Changes between Version 350 and Version 351 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Jul 4, 2017 2:38:50 PM (8 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v350 v351  
    5050Parameter to switch on the condensation scheme.\\\\
    51 For '''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'', equations for the total water content and the liquid water potential temperature are solved instead of those for specific humidity and potential temperature. The parameterization of cloud and precipitation physics can be steered with [#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme]. Also, cloud-top cooling by longwave radiation can be utilized (see [#cloud_top_radiation cloud_top_radiation]).\\\\
     51For '''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'', equations for the total water content and the liquid water potential temperature are solved instead of those for water vapor mixing ratio and potential temperature. The parameterization of cloud and precipitation physics can be steered with [#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme]. Also, cloud-top cooling by longwave radiation can be utilized (see [#cloud_top_radiation cloud_top_radiation]).\\\\
    5252'''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.''.\\\\
    5353This condensation scheme is not allowed if cloud droplets are simulated explicitly (see [#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]).
    294 Parameter to switch on the prognostic equation for specific humidity q.\\\\
     294Parameter to switch on the prognostic equation for the water vapor mixing ratio q.\\\\
    295295The initial vertical profile of q can be set via parameters [#q_surface q_surface], [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] and [#q_vertical_gradient_level q_vertical_gradient_level]. Boundary conditions can be set via [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change] and [#surface_waterflux surface_waterflux].\\\\
    296 If the condensation scheme is switched on ([#cloud_physics cloud_physics] = ''.T.''), q becomes the total liquid water content (sum of specific humidity and liquid water content).
     296If the condensation scheme is switched on ([#cloud_physics cloud_physics] = ''.T.''), q becomes the total water mixing ratio (sum of water vapor and liquid water).
    494494     The initial vertical potential temperature profile will be used. See [#pt_surface pt_surface] and [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial profile.
    496      In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead (see [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial specific humidity profile).
     496     In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead (see [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial water vapor mixing ratio profile).
    498498     In ocean runs, potential density is used instead of temperature (calculated from the initial potential temperature and salinity profile, see [#sa_surface sa_surface] and [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial salinity profile).
    508508     A constant single potential temperature value is used as reference state. The respective value can be defined with parameter [#pt_reference pt_reference].
    510      '''Warning:''' In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature is used. The reference value is then calculated from [#pt_reference pt_reference] and the surface specific humidity (see [#q_surface q_surface]), i.e. it cannot be explicitly set by the user.
     510     '''Warning:''' In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature is used. The reference value is then calculated from [#pt_reference pt_reference] and the surface water vapor mixing ratio (see [#q_surface q_surface]), i.e. it cannot be explicitly set by the user.
    512512     In ocean runs, the reference value cannot be explicitly set by the user. Instead, it is calculated as the vertical average of the initial potential density profile.
    1420 Bottom boundary condition of the specific humidity / total water content.\\\\
     1420Bottom boundary condition of the water vapor / total water mixing ratio.\\\\
    14211421Allowed values are '' 'dirichlet' '' (q(k=0) = const. = [#q_surface q_surface] + [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change] (the user may change this value during the run using [../userint#user-defined user-defined] code) and '' 'neumann' '' (q(k=0)=q(k=1)).
    14221422When a constant surface latent heat flux is used ([#surface_waterflux surface_waterflux]), '''bc_q_b''' = '' 'neumann' '' must be used, because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed.
    1436 Top boundary condition of the specific humidity / total water content.\\\\
     1436Top boundary condition of the water vapor / total water mixing ratio.\\\\
    14371437Allowed are the values '' 'dirichlet' '' (q(k=nz+1) does not change during the run) and '' 'neumann' ''. With the Neumann boundary condition the value of the humidity gradient at the top is calculated from the initial humidity profile (see [#q_surface q_surface], [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient]) by: bc_q_t_val = ( q_init(k=nz) - q_init(k=nz-1)) / dzu(nz).
    14381438Using this value (assumed constant during the run) the humidity boundary values are calculated as
    17801780Kinematic water flux near the surface (in kg/kg m/s).\\\\
    1781 If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective water flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the humidity equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the specific humidity / total water content (see [#bc_q_b bc_q_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface humidity (see [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
     1781If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective water flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the humidity equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the water vapor / total water mixing ratio (see [#bc_q_b bc_q_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface humidity (see [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
    17821782If no surface water flux is assigned ('''surface_waterflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each time step by u,,*,, {{{*}}} q,,*,, (of course only with a constant flux layer switched on). Here, q,,*,, is calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming a logarithmic temperature profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case, a Dirichlet condition (see bc_q_b) must be used as the bottom boundary condition for the humidity.
    2283 Surface specific humidity / total water content (kg/kg).\\\\
    2284 This parameter assigns the value of the specific humidity '''q''' at the surface (k=0).  Starting from this value, the initial humidity profile is constructed with [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] and [#q_vertical_gradient_level q_vertical_gradient_level]. This profile is also used for the [../../tec/1dmodel 1d-model] as a stationary profile.
     2283Surface water vapor / total water mixing ratio (kg/kg).\\\\
     2284This parameter assigns the value of the mixing ratio '''q''' at the surface (k=0).  Starting from this value, the initial humidity profile is constructed with [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] and [#q_vertical_gradient_level q_vertical_gradient_level]. This profile is also used for the [../../tec/1dmodel 1d-model] as a stationary profile.
    2297 Change in surface specific humidity / total water content to be made at the beginning of the 3d run (kg/kg).\\\\
     2297Change in surface water vapor / total water mixing ratio to be made at the beginning of the 3d run (kg/kg).\\\\
    22982298If '''q_surface_initial_change''' is set to a non-zero value the near surface latent heat flux (water flux) is not allowed to be given simultaneously (see [#surface_waterflux surface_waterflux]).