Changes between Version 273 and Version 274 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Apr 6, 2016 3:28:54 PM (9 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v273 v274  
    31 Parameter to switch on usage of cloud droplets.\\\\
    32 Cloud droplets require to use particles (i.e. the NAMELIST group [../parpar particles_par] has to be included in the parameter file). Then each particle is a representative for a certain number of droplets. The droplet features (number of droplets, initial radius, etc.) can be steered with the respective particle parameters (see e.g. [../parpar#radius radius]). The real number of initial droplets in a grid cell is equal to the initial number of droplets (defined by the particle source parameters [../parpar#pst pst], [../parpar#psl psl], [../parpar#psr psr], [../parpar#pss pss], [../parpar#psn psn], [../parpar#psb psb], [../parpar#pdx pdx], [../parpar#pdy pdy] and [../parpar#pdz pdz]) times the [../parpar#initial_weighting_factor initial_weighting_factor].\\\\
     31Parameter to switch on the usage of cloud droplets.\\\\
     32Cloud droplets require using particles (i.e. the NAMELIST group [../parpar particles_par] has to be included in the parameter file). Then each particle representative for a certain number of droplets. The droplet features (number of droplets, initial radius, etc.) can be steered with the respective particle parameters (see e.g. [../parpar#radius radius]). The real number of initial droplets in a grid cell is equal to the initial number of droplets (defined by the particle source parameters [../parpar#pst pst], [../parpar#psl psl], [../parpar#psr psr], [../parpar#pss pss], [../parpar#psn psn], [../parpar#psb psb], [../parpar#pdx pdx], [../parpar#pdy pdy] and [../parpar#pdz pdz]) times the [../parpar#initial_weighting_factor initial_weighting_factor].\\\\
    3333In case of using cloud droplets, the default condensation scheme in PALM cannot be used, i.e. [#cloud_physics cloud_physics] must be set ''.F.''.
    4646Parameter to switch on the condensation scheme.\\\\
    47 For '''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'', equations for the total water content and the liquid water potential temperature are solved instead of those for specific humidity and potential temperature. Note that a grid volume is assumed to be either completely saturated or completely unsaturated (0%-or-100%-scheme). Precipitation can additionally be switched on with parameter [#precipitation precipitation]. The parameterization of cloud and precipitation physics can be steered with [#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme]. Also cloud-top cooling by longwave radiation can be utilized (see [#cloud_top_radiation cloud_top_radiation]).\\\\
     47For '''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'', equations for the total water content and the liquid water potential temperature are solved instead of those for specific humidity and potential temperature. Note that a grid volume is assumed to be either completely saturated or completely unsaturated (0%-or-100%-scheme). Precipitation can additionally be switched on with parameter [#precipitation precipitation]. The parameterization of cloud and precipitation physics can be steered with [#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme]. Also, cloud-top cooling by longwave radiation can be utilized (see [#cloud_top_radiation cloud_top_radiation]).\\\\
    4848'''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.''.\\\\
    4949Detailed information about the condensation scheme is given in the description of the [[cloud physics module]] (pdf-file).\\\\
    112 Modus of volume flow conservation.\\\\
     112Mode of volume flow conservation.\\\\
    113113The following values are allowed:\\\\
    114114'' 'default' ''\\\\
    117117      The target volume flow is calculated at t=0 from the initial profiles of u and v. This option is also standard for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') because the (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time and are identical with the initial profiles.\\\\
    118118'' 'inflow_profile' ''\\\\
    119       The target volume flow is calculated at every timestep from the inflow profile of u or v, respectively. This setting is only allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}''). '''This option is not implemented so far, because at this time (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time in the standard code.'''\\\\
     119      The target volume flow is calculated at every time step from the inflow profile of u or v, respectively. This setting is only allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}''). '''This option is not implemented so far, because at this time (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time in the standard code.'''\\\\
    120120'' 'bulk_velocity' ''\\\\
    121121      The target volume flow is calculated from a predefined bulk velocity (see [#u_bulk u_bulk] and [#v_bulk v_bulk]). This setting is only allowed for cyclic lateral boundary conditions  .\\\\
    235235Application of a Galilei-transformation to the coordinate system of the model.\\\\
    236 With '''galilei_transformation''' = ''.T.,'' a so-called Galilei-transformation is switched on which ensures that the coordinate system of the model is moved along with the geostrophical wind. Alternatively, the model domain can be moved along with the averaged horizontal wind (see [#use_ug_for_galilei_tr use_ug_for_galilei_tr], this can and will naturally change in time). With this method, numerical inaccuracies of the Piacsek - Williams - scheme (concerns in particular the momentum advection) are minimized. Beyond that, in the majority of cases the lower relative velocities in the moved system permit a larger time step ([#dt dt]). Switching the transformation on is only worthwhile if the geostrophical wind (ug, vg) and the averaged horizontal wind clearly deviate from the value 0. In each case, the distance the coordinate system has been moved is written to the file [../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL].\\\\
    237 Non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] and [#bc_ns bc_ns]), the specification of a gestrophic wind that is not constant with height as well as e.g. stationary inhomogeneities at the bottom boundary do not allow the use of this transformation.
     236With '''galilei_transformation''' = ''.T.,'' a so-called Galilei-transformation is switched on which ensures that the coordinate system of the model is moved along with the geostrophic wind. Alternatively, the model domain can be moved along with the averaged horizontal wind (see [#use_ug_for_galilei_tr use_ug_for_galilei_tr], this can and will naturally change in time). With this method, numerical inaccuracies of the Piacsek - Williams - scheme (concerns, in particular, the momentum advection) are minimized. Beyond that, in the majority of cases, the lower relative velocities in the moved system permit a larger time step ([#dt dt]). Switching the transformation on is only worthwhile if the geostrophic wind (ug, vg) and the averaged horizontal wind clearly deviate from the value 0. In each case, the distance the coordinate system has been moved is written to the file [../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL].\\\\
     237Non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] and [#bc_ns bc_ns]), the specification of a geostrophic wind that is not constant with height as well as e.g. stationary inhomogeneities at the bottom boundary do not allow the use of this transformation.
    279 Parameter to choose large scale forcing from an external file. By means of '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' the time-dependent surface heat flux '''shf''', surface water flux '''qsws''', surface temperature '''pt_surface''', surface humidity and surface pressure '''surface_pressure''' as well as vertical profiles of the geostrophic wind components '''ug''' and '''vg''', the large scale vertical subsidence profile '''w_subs''', the horizontal large scale advection tendencies of temperature '''td_lsa_lpt''' and humidity '''td_lsa_q''' and the large scale subsidence tendencies of temperature '''td_sub_lpt''' and humidity '''td_sub_q''' are provided in the simulation. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here].\\
    281 '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs, and it does also not work for non cyclic lateral boundary conditions and non-flat topography. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity. \\
    283 This mode requires the input file [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. This file has to contain two kinds of information: time-dependent surface values and time-dependent profile information which can be provided by measurements or larger scale models.\\
    285 In case large scale forcing shall be used without nudging ([#nudging nudging] = .F.) initial profiles of potential temperature, humidity and horizontal wind components have to be provided by means of [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level] and so forth.
