_gradient_level = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.'' 2365 2365 }}} 2366 2366 |---------------- … … 2378 2378 The height levels have to be assigned in ascending order. The default values result in a neutral stratification regardless of the values of pt_vertical_gradient (unless the top boundary of the model is higher than 100000.0 m). For the piecewise construction of temperature profiles see [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient].\\\\ 2379 2379 '''Attention:'''\\ 2380 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order.2380 In case of ocean mode runs, the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order. 2381 2381 }}} 2382 2382 |---------------- … … 2597 2597 This parameter assigns the value of the u-component of the geostrophic wind ('''ug''') at the surface (k=0). Starting from this value, the initial vertical profile of the u-component of the geostrophic wind is constructed with [#ug_vertical_gradient ug_vertical_gradient] and [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level]. The profile constructed in that way is used for creating the initial vertical velocity profile of the 3d-model. Either it is applied, as it has been specified by the user ([#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles' '') or it is used for calculating a stationary boundary layer wind profile ([#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_1d-model_profiles' ''). If '''ug''' is constant with height (i.e. '''ug'''(k) = '''ug_surface''') and has a large value, it is recommended to use a Galilei-transformation of the coordinate system, if possible (see [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation]), in order to obtain larger time steps.\\\\ 2598 2598 '''Attention:'''\\ 2599 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), this parameter gives the u-component of the geostrophic velocity value (i.e. the pressure gradient) at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model.2599 In case of ocean mode runs, this parameter gives the u-component of the geostrophic velocity value (i.e. the pressure gradient) at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model. 2600 2600 }}} 2601 2601 |---------------- … … 2613 2613 The gradient holds starting from the height level defined by [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] (precisely: for all uv levels k where zu(k) > ug_vertical_gradient_level, ug(k) is set: ug(k) = ug(k-1) + dzu(k) * '''ug_vertical_gradient''') up to the top boundary or up to the next height level defined by ug_vertical_gradient_level. A total of 10 different gradients for 11 height intervals (10 intervals if ug_vertical_gradient_level(1) = 0.0) can be assigned. The surface geostrophic wind is assigned by [#ug_surface ug_surface].\\\\ 2614 2614 '''Attention:'''\\ 2615 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.''2615 In case of ocean mode runs, the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.'' 2616 2616 }}} 2617 2617 |---------------- … … 2629 2629 The height levels have to be assigned in ascending order. For the piecewise construction of a profile of the u-component of the geostrophic wind component (ug) see [#ug_vertical_gradient ug_vertical_gradient].\\\\ 2630 2630 '''Attention:'''\\ 2631 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order.2631 In case of ocean mode runs, the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order. 2632 2632 }}} 2633 2633 |---------------- … … 2673 2673 This parameter assigns the value of the v-component of the geostrophic wind ('''vg''') at the surface (k=0). Starting from this value, the initial vertical profile of the v-component of the geostrophic wind is constructed with [#vg_vertical_gradient vg_vertical_gradient] and [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level]. The profile constructed in that way is used for creating the initial vertical velocity profile of the 3d-model. Either it is applied, as it has been specified by the user ([#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles' '') or it is used for calculating a stationary boundary layer wind profile ([#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_1d-model_profiles' ''). If '''vg''' is constant with height (i.e. '''vg'''(k)='''vg_surface''') and has a large value, it is recommended to use a Galilei-transformation of the coordinate system, if possible (see [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation]), in order to obtain larger time steps.\\\\ 2674 2674 '''Attention:'''\\ 2675 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), this parameter gives the v-component of the geostrophic velocity value (i.e. the pressure gradient) at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model.2675 In case of ocean mode runs, this parameter gives the v-component of the geostrophic velocity value (i.e. the pressure gradient) at the sea surface, which is at k=[#nzt nzt]. The profile is then constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model. 2676 2676 }}} 2677 2677 |---------------- … … 2689 2689 The gradient holds starting from the height level defined by [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level] (precisely: for all uv levels k where zu(k) > vg_vertical_gradient_level, vg(k) is set: vg(k) = vg(k-1) + dzu(k) * '''vg_vertical_gradient''') up to the top boundary or up to the next height level defined by vg_vertical_gradient_level. A total of 10 different gradients for 11 height intervals (10 intervals if vg_vertical_gradient_level(1) = 0.0) can be assigned. The surface geostrophic wind is assigned by [#vg_surface vg_surface].\\\\ 2690 2690 '''Attention:'''\\ 2691 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.''2691 In case of ocean mode runs, the profile is constructed like described above, but starting from the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]) down to the bottom boundary of the model. Height levels have then to be given as negative values, e.g. [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0.'' 2692 2692 }}} 2693 2693 |---------------- … … 2705 2705 The height levels have to be assigned in ascending order. For the piecewise construction of a profile of the v-component of the geostrophic wind component (vg) see [#vg_vertical_gradient vg_vertical_gradient].\\\\ 2706 2706 '''Attention:'''\\ 2707 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order.2707 In case of ocean mode runs, the (negative) height levels have to be assigned in descending order. 2708 2708 }}} 2709 2709 [[BR]]