Changes between Version 302 and Version 303 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Oct 26, 2016 12:11:54 PM (8 years ago)

Added functionallity for the anelastic approximation


  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v302 v303  
    2121{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
    22 [=#cloud_droplets '''cloud_droplets''']
     22[=#approximation '''approximation''']
    2424{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
    25 L
    2727{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
    28 .F.
    29 }}}
    30 {{{#!td
    31 Parameter to switch on the usage of cloud droplets.\\\\
    32 Cloud droplets require using particles (i.e. the NAMELIST group [../parpar particles_par] has to be included in the parameter file). Then each particle representative for a certain number of droplets. The droplet features (number of droplets, initial radius, etc.) can be steered with the respective particle parameters (see e.g. [../parpar#radius radius]). The real number of initial droplets in a grid cell is equal to the initial number of droplets (defined by the particle source parameters [../parpar#pst pst], [../parpar#psl psl], [../parpar#psr psr], [../parpar#pss pss], [../parpar#psn psn], [../parpar#psb psb], [../parpar#pdx pdx], [../parpar#pdy pdy] and [../parpar#pdz pdz]) times the [../parpar#initial_weighting_factor initial_weighting_factor].\\\\
    33 In case of using cloud droplets, the default condensation scheme in PALM cannot be used, i.e. [#cloud_physics cloud_physics] must be set ''.F.''.
     31Parameter to choose the approximation of the model equations. Currently two approximations are available:\\\\
     32'' 'boussinesq' ''\\
     33      The Boussinesq approximation assumes an incompressible fluid. The density is assumed to be spatially and temporally constant. Internally the density is set to 1 kg/m3. \\\\
     34'' 'anelastic' '' \\
     35      The anelastic approximation allows for a density decrease with height. The density is however still horizontally and temporally constant. The vertical profile of the density is computed based on the [#surfaces_pressure surfaces_pressure] and the vertical profile of the potential temperature. The anelastic approximation requires [#momentum_advec momentum_advec] = "ws-scheme" and [#psolver psolver] = "poisfft", "sor" or "multigrid_noopt". [#psolver psolver] = "multigrid" is currently not supported. Furthermore, [#conserve_volume_flow conserve_volume_flow] = .TRUE. is not supported.\\\\
     37Note, that the default flux representation for input and output depends on the approximation. For details, please see [#flux_input_mode flux_input_mode] and [#flux_output_mode flux_output_mode].\\\\
    221225Minimum subgrid-scale TKE in m^2^s^-2^.\\\\
    222226This option adds artificial viscosity to the flow by ensuring that the subgrid-scale TKE does not fall below the minimum threshold '''e_min'''.
     229{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     230[=#flux_input_mode '''flux_input_mode''']
     232{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     235{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
     239Parameter to choose the flux unit for input data. Currently three choices are available:\\\\
     240'' 'kinematic' ''\\
     241      The flux input data is assumed to be given as kinematic fluxes with the unit K m/s for sensible heat fluxes, kg/kg m/s for latent heat fluxes and m2/s2 for momentum fluxes. \\\\
     242'' 'dynamic' '' \\
     243      The flux input data is assumed to be given as dynamic fluxes with the unit W/m2 for sensible and latent heat fluxes and N/m2 for momentum fluxes.\\\\
     244'' 'approximation-specific' '' \\
     245      The flux input representation is chosen depending on the approximation. For [#approximation approximation] = "boussinesq" the fluxes are represented as "kinematic". For [#approximation approximation] = "anelastic" the fluxes are represented as "dynamic".\\\\
     248{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 150px"
     249[=#flux_output_mode '''flux_output_mode''']
     251{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
     254{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
     258Parameter to choose the flux unit for output data. Currently three choices are available:\\\\
     259'' 'kinematic' ''\\
     260      The flux output data is given as kinematic fluxes with the unit K m/s for sensible heat fluxes, kg/kg m/s for latent heat fluxes and m2/s2 for momentum fluxes. \\\\
     261'' 'dynamic' '' \\
     262      The flux output data is given as dynamic fluxes with the unit W/m2 for sensible and latent heat fluxes and N/m2 for momentum fluxes.\\\\
     263'' 'approximation-specific' '' \\
     264      The flux output representation is chosen depending on the approximation. For [#approximation approximation] = "boussinesq" the fluxes are represented as "kinematic". For [#approximation approximation] = "anelastic" the fluxes are represented as "dynamic".\\\\