     279Parameter to choose large-scale forcing from an external file. By means of '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' the time-dependent surface heat flux '''shf''', surface water flux '''qsws''', surface temperature '''pt_surface''', surface humidity and surface pressure '''surface_pressure''' as well as vertical profiles of the geostrophic wind components '''ug''' and '''vg''', the large-scale vertical subsidence profile '''w_subs''', the horizontal large-scale advection tendencies of temperature '''td_lsa_lpt''' and humidity '''td_lsa_q''' and the large-scale subsidence tendencies of temperature '''td_sub_lpt''' and humidity '''td_sub_q''' are provided in the simulation. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here].\\
     281'''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs, and it does also not work for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions and non-flat topography. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity. \\
     283If  '''large_scale_forcing''' is set to ''.T.'' the input file [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA] is required. This file has to contain two kinds of information: time-dependent surface values and time-dependent profile information which can be provided by measurements or larger scale models.\\
     285In case large-scale forcing shall be used without nudging ([#nudging nudging] = .F.) initial profiles of potential temperature, humidity, and horizontal wind components have to be provided by means of [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level] and so forth.
    298 Parameter to enable large scale subsidence/ascent for atmospheric simulations. With '''large_scale_subsidence''' = ''.T.'', an additional tendency term, tend_subs, is calculated for the scalar quantities, e.g. for potential temperature it is tend_subs(k,j,i) = - w_subs(k)* dpt(k,j,i) / dz. \\
    300 The profile for the subsidence velocity w_subs can either be set via [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient] and [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] or by reading it from the large scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. \\
    302 If [#use_subsidence_tendencies use_subsidence_tendencies] is set to .T., the subsidence velocity w_subs is not used. Instead, subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the large scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA] and applied to the prognostic variables in the subroutine {{{ls_advec}}}.
     298Parameter to enable large-scale subsidence/ascent for atmospheric simulations. With '''large_scale_subsidence''' = ''.T.'', an additional tendency term, tend_subs, is calculated for the scalar quantities, e.g. for potential temperature it is tend_subs(k,j,i) = - w_subs(k)* dpt(k,j,i) / dz. \\
     300The profile for the subsidence velocity w_subs can either be set via [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient] and [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] or by reading it from the large-scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. \\
     302If [#use_subsidence_tendencies use_subsidence_tendencies] is set to .T., the subsidence velocity w_subs is not used. Instead, subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the large-scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA] and applied to the prognostic variables in the subroutine {{{ls_advec}}}.
    304304'''large_scale_subsidence''' is not implemented for ocean runs. \\
    307 The large scale vertical motion is only applied to the prognostic equation for the scalar quantities (potential temperature, humidity if [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.'' or passive scalar if [#passive_scalar passive_scalar] = ''.T.''). It should not be applied to the momentum equations due to incompressibility. Applying it also to the horizontal velocity components would results in mass inconsistencies.
     307The large-scale vertical motion is only applied to the prognostic equation for the scalar quantities (potential temperature, humidity if [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.'' or passive scalar if [#passive_scalar passive_scalar] = ''.T.''). It should not be applied to the momentum equations due to incompressibility. Applying it also to the horizontal velocity components would result in mass inconsistencies.
    320320Parameter to switch off calculation of temperature equation.
    322 For simulating flows with pure neutral stratification, solution of the temperature equation can be switched off with '''neutral''' = ''.T.'' in order to save cpu-time. Additionally, this will also switch off calculation of all buoyancy related terms. \\\\ In case of '''neutral''' = ''.T.'' non-zero values for parameters [#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux] and [#top_heatflux top_heatflux] are not allowed.
     322For simulating flows with pure neutral stratification, solving the temperature equation can be switched off with '''neutral''' = ''.T.'' in order to save CPU time. Additionally, this will also switch off the calculation of all buoyancy related terms. \\\\ In case of '''neutral''' = ''.T.'' non-zero values for parameters [#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux] and [#top_heatflux top_heatflux] are not allowed.
    335 Parameter to choose nudging. Nudging is a relaxation technique which adjusts the large-eddy simulation to a given, larger scale flow situation. It can for example be used to simulate an observed situation. Further information can be found [../../tec/nudging here]. \\\\
    337 With '''nudging''' = ''.T.'', additional tendencies are calculated for the prognostic variable u, v, pt and q. It requires [#humidity humidity] = .T. as well as  [#large_scale_forcing large_scale forcing] = .T.. So far, it is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs and non cyclic lateral boundary conditions. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here]. \\\\
    339 Additionally, this mode requires the input file [../iofiles#NUDGING_DATA NUDGING_DATA]. This file contains profile information at several time steps about the relaxation time scale tau and the prognostic variables u, v, w, pt, q which must be provided by a larger scale model or by measurements.
     335Parameter to choose nudging. Nudging is a relaxation technique which adjusts the large-eddy simulation to a given, larger scale flow situation. It can, for example, be used to simulate an observed situation. Further information can be found [../../tec/nudging here]. \\\\
     337With '''nudging''' = ''.T.'', additional tendencies are calculated for the prognostic variable u, v, pt, and q. It requires [#humidity humidity] = .T. as well as  [#large_scale_forcing large_scale forcing] = .T.. So far, it is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs and non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions. An example can be found [../examples/lsf here]. \\\\
     339Additionally, if ''nudging''' is set to ''.T.'', the input file [../iofiles#NUDGING_DATA NUDGING_DATA]. This file contains profile information at several time steps about the relaxation time scale tau and the prognostic variables u, v, w, pt, q which must be provided by a larger scale model or by measurements.
    354354    * An additional prognostic equation for salinity is solved.[[BR]]
    356     * Potential temperature in buoyancy and stability-related terms is replaced by potential density.[[BR]]
    358     * Potential density is calculated from the equation of state for seawater after each timestep, using the algorithm proposed by Jackett et al. (2006, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 23, 1709-1728).[[BR]]
     356    * The potential temperature in buoyancy and stability-related terms is replaced by potential density.[[BR]]
     358    * Potential density is calculated from the equation of state for seawater after each time step, using the algorithm proposed by Jackett et al. (2006, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 23, 1709-1728).[[BR]]
    360360      So far, only the initial hydrostatic pressure is entered into this equation.[[BR]]
    368368    * If switched on, random perturbations are by default imposed to the upper model domain from zu(nzt*2/3) to zu(nzt-3).\\\\
    369369Relevant parameters to be exclusively used for steering ocean runs are [#bc_sa_t bc_sa_t], [#bottom_salinityflux bottom_salinityflux], [#sa_surface sa_surface], [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient], [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level], and [#top_salinityflux top_salinityflux].\\\\
    370 Section [[4.4.2]] gives an example for appropriate settings of these and other parameters neccessary for ocean runs.
     370Section [[4.4.2]] gives an example for appropriate settings of these and other parameters necessary for ocean runs.
    399399Parameter to switch on the precipitation scheme.\\\\
    400 For precipitation processes PALM uses a simplified Kessler scheme. This scheme only considers the so-called autoconversion, that means the generation of rain water by coagulation of cloud drops among themselves. Precipitation begins and is immediately removed from the flow as soon as the liquid water content exceeds the critical value of 0.5 g/kg.\\\\
     400For precipitation processes, PALM uses a simplified Kessler scheme. This scheme only considers the so-called autoconversion, that means the generation of rain water by coagulation of cloud drops among themselves. Precipitation begins and is immediately removed from the flow as soon as the liquid water content exceeds the critical value of 0.5 g/kg.\\\\
    401401The precipitation rate and amount can be output by assigning the runtime parameter [../d3par#data_output data_output]  = '' 'prr*' '' or '' 'pra*','' respectively. The time interval on which the precipitation amount is defined can be controlled via runtime parameter [../d3par#precipitation_amount_interval precipitation_amount_interval].
    430430Parameter to impose random perturbations on the internal two-dimensional near surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
    431 If a near surface heat flux is used as bottom boundary condition (see [#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux]), it is by default assumed to be horizontally homogeneous. Random perturbations can be imposed on the internal two-dimensional heat flux field '''shf''' by assigning '''random_heatflux''' = ''.T.''. The disturbed heat flux field is calculated by multiplying the values at each mesh point with a normally distributed random number with a mean value and standard deviation of 1. This is repeated after every timestep.\\\\
     431If a near surface heat flux is used as a bottom boundary condition (see [#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux]), it is by default assumed to be horizontally homogeneous. Random perturbations can be imposed on the internal two-dimensional heat flux field '''shf''' by assigning '''random_heatflux''' = ''.T.''. The disturbed heat flux field is calculated by multiplying the values at each mesh point with a normally distributed random number with a mean value and standard deviation of 1. This is repeated after every time step.\\\\
    432432In case of a non-flat topography, assigning '''random_heatflux''' = ''.T.'' imposes random perturbations on the combined heat flux field '''shf''' composed of surface_heatflux at the bottom surface and [#wall_heatflux wall_heatflux](0) at the topography top face.
    479 Gradient(s) of the profile for the large scale subsidence/ascent velocity (in (m/s) / 100 m).\\\\
     479Gradient(s) of the profile for the large-scale subsidence/ascent velocity (in (m/s) / 100 m).\\\\
    480480This gradient holds starting from the height level defined by [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] (precisely: for all uv levels k where zu(k) > subs_vertical_gradient_level, '''w_subs'''(k) is set: w_subs(k) = w_subs(k-1) + dzu(k) * '''subs_vertical_gradient''') up to the top boundary or up to the next height level defined by subs_vertical_gradient_level. A total of 10 different gradients for 11 height intervals (10 intervals if subs_vertical_gradient_level(1) = 0.0) can be assigned.\\\\
    483483      [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] = ''0.0,'' ''1000.0,''\\\\
    484484That defines the subsidence/ascent profile to be linear up to z = 1000.0 m with a surface value of 0 m/s. Due to the gradient of -0.002 (m/s) / 100 m the subsidence velocity has a value of -0.02 m/s in z = 1000.0 m. For z > 1000.0 m up to the top boundary the gradient is 0.0 (m/s) / 100 m (it is assumed that the assigned height levels correspond with uv levels). This results in a subsidence velocity of -0.02 m/s at the top boundary.\\\\
    485 With an appropriate construction of '''w_subs''' the height of the boundary layer ''z_i'' can be kept approximately constant.
     485With an appropriate construction of '''w_subs''', the height of the boundary layer ''z_i'' can be kept approximately constant.
    527 This control parameter determines how the large scale subsidence is computed for runs with large scale forcing.
    528 If it is set to .F., the large scale subsidence velocity w_subs is used to advect the prognostic variables (subroutine  {{{subsidence}}}).
     527This control parameter determines how the large-scale subsidence is computed for runs with large-scale forcing.
     528If it is set to .F., the large-scale subsidence velocity w_subs is used to advect the prognostic variables (subroutine  {{{subsidence}}}).
    529529If it is set to .T., the subroutine {{{subsidence}}} is not called and the subsidence tendencies from [../../app/iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA] are applied to the prognostic variables in the new subroutine {{{ls_advec}}}.
    530530The usage of use_subsidence_tendencies requires [wiki:doc/app/inipar#large_scale_forcing large_scale_forcing] = .T. as well as [wiki:doc/app/inipar#large_scale_subsidence large_scale_subsidence] = .T..
    543543Switch to determine the translation velocity in case that a Galilean transformation is used.\\\\
    544544In case of a Galilean transformation (see [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation]), '''use_ug_for_galilei_tr''' = ''.T.''  ensures that the coordinate system is translated with the geostrophic windspeed.\\\\
    545 Alternatively, with '''use_ug_for_galilei_tr''' = ''.F.,'' the geostrophic wind can be replaced as translation speed by the (volume) averaged velocity. However, in this case the user must be aware of fast growing gravity waves, so this choice is usually not recommended!
     545Alternatively, with '''use_ug_for_galilei_tr''' = ''.F.,'' the geostrophic wind can be replaced as translation speed by the (volume) averaged velocity. However, in this case, the user must be aware of fast growing gravity waves, so this choice is usually not recommended!
    576576Horizontal grid spacing along the x-direction (in m).\\\\
    577 Along x-direction only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
    578 For coupled runs ([../examples/coupled see details])  the product of '''dx''' and '''nx'''  in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O] has to be same (same model domain length in x-direction).
     577Along x-direction, only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
     578For coupled runs ([../examples/coupled see details])  the product of '''dx''' and '''nx'''  in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O] has to be the same (same model domain length in x-direction).
    591591Horizontal grid spacing along the y-direction (in m).\\\\
    592 Along y-direction only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
    593 For coupled runs ([../examples/coupled see details])  the product of '''dy''' and '''ny'''  in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O] has to be same (same model domain length in y-direction).
     592Along y-direction, only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
     593For coupled runs ([../examples/coupled see details])  the product of '''dy''' and '''ny'''  in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O] has to be the same (same model domain length in y-direction).
    606606Vertical grid spacing (in m).\\\\
    607 This parameter must be assigned by the user, because no default value is given.\\\\
    608 By default, the model uses constant grid spacing along z-direction, but it can be stretched using the parameters [#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level] and [#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor]. In case of stretching, a maximum allowed grid spacing can be given by [#dz_max dz_max].\\\\
     607This parameter must be assigned by the user because no default value is given.\\\\
     608By default, the model uses constant grid spacing along the z-direction, but it can be stretched using the parameters [#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level] and [#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor]. In case of stretching, a maximum allowed grid spacing can be given by [#dz_max dz_max].\\\\
    609609Assuming a constant '''dz''', the scalar levels (zu) are calculated directly by:\\\\
    610610      zu(0) = - '''dz''' * 0.5\\\\
    642642Stretch factor for a vertically stretched grid (see [#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]).\\\\
    643 The stretch factor should not exceed a value of approx. ''1.10 - 1.12'', otherwise the discretization errors due to the stretched grid are not negligible any more. (refer Kalnay de Rivas)
     643The stretch factor should not exceed a value of approx. ''1.10 - 1.12'', otherwise the discretization errors due to the stretched grid are not negligible anymore. (refer Kalnay de Rivas)
    709709Number of grid points in z-direction.\\\\
    710710A value for this parameter must be assigned. Since the lower array bound in PALM starts with k = 0 and since one additional grid point is added at the top boundary (k = '''nz+1'''), the actual number of grid points is '''nz+2'''. However, the prognostic equations are only solved up to '''nz''' (u, v, scalar quantities) or up to '''nz-1''' (w). The top boundary for u, v and scalar quantities is at k = '''nz+1''' (u, v) while at k = '''nz''' for w.\\\\
    711 For parallel runs '''nz''' must be an integral multiple of the number of processors in x-direction (due to data transposition restrictions).
     711For parallel runs, '''nz''' must be an integral multiple of the number of processors in x-direction (due to data transposition restrictions).
    730730Switch to steer the call of the pressure solver.\\\\
    731 In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) can be called only at the last substep of multistep Runge-Kutta timestep schemes (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]) by setting '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.F.''. In many cases, this sufficiently reduces the divergence of the velocity field. Nevertheless, small-scale ripples (2-delta-x) may occur. In this case and in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the default value '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.T.'' should be used.
     731In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) can be called only at the last substep of multistep Runge-Kutta time step schemes (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]) by setting '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.F.''. In many cases, this sufficiently reduces the divergence of the velocity field. Nevertheless, small-scale ripples (2-delta-x) may occur. In this case and in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the default value '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.T.'' should be used.
    744744Time step limiting factor.\\\\
    745 In the model, the maximum allowed time step according to CFL and diffusion-criterion [../d3par#dt_max dt_max] is reduced by [#dt dt] = dt_max * '''cfl_factor''' in order to avoid stability problems which may arise in the vicinity of the maximum allowed timestep. The condition ''0.0'' < '''cfl_factor''' < ''1.0'' applies.\\\\
     745In the model, the maximum allowed time step according to CFL and diffusion-criterion [../d3par#dt_max dt_max] is reduced by [#dt dt] = dt_max * '''cfl_factor''' in order to avoid stability problems which may arise in the vicinity of the maximum allowed time step. The condition ''0.0'' < '''cfl_factor''' < ''1.0'' applies.\\\\
    746746The default value of '''cfl_factor''' depends on the [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme] used:\\\\
    747747For the third order Runge-Kutta scheme it is '''cfl_factor''' = ''0.9.'', for the second-order Runge-Kutta scheme a value of ''0.8'' is applied.\\\\
    761761Set barriers in front of collective MPI operations.\\\\
    762 Depending on the communication network in use, setting of barriers (MPI_BARRIER) in front of collective MPI operations (MPI_ALLTOALL, MPI_ALLREDUCE) may speedup the code, e.g. by a few percent on SGI-ICE-systems with Infiniband fat tree, but only for a larger number of PEs (>= 2048) and if dual rail mode is switched on (default on SGI-systems at HLRN). Therefore, {{{collective_wait}}} is {{{.TRUE.}}} by default on SGI-systems (if hostname(3:5) = "{{{sgi}}}", given with '''mrun'''-option {{{-h}}}), but {{{.FALSE.}}} on all other systems.
     762Depending on the communication network in use, setting of barriers (MPI_BARRIER) in front of collective MPI operations (MPI_ALLTOALL, MPI_ALLREDUCE) may speed up the code, e.g. by a few percent on SGI-ICE-systems with Infiniband fat tree, but only for a larger number of PEs (>= 2048) and if dual rail mode is switched on (default on SGI-systems at HLRN). Therefore, {{{collective_wait}}} is {{{.TRUE.}}} by default on SGI-systems (if hostname(3:5) = "{{{sgi}}}", given with '''mrun'''-option {{{-h}}}), but {{{.FALSE.}}} on all other systems.
    775 Type of cycle to be used with the multi-grid method.\\\\
    776 This parameter determines which type of cycle is applied in the multi-grid method used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]). It defines in which way it is switched between the fine and coarse grids. So-called v- and w-cycles are realized (i.e. '''cycle_mg''' may be assigned the values '' 'v' '' or '' 'w' ''). The computational cost of w-cycles is much higher than that of v-cycles, however, w-cycles give a much better convergence.
     775Type of cycle to be used with the multigrid method.\\\\
     776This parameter determines which type of cycle is applied in the multigrid method used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]). It defines in which way it is switched between the fine and coarse grids. So-called v- and w-cycles are realized (i.e. '''cycle_mg''' may be assigned the values '' 'v' '' or '' 'w' ''). The computational cost of w-cycles is much higher than that of v-cycles, however, w-cycles give a much better convergence.
    789789FFT-method to be used.\\\\
    790 The fast fourier transformation (FFT) is used for solving the perturbation pressure equation with a direct method (see [#psolver psolver]) and for calculating power spectra (see [../packages optional software packages]).\\\\
    791 By default, system-specific, optimized routines from external vendor libraries are used. However, these are available only on certain computers and there are sometimes more or less severe restrictions concerning the number of gridpoints to be used with them.\\\\
     790The fast Fourier transformation (FFT) is used for solving the perturbation pressure equation with a direct method (see [#psolver psolver]) and for calculating power spectra (see [../packages optional software packages]).\\\\
     791By default, system-specific, optimized routines from external vendor libraries are used. However, these are available only on certain computers and there are sometimes more or less severe restrictions concerning the number of grid points to be used with them.\\\\
    792792There are two other PALM internal methods available on every machine (their respective source code is part of the PALM source code):\\\\
    793 1.:  The '''Temperton'''-method from Clive Temperton (ECMWF) which is computationally very fast and switched on with '''fft_method''' = '' 'temperton-algorithm'.'' The number of horizontal gridpoints ([#nx nx]+1, [#ny ny]+1) to be used with this method must be composed of prime factors 2, 3 and 5.\\\\
    794 2.:  The '''Singleton'''-method which is very slow but has no restrictions concerning the number of gridpoints to be used with, switched on with '''fft_method''' = '' 'singleton-algorithm'.''\\\\
     7931.:  The '''Temperton'''-method from Clive Temperton (ECMWF) which is computationally very fast and switched on with '''fft_method''' = '' 'temperton-algorithm'.'' The number of horizontal grid points ([#nx nx]+1, [#ny ny]+1) to be used with this method must be composed of prime factors 2, 3 and 5.\\\\
     7942.:  The '''Singleton'''-method which is very slow but has no restrictions concerning the number of grid points to be used with, switched on with '''fft_method''' = '' 'singleton-algorithm'.''\\\\
    795795Furthermore, the fftw (see ) can be used by setting '''fft_method''' = '' 'fftw' ''. This also requires to set the cpp-preprocessor switch {{{-D__fftw}}} in the {{{%cpp_options}}}-line of the configuration file, and to give the paths to the respective fftw include file and library by a {{{%fftw_inc}}} and {{{%fftw_lib}}} line, respectively. The fftw-routines are more than two times faster than the Temperton-fft.
    808808Method used to optimize loops for solving the prognostic equations.\\\\
    809 By default, the optimization method depends on the host on which PALM is running. On machines with vector-type CPUs, single 3d-loops are used to calculate each tendency term of each prognostic equation, while on all other machines, all prognostic equations are solved within one big loop over the two horizontal indices {{{i}}} and {{{j}}} (giving a good cache uitilization).\\\\
    810 The default behaviour can be changed by setting either '''loop_optimization''' = '' 'vector' '' or '''loop_optimization''' = '' 'cache'.''
     809By default, the optimization method depends on the host on which PALM is running. On machines with vector-type CPUs, single 3d-loops are used to calculate each tendency term of each prognostic equation, while on all other machines, all prognostic equations are solved within one big loop over the two horizontal indices {{{i}}} and {{{j}}} (giving a good cache utilization).\\\\
     810The default behavior can be changed by setting either '''loop_optimization''' = '' 'vector' '' or '''loop_optimization''' = '' 'cache'.''
    823823Switch for topography boundary conditions in multigrid solver.\\\\
    824 By default, Neumann boundary conditions for perturbation pressure are used in the multigrid-solver at all wall boundaries. In case of '''masking_method''' = ''.TRUE.'', the masking method is used instead (i.e. the solver runs through the topography).
     824By default, Neumann boundary conditions for perturbation pressure are used in the multigrid solver at all wall boundaries. In case of '''masking_method''' = ''.TRUE.'', the masking method is used instead (i.e. the solver runs through the topography).
