Changes between Version 379 and Version 380 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Mar 22, 2018 3:56:28 PM (7 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v379 v380  
    17241724The roughness length for scalars can be given a value different from the one for momentum (see [#z0h_factor z0h_factor]). \\\\
    17251725This parameter is effective only in case that a constant flux layer is switched on at the bottom boundary (see [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer]).
    1726 }}}
    1727 |----------------
    1728 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1729 [=#sa_vertical_gradient '''sa_vertical_gradient''']
    1730 }}}
    1731 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1732 R(10)
    1733 }}}
    1734 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1735 10 * 0.0
    1736 }}}
    1737 {{{#!td
    1738 Salinity gradient(s) of the initial salinity profile (in psu / 100 m).\\\\
    1739 This parameter only comes into effect for ocean runs (see parameter [#ocean ocean]).\\\\
    1740 This salinity gradient holds starting from the height level defined by [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level] (precisely: for all uv levels k where zu(k) < sa_vertical_gradient_level, sa_init(k) is set: sa_init(k) = sa_init(k+1) - dzu(k+1) * '''sa_vertical_gradient''') down to the bottom boundary or down to the next height level defined by sa_vertical_gradient_level. A total of 10 different gradients for 11 height intervals (10 intervals if sa_vertical_gradient_level(1) = 0.0) can be assigned. The surface salinity at k=[#nzt nzt] is assigned via [#sa_surface sa_surface].\\\\
    1741 '''Example:'''\\\\
    1742       '''sa_vertical_gradient''' = ''1.0,'' ''0.5,''\\
    1743       [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0,''\\\\
    1744 That defines the salinity to be constant down to z = -500.0 m with a salinity given by sa_surface. For -500.0 m < z <= -1000.0 m the salinity gradient is 1.0 psu / 100 m and for z < -1000.0 m down to the bottom boundary it is 0.5 psu / 100 m (it is assumed that the assigned height levels correspond with uv levels).
    1745 }}}
    1746 |----------------
    1747 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1748 [=#sa_vertical_gradient_level '''sa_vertical_gradient_level''']
    1749 }}}
    1750 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1751 R(10)
    1752 }}}
    1753 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    1754 10 * 0.0
    1755 }}}
    1756 {{{#!td
    1757 Height level from which on the salinity gradient defined by [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] is effective (in m).\\\\
    1758 This parameter only comes into effect for ocean runs (see parameter [#ocean ocean]).\\\\
    1759 The height levels have to be assigned in descending order. The default values result in a constant salinity profile regardless of the values of sa_vertical_gradient (unless the bottom boundary of the model is lower than -100000.0 m). For the piecewise construction of salinity profiles see [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient].
    24162382This parameter only comes into effect for ocean runs (see parameter [#ocean ocean]).\\\\
    24172383This parameter assigns the value of the salinity '''sa''' at the sea surface (k=[#nzt nzt]). Starting from this value, the initial vertical salinity profile is constructed from the surface down to the bottom of the model (k=0) by using [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] and [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level].
     2386{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2387[=#sa_vertical_gradient '''sa_vertical_gradient''']
     2389{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2392{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     239310 * 0.0
     2396Salinity gradient(s) of the initial salinity profile (in psu / 100 m).\\\\
     2397This parameter only comes into effect for ocean runs (see parameter [#ocean ocean]).\\\\
     2398This salinity gradient holds starting from the height level defined by [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level] (precisely: for all uv levels k where zu(k) < sa_vertical_gradient_level, sa_init(k) is set: sa_init(k) = sa_init(k+1) - dzu(k+1) * '''sa_vertical_gradient''') down to the bottom boundary or down to the next height level defined by sa_vertical_gradient_level. A total of 10 different gradients for 11 height intervals (10 intervals if sa_vertical_gradient_level(1) = 0.0) can be assigned. The surface salinity at k=[#nzt nzt] is assigned via [#sa_surface sa_surface].\\\\
     2400      '''sa_vertical_gradient''' = ''1.0,'' ''0.5,''\\
     2401      [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level] = ''-500.0,'' ''-1000.0,''\\\\
     2402That defines the salinity to be constant down to z = -500.0 m with a salinity given by sa_surface. For -500.0 m < z <= -1000.0 m the salinity gradient is 1.0 psu / 100 m and for z < -1000.0 m down to the bottom boundary it is 0.5 psu / 100 m (it is assumed that the assigned height levels correspond with uv levels).
     2405{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2406[=#sa_vertical_gradient_level '''sa_vertical_gradient_level''']
     2408{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     2411{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     241210 * 0.0
     2415Height level from which on the salinity gradient defined by [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] is effective (in m).\\\\
     2416This parameter only comes into effect for ocean runs (see parameter [#ocean ocean]).\\\\
     2417The height levels have to be assigned in descending order. The default values result in a constant salinity profile regardless of the values of sa_vertical_gradient (unless the bottom boundary of the model is lower than -100000.0 m). For the piecewise construction of salinity profiles see [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient].