809 | | By default, Neumann boundary conditions for perturbation pressure are used in the multigrid solver at all wall boundaries. In case of '''masking_method''' = ''.TRUE.'', the masking method is used instead (i.e. the solver runs through the topography). |
| 809 | By default, Neumann boundary conditions for perturbation pressure are used in the multigrid solver at all wall boundaries. In case of '''masking_method''' = ''.TRUE.'', the masking method is used instead (i.e. the solver runs through the topography). \\\\ |
| 810 | '''Note: ''' If [#psolver psolver] = 'multigrid_fast', masking is always used, so that setting '''masking_method''' has no effect on the simulation at all.\\ \\ |
| 811 | '''Warning: ''' In case of complex topography and '''masking_method''' = ''.FALSE.'', the wind velocity may possibly blow up at certain grid points. Hence, so far it is recommended to use '''masking_method''' = ''.TRUE.''. |