    837 Number of cycles to be used with the multi-grid scheme.\\\\
    838 This parameter determines the number of cycles to be carried out in the multi-grid method used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]). The type of the cycles can be set with [#cycle_mg cycle_mg].\\\\
    839 By default ('''mg_cyles''' = -''1''), the number of cycles depends on the requested accuracy of the scheme (see [#residual_limit residual_limit]) and may vary from time step to time step. In this case, the CPU time for a run will be difficult to estimate, since it heavily depends on the total number of the cycles to be carried out.\\\\
     837Number of cycles to be used with the multigrid scheme.\\\\
     838This parameter determines the number of cycles to be carried out in the multigrid method used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]). The type of the cycles can be set with [#cycle_mg cycle_mg].\\\\
     839By default ('''mg_cyles''' = -''1''), the number of cycles depends on the requested accuracy of the scheme (see [#residual_limit residual_limit]) and may vary from time step to time step. In this case, the CPU time for a run will be difficult to estimate since it heavily depends on the total number of the cycles to be carried out.\\\\
    840840By assigning '''mg_cycles''' a value (>= ''1''), the number of cycles can be fixed so that the CPU time can be clearly estimated.\\\\
    851851{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    852 0 (automatic \\ detection)
    855855Grid level at which data shall be gathered on PE0.\\\\
    856 In case of a run using several PEs and the multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]), the value of this parameter defines on which grid level the data are gathered on PE0 in order to allow for a further coarsening of the grid. The finest grid defines the largest grid level. By default, the gathering level is determined automatically and displayed in file [../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL]. It is only possible to gather data from a level larger than the one determined automatically. A test run may be neccessary to determine this level.\\\\
     856In case of a run using several PEs and the multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]), the value of this parameter defines on which grid level the data are gathered on PE0 in order to allow for a further coarsening of the grid. The finest grid defines the largest grid level. By default, the gathering level is determined automatically and displayed in file [../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL]. It is only possible to gather data from a level larger than the one determined automatically. A test run may be necessary to determine this level.\\\\
    857857Setting of '''mg_switch_to_pe0_level''' = -''1'' prevents that data are collected on PE0 at all, i.e. coarsening of grids is limited by the subdomains.
    875875The computation of turbulent fluxes takes place inside the advection routines to get a statistical evaluation consistent to the numerical solution.
    877 '''Important''': The number of ghost layers for 2d and 3d arrays changed. This affects also the user interface. Please adapt the allocation of 2d and 3d arrays in your user interface like [../userint/output#Allocate here]. Furthermore the exchange of ghost layers for 3d variables changed, so calls of exchange_horiz in the user interface have to be modified. Here an example for the u-component of the velocity: CALL exchange_horiz( u , nbgp ). \\\\
     877'''Important''': The number of ghost layers for 2d and 3d arrays changed. This affects also the user interface. Please adapt the allocation of 2d and 3d arrays in your user interface like [../userint/output#Allocate here]. Furthermore, the exchange of ghost layers for 3d variables changed, so calls of exchange_horiz in the user interface have to be modified. Here an example for the u-component of the velocity: CALL exchange_horiz( u , nbgp ). \\\\
    878878'' 'pw-scheme' ''\\\\
    879879      The scheme of Piacsek and Williams (1970, J. Comp. Phys., 6, 392-405) with central differences in the form C3 is used.
    892892Number of Gauss-Seidel iterations to be carried out on each grid level of the multigrid Poisson solver.\\\\
    893 In case of using the multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]), this parameter defines the number of Gauss-Seidel iterations to be carried out on each grid level. High numbers give better convergence. The dafault value of ''2'' reduces the divergence of the preliminary velocity field by about 1-2 orders of magnitude, which is sufficient in most cases. The value of '''ngsrb''' has a significant effect on the cpu requirement of the run.
     893In case of using the multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]), this parameter defines the number of Gauss-Seidel iterations to be carried out on each grid level. High numbers give better convergence. The default value of ''2'' reduces the divergence of the preliminary velocity field by about 1-2 orders of magnitude, which is sufficient in most cases. The value of '''ngsrb''' has a significant effect on the CPU requirement of the run.
    920920Initial number of iterations with the SOR algorithm.\\\\
    921 This parameter is only effective if the SOR algorithm was selected as the pressure solver scheme ([#psolver psolver] = '' 'sor' '') and specifies the number of initial iterations of the SOR scheme (at t = 0). The number of subsequent iterations at the following timesteps is determined with the parameter [#nsor nsor]. Usually nsor < '''nsor_ini''', since in each case subsequent calls to [#psolver psolver] use the solution of the previous call as initial value. Suitable test runs should determine whether sufficient convergence of the solution is obtained with the default value and if necessary the value of '''nsor_ini''' should be changed.
     921This parameter is only effective if the SOR algorithm was selected as the pressure solver scheme ([#psolver psolver] = '' 'sor' '') and specifies the number of initial iterations of the SOR scheme (at t = 0). The number of subsequent iterations at the following time steps is determined with the parameter [#nsor nsor]. Usually, nsor < '''nsor_ini''', since in each case subsequent calls to [#psolver psolver] use the solution of the previous call as the initial value. Suitable test runs should determine whether sufficient convergence of the solution is obtained with the default value and if necessary the value of '''nsor_ini''' should be changed.
    934 Convergence factor to be used with the the SOR-scheme.\\\\
    935 If the SOR-scheme is selected ([#psolver psolver] = '' 'sor' ''), this parameter determines the value of the convergence factor, where ''1.0'' <= '''omega_sor''' < ''2.0.'' The optimum value of '''omega_sor''' depends on the number of grid points along the different directions in space. For non-equidistant grids it can only be determined by appropriate test runs.
     934Convergence factor to be used with the SOR-scheme.\\\\
     935If the SOR-scheme is selected ([#psolver psolver] = '' 'sor' ''), this parameter determines the value of the convergence factor, where ''1.0'' <= '''omega_sor''' < ''2.0.'' The optimum value of '''omega_sor''' depends on the number of grid points along the different directions in space. For non-equidistant grids, it can only be determined by appropriate test runs.
