669 | 669 | By default, the model uses constant grid spacing along the z-direction, but it can be stretched using either the old parameters [#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level], [#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor], [#dz_max dz_max] or the new ones [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start], [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] which allow grid stretching to a finer or coarser grid and the definition of several stretching regions. If the new stretching method is used different dz values have to be specified by the user (equal to the number of defined [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end] + 1). In that way PALM knows which grid spacing shall be used before and after the grid stretching region limited through [#dz_stretch_level_start dz_stretch_level_start] and [#dz_stretch_level_end dz_stretch_level_end].\\\\ |