    952952      This solver is specially optimized for 1d domain decompositions. Vectorization is optimized for domain decompositions along x only.\\\\
    953953'' 'multigrid' ''\\\\
    954       Multi-grid scheme (see [[Diplomarbeit J. Uhlenbrock]], in German only). v- and w-cycles (see [#cycle_mg cycle_mg]) are implemented. The convergence of the iterative scheme can be steered by the number of v-/w-cycles to be carried out for each call of the scheme ([#mg_cycles mg_cycles]) and by the number of Gauss-Seidel iterations (see [#ngsrb ngsrb]) to be carried out on each grid level. Instead the requested accuracy can be given via [#residual_limit residual_limit]. This is the default! The smaller this limit is, the more cycles have to be carried out in this case and the number of cycles may vary from timestep to timestep.\\\\
    955       If [#mg_cycles mg_cycles] is set to its optimal value, the computing time of the multi-grid scheme amounts approximately to that of the direct solver '' 'poisfft','' as long as the number of grid points in the three directions of space corresponds to a power-of-two (2^n^) where ''n'' >= 5 must hold. With large ''n'', the multi-grid scheme can even be faster than the direct solver (although its accuracy is several orders of magnitude worse, but this does not affect the accuracy of the simulation). Nevertheless, the user should always carry out some test runs in order to find out the optimum value for [#mg_cycles mg_cycles], because the CPU time of a run very critically depends on this parameter.\\\\
    956       This scheme requires that the number of grid points of the subdomains (or of the total domain, if only one PE is uesd) along each of the directions can at least be devided once by 2 without rest.\\\\
     954      Multigrid scheme (see [[Diplomarbeit J. Uhlenbrock]], in German only). v- and w-cycles (see [#cycle_mg cycle_mg]) are implemented. The convergence of the iterative scheme can be steered by the number of v-/w-cycles to be carried out for each call of the scheme ([#mg_cycles mg_cycles]) and by the number of Gauss-Seidel iterations (see [#ngsrb ngsrb]) to be carried out on each grid level. Instead, the requested accuracy can be given via [#residual_limit residual_limit]. This is the default! The smaller this limit is, the more cycles have to be carried out in this case and the number of cycles may vary from time step to time step.\\\\
     955      If [#mg_cycles mg_cycles] is set to its optimal value, the computing time of the multigrid scheme amounts approximately to that of the direct solver '' 'poisfft','' as long as the number of grid points in the three directions of space corresponds to a power-of-two (2^n^) where ''n'' >= 5 must hold. With large ''n'', the multigrid scheme can even be faster than the direct solver (although its accuracy is several orders of magnitude worse, but this does not affect the accuracy of the simulation). Nevertheless, the user should always carry out some test runs in order to find out the optimum value for [#mg_cycles mg_cycles], because the CPU time of a run very critically depends on this parameter.\\\\
     956      This scheme requires that the number of grid points of the subdomains (or of the total domain, if only one PE is used) along each of the directions can, at least, be divided once by 2 without rest.\\\\
    957957      With parallel runs, starting from a certain grid level the data of the subdomains are possibly gathered on PE0 in order to allow for a further coarsening of the grid. The grid level for gathering can be manually set by [#mg_switch_to_pe0_level mg_switch_to_pe0_level].\\\\
    958958      By default, Neumann boundary conditions for the perturbation pressure are used at all wall boundaries. In case of [#masking_method masking_method] = ''.TRUE.'', the masking method is used instead (i.e. the solver ''runs'' through the topography).\\\\
    959959'' 'multigrid_fast' ''\\\\
    960       Same as '' 'multigrid' '' but optimized for better performance. Data along the {{{k}}} index (vertical direction) is sorted from alternate even and odd indices into two blocks of completely even and odd indices respectively, which allows vectorization on INTEL processors of loops in the red/black scheme. Additionally, topography flags are completely ignored (i.e. not used) in case of [#masking_method masking_method] switched on. On fine grid levels only even or odd data are send for the lateral ghost point exchange. Speedup of the multigrid solver for medium sized cases (1024*1024*192 gridpoints) can be about 40%.
     960      Same as '' 'multigrid' '' but optimized for better performance. Data along the {{{k}}} index (vertical direction) is sorted from alternate even and odd indices into two blocks of completely even and odd indices respectively, which allows vectorization on INTEL processors of loops in the red/black scheme. Additionally, topography flags are completely ignored (i.e. not used) in case of [#masking_method masking_method] switched on. On fine grid levels only even or odd data are send for the lateral ghost point exchange. Speedup of the multigrid solver for medium sized cases (1024*1024*192 grid points) can be about 40%.
    961961'' 'sor' ''\\\\
    962       Successive over relaxation method (SOR). The convergence of this iterative scheme is steered with the parameters [#omega_sor omega_sor], [#nsor_ini nsor_ini] and [#nsor nsor].\\
    963       Compared to the direct method and the multi-grid method, this scheme needs substantially more computing time. It should only be used for test runs, e.g. to compare results with the other pressure solver methods.\\\\
    964       In case of using a multistep Runge-Kutta timestep scheme (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]), the Poisson equation is by default solved after each of the substeps. In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation may be solved only for the last substep (see [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps]).
     962      Successive over-relaxation method (SOR). The convergence of this iterative scheme is steered with the parameters [#omega_sor omega_sor], [#nsor_ini nsor_ini] and [#nsor nsor].\\
     963      Compared to the direct method and the multigrid method, this scheme needs substantially more computing time. It should only be used for test runs, e.g. to compare results with the other pressure solver methods.\\\\
     964      In case of using a multistep Runge-Kutta time step scheme (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]), the Poisson equation is by default solved after each of the substeps. In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation may be solved only for the last substep (see [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps]).
    977977Factor for damping the potential temperature.\\\\
    978978In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), a damping is applied to the potential temperature if a non-zero value is assigned to '''pt_damping_factor'''.
    979 If switched on, temperature is forced towards the value of their respective basic state (defined by the initial profile of the temperature).
     979If switched on, the temperature is forced towards the value of its basic state (defined by the initial profile of the temperature).
    980980The intensity of damping is controlled by the value '''pt_damping_factor'''. The damping starts weakly at a distance from the inflow boundary
    981981defined by [#pt_damping_width pt_damping_width] and rises according to a sin^2^-function to its maximum value at the inflow.\\\\
    10341034Factor for Rayleigh damping.\\\\
    1035 A so-called Rayleigh damping is applied to all prognostic variables if a non-zero value is assigned to '''rayleigh_damping_factor'''. If switched on, horizontal velocities, temperature, humidity/scalar (if switched on) and salinity (in case of ocean) are forced towards the value of their respective basic states (defined by the initial profiles of the geostrophic wind, temperature, etc.). In case of large scale subsidence (see [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient]) the basic state of temperature and humidity is adjusted with respect to the subsidence. Scalar quantities can be excluded from the damping (see [#scalar_rayleigh_damping scalar_rayleigh_damping]). The intensity of damping is controlled by the value the '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' is assigned to. The damping starts weakly at a height defined by [#rayleigh_damping_height rayleigh_damping_height] and rises according to a sin^2^-function to its maximum value at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\
     1035A so-called Rayleigh damping is applied to all prognostic variables if a non-zero value is assigned to '''rayleigh_damping_factor'''. If switched on, horizontal velocities, temperature, humidity/scalar (if switched on) and salinity (in case of ocean) are forced towards the value of their respective basic states (defined by the initial profiles of the geostrophic wind, temperature, etc.). In case of large-scale subsidence (see [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient]) the basic state of temperature and humidity is adjusted with respect to the subsidence. Scalar quantities can be excluded from the damping (see [#scalar_rayleigh_damping scalar_rayleigh_damping]). The intensity of damping is controlled by the value the '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' is assigned to. The damping starts weakly at a height defined by [#rayleigh_damping_height rayleigh_damping_height] and rises according to a sin^2^-function to its maximum value at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\
    10361036This method effectively damps gravity waves, caused by boundary layer convection, which may spread out vertically in the inversion layer and which are reflected at the top (ocean: bottom) boundary.\\\\
    10371037The Rayleigh damping factor must hold the condition ''0.0'' <= '''rayleigh_damping_factor''' <= ''1.0.'' Large values (close to 1.0) can cause numerical instabilities.
    1066 Largest residual permitted for the multi-grid scheme (in s^-2^m^-3^).\\\\
    1067 This is a parameter to steer the accuracy of the multi-grid scheme (see [#psolver psolver]). The assigned cycle (v- or w-cycle, see [#mg_cycles mg_cycles]) is passed through until the residual falls below the limit given by '''residual_limit'''. If this is not the case after 1000 cycles, the PALM aborts with a corresponding error message.\\\\
    1068 The reciprocal value of this parameter can be interpreted as a factor by the divergence of the provisional velocity field is approximately reduced after the multi-grid scheme has been applied (thus the default value causes a reduction of the divergence by approx. 6 orders of magnitude). 
     1066Largest residual permitted for the multigrid scheme (in s^-2^m^-3^).\\\\
     1067This is a parameter to steer the accuracy of the multigrid scheme (see [#psolver psolver]). The assigned cycle (v- or w-cycle, see [#mg_cycles mg_cycles]) is passed through until the residual falls below the limit given by '''residual_limit'''. If this is not the case after 1000 cycles, the PALM aborts with a corresponding error message.\\\\
     1068The reciprocal value of this parameter can be interpreted as a factor by the divergence of the provisional velocity field is approximately reduced after the multigrid scheme has been applied (thus, the default value causes a reduction of the divergence by approx. 6 orders of magnitude). 
    10861086The computation of turbulent fluxes takes place inside the advection routines to get a statistical evaluation consistent to the numerical solution. \\\\
    10871087'' 'ws-scheme-mono' ''\\\\
    1088       Monotone scheme combining the 5th order upwind scheme of Wicker and Skamarock with 1st order upwind scheme using a monotonic limiter. Please note that due to the large numerical dissipation error this scheme is very diffusive, while the numerical dissipation can be even larger than the physical dissipation provided by the subgrid model. Moreover, even though the scheme prevents non-physical numerical oscillations in case of strong gradients, the numerical dispersion might be very large, particularly in regions where strong gradients occur. For these reasons, simulation results should be always interpreted carefully. \\\\
     1088      Monotone scheme combining the 5th order upwind scheme of Wicker and Skamarock with a 1st order upwind scheme using a monotonic limiter. Please note that due to the large numerical dissipation error this scheme is very diffusive while the numerical dissipation can be even larger than the physical dissipation provided by the subgrid model. Moreover, even though the scheme prevents non-physical numerical oscillations in case of strong gradients, the numerical dispersion might be very large, particularly in regions where strong gradients occur. For these reasons, simulation results should be always interpreted carefully. \\\\
    10891089'' 'pw-scheme' ''\\\\
    10901090      The scheme of Piacsek and Williams (1970, J. Comp. Phys., 6, 392-405) with central differences in the form C3 is used.\\\\
    10911091'' 'bc-scheme' ''\\\\
    1092       The Bott scheme modified by Chlond (1994, Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 111-125). This is a conservative monotonous scheme with very small numerical diffusion and therefore very good conservation of scalar flow features. The scheme however, is computationally very expensive both because it is expensive itself and because it does (so far) not allow specific code optimizations (e.g. cache optimization). Choice of this scheme forces the Euler timestep scheme to be used for the scalar quantities. For output of horizontally averaged profiles of the resolved / total heat flux, [../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr] = '' 'w*pt*BC' '' / '' 'wptBC' '' should be used, instead of the standard profiles ('' 'w*pt*' '' and '' 'wpt' '') because these are too inaccurate with this scheme. However, for subdomain analysis (see [#statistic_regions statistic_regions]) exactly the reverse holds: here '' 'w*pt*BC' '' and '' 'wptBC' '' show very large errors and should not be used.\\\\
     1092      The Bott scheme modified by Chlond (1994, Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 111-125). This is a conservative monotonous scheme with very small numerical diffusion and therefore very good conservation of scalar flow features. The scheme, however, is computationally very expensive both because it is expensive itself and because it does (so far) not allow specific code optimizations (e.g. cache optimization). Choice of this scheme forces the Euler time step scheme to be used for the scalar quantities. For output of horizontally averaged profiles of the resolved / total heat flux, [../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr] = '' 'w*pt*BC' '' / '' 'wptBC' '' should be used, instead of the standard profiles ('' 'w*pt*' '' and '' 'wpt' '') because these are too inaccurate with this scheme. However, for subdomain analysis (see [#statistic_regions statistic_regions]) exactly the reverse holds: here '' 'w*pt*BC' '' and '' 'wptBC' '' show very large errors and should not be used.\\\\
    10931093      This scheme is not allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] and [#bc_ns bc_ns]) and requires that [#loop_optimization loop_optimization] = '' 'vector' '' is set.\\\\
    10941094A differing advection scheme can be chosen for the subgrid-scale TKE using parameter [#use_upstream_for_tke use_upstream_for_tke].
    11311131'' 'euler' ''\\\\
    11321132      First order Euler scheme.\\\\
    1133 A differing timestep scheme can be chosen for the subgrid-scale TKE using parameter [#use_upstream_for_tke use_upstream_for_tke].
     1133A differing time step scheme can be chosen for the subgrid-scale TKE using parameter [#use_upstream_for_tke use_upstream_for_tke].
    1160 Parameter to choose the advection/timestep scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE.\\\\
    1161 By default, the advection scheme and the timestep scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE are set by the initialization parameters [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] and [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme], respectively. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' forces the Euler-scheme and the upstream-scheme to be used as timestep scheme and advection scheme, respectively. By these methods, strong artificial near-surface vertical gradients of the subgrid-scale TKE, as they will be caused by non-diffusive advection schemes, are avoided. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' is required when subgrid-scale velocities are used for advection of particles (see particle package parameter [../parpar#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]) and [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] /= 'ws-scheme'.
     1160Parameter to choose the advection/time step scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE.\\\\
     1161By default, the advection scheme and the time step scheme to be used for the subgrid-scale TKE are set by the initialization parameters [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] and [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme], respectively. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' forces the Euler-scheme and the upstream-scheme to be used as time step scheme and advection scheme, respectively. By these methods, strong artificial near-surface vertical gradients of the subgrid-scale TKE, as they will be caused by non-diffusive advection schemes, are avoided. '''use_upstream_for_tke''' = ''.T.'' is required when subgrid-scale velocities are used for advection of particles (see particle package parameter [../parpar#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]) and [#scalar_advec scalar_advec] /= 'ws-scheme'.
    12421242Boundary condition along x (for all quantities).\\\\
    12431243By default, a cyclic boundary condition is used along x.\\\\
    1244 '''bc_lr''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from left, outflow to the right) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from right, outflow to the left). This requires the multi-grid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along y (see [#bc_ns bc_ns]).\\\\
     1244'''bc_lr''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from left, outflow to the right) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from right, outflow to the left). This requires the multigrid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along y (see [#bc_ns bc_ns]).\\\\
    12451245In case of these non-cyclic lateral boundaries, a Dirichlet condition is used at the inflow for all quantities (initial vertical profiles - see [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] - are fixed during the run) except e, to which a Neumann (zero gradient) condition is applied. At the outflow, a radiation condition is used for all velocity components and the calculation method of the required phase velocity is controlled by the parameter [#use_cmax use_cmax].
    12461246For scalars, a Neumann condition is used. For the perturbation pressure, Neumann conditions are assumed both at the inflow and at the outflow.\\\\
    1247 In order to maintain a turbulent state of the flow, it may be neccessary to continuously impose perturbations on the horizontal velocity field in the vicinity of the inflow throughout the whole run. This can be switched on using [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The horizontal range to which these perturbations are applied is controlled by the parameters [#inflow_disturbance_begin inflow_disturbance_begin] and [#inflow_disturbance_end inflow_disturbance_end]. The vertical range and the perturbation amplitude are given by [../d3par#disturbance_level_b disturbance_level_b], [../d3par#disturbance_level_t disturbance_level_t], and [../d3par#disturbance_amplitude disturbance_amplitude]. The time interval at which perturbations are to be imposed is set by [../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb]. Note that these inflow perturbances are added '''in addition''' to the standard perturbances that are activated with [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The standard perturbances can be deactivated by setting the d3par-parameter [../d3par#disturbance_energy_limit disturbance_energy_limit] = 0.0 .\\\\
     1247In order to maintain a turbulent state of the flow, it may be necessary to continuously impose perturbations on the horizontal velocity field in the vicinity of the inflow throughout the whole run. This can be switched on using [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The horizontal range to which these perturbations are applied is controlled by the parameters [#inflow_disturbance_begin inflow_disturbance_begin] and [#inflow_disturbance_end inflow_disturbance_end]. The vertical range and the perturbation amplitude are given by [../d3par#disturbance_level_b disturbance_level_b], [../d3par#disturbance_level_t disturbance_level_t], and [../d3par#disturbance_amplitude disturbance_amplitude]. The time interval at which perturbations are to be imposed is set by [../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb]. Note that these inflow perturbances are added '''in addition''' to the standard perturbances that are activated with [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The standard perturbances can be deactivated by setting the d3par-parameter [../d3par#disturbance_energy_limit disturbance_energy_limit] = 0.0 .\\\\
    12481248In case of non-cyclic horizontal boundaries [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps] = ''.T.'' should be used.\\\\
    12651265Boundary condition along y (for all quantities).\\\\
    12661266By default, a cyclic boundary condition is used along y.\\\\
    1267 '''bc_ns''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from rear ("north"), outflow to the front ("south")) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from front ("south"), outflow to the rear ("north")). This requires the multi-grid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along x (see
     1267'''bc_ns''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from rear ("north"), outflow to the front ("south")) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from front ("south"), outflow to the rear ("north")). This requires the multigrid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along x (see
    12681268[#bc_lr bc_lr]).\\\\
    12691269In case of these non-cyclic lateral boundaries, a Dirichlet condition is used at the inflow for all quantities (initial vertical profiles - see [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] - are fixed during the run) except e, to which a Neumann (zero gradient) condition is applied. At the outflow, a radiation condition is used for all velocity components and the calculation method of the required phase velocity is controlled by the parameter [#use_cmax use_cmax].
    12991299Top boundary condition of the perturbation pressure.\\\\
    13001300Allowed values are '' 'dirichlet' '' (p(k=nz+1)= 0.0) or '' 'neumann' '' (p(k=nz+1)=p(k=nz)).\\\\
    1301 Simultaneous use of Neumann boundary conditions both at the top and bottom boundary ([#bc_p_b bc_p_b]) yields no consistent solution for the perturbation pressure in case that the multigrid method is used for solving the Poisson equation (see [#psolver psolver]), and should be avoided. Since at the bottom boundary the Neumann condition  is a good choice (see [#bc_p_b bc_p_b]), in that case a Dirichlet condition should be set at the top boundary.
     1301Simultaneous use of Neumann boundary conditions both at the top and bottom boundary ([#bc_p_b bc_p_b]) yields no consistent solution for the perturbation pressure in case that the multigrid method is used for solving the Poisson equation (see [#psolver psolver]), and should be avoided. Since at the bottom boundary the Neumann condition  is a good choice (see [#bc_p_b bc_p_b]), in that case, a Dirichlet condition should be set at the top boundary.
    14971497Height below which the turbulence signal is used for turbulence recycling (in m).\\\\
    1498 In case of a turbulent inflow (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]), this parameter defines the vertical thickness of the turbulent layer up to which the turbulence extracted at the recycling plane (see [#recycling_width recycling_width]) shall be imposed to the inflow. Above this level the turbulence signal is linearly damped to zero. The transition range within which the signal falls to zero is given by the parameter [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
     1498In case of a turbulent inflow (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]), this parameter defines the vertical thickness of the turbulent layer up to which the turbulence extracted at the recycling plane (see [#recycling_width recycling_width]) shall be imposed to the inflow. Above this level, the turbulence signal is linearly damped to zero. The transition range within which the signal falls to zero is given by the parameter [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
    14991499By default, this height is set as the height of the convective boundary layer as calculated from a precursor run. Information about proper settings for getting this CBL height from a precursor run can be found [../examples/turbinf here].
    15131513Transition range within which the turbulence signal is damped to zero (in m).\\\\
    1514 See [#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height] for explanation.
     1514See [#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height] for an explanation.
    1527 Lower limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (gridpoints).\\\\
    1528 If non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions are used (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), this parameter gives the gridpoint number (counted horizontally from the inflow) from which on perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. Perturbations must be switched on with parameter [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. Note that these inflow perturbances are added '''in addition''' to the standard perturbances that are activated with [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances].
     1527Lower limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (grid points).\\\\
     1528If non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions are used (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), this parameter gives the grid point number (counted horizontally from the inflow) from which on perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. Perturbations must be switched on with parameter [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. Note that these inflow perturbances are added '''in addition''' to the standard perturbances that are activated with [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances].
    1541 Upper limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (gridpoints).\\\\
    1542 If non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions are used (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), this parameter gives the gridpoint number (counted horizontally from the inflow) up to which perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. Perturbations must be switched on with parameter [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances].
     1541Upper limit of the horizontal range for which random perturbations are to be imposed on the horizontal velocity field (grid points).\\\\
     1542If non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions are used (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), this parameter gives the grid point number (counted horizontally from the inflow) up to which perturbations are imposed on the horizontal velocity field. Perturbations must be switched on with parameter [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances].
    15551555Parameter that defines how the Obukhov length is calculated when a [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] is switched on. Available methods are:\\\\
    15561556* ''''circular'''': A fast method that was the previous default in PALM. Here, the Obukhov length is calculated based on the values of t* (and q*) calculated from the previous time step. This circular calculation leads to a time lag in the Obukhov length and is thus inaccurate.\\\\
    1557 * ''''newton'''': The Obukhov length is calculated by means of the Richardson number and a Newton iteration algorithm. This method yields correct values of the Obukhov length, but it is slower than the 'circular' and 'lookup' methods. Furthermore it cannot be vectorized.\\\\
    1558 * ''''lookup'''': This method is similar to the Newton iteration method, but the iteration is avoided by creating a lookup table of the Obukhov length against Richardson number at model start. This method yields accurate values of the Obukhov length while being less computationally expensive compared to the Newton iteration method. However, it cannot be used in case of varying roughness lengths (unless the roughness lengths are locally homogeneous on each processor domain).
     1557* ''''newton'''': The Obukhov length is calculated by means of the Richardson number and a Newton iteration algorithm. This method yields correct values of the Obukhov length, but it is slower than the 'circular' and 'lookup' methods. Furthermore, it cannot be vectorized.\\\\
     1558* ''''lookup'''': This method is similar to the Newton iteration method, but the iteration is avoided by creating a lookup table of the Obukhov length against Richardson number at the beginning of the simulation. This method yields accurate values of the Obukhov length while being less computationally expensive compared to the Newton iteration method. However, it cannot be used in case of varying roughness lengths (unless the roughness lengths are locally homogeneous on each processor domain).
    16521652Kinematic sensible heat flux at the bottom surface (in K m/s).\\\\
    1653 If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field '''shf''' is initialized with the value of '''surface_heatflux''' as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the temperature equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the potential temperature (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface temperature (see [#pt_surface_initial_change pt_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed. The parameter [#random_heatflux random_heatflux] can be used to impose random perturbations on the (homogeneous) surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
     1653If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field '''shf''' is initialized with the value of '''surface_heatflux''' as the bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the temperature equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the potential temperature (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface temperature (see [#pt_surface_initial_change pt_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed. The parameter [#random_heatflux random_heatflux] can be used to impose random perturbations on the (homogeneous) surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
    16551655Setting of '''surface_heatflux''' requires setting of [#use_surface_fluxes use_surface_fluxes] = ''.T.,'' if the constant flux layer is switched off ([#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.F.'').\\\\
    16561656In case of a non-flat topography, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field '''shf''' is initialized with the value of '''surface_heatflux''' at the bottom surface and [#wall_heatflux wall_heatflux](0) at the topography top face. The parameter random_heatflux can be used to impose random perturbations on this combined surface heat flux field '''shf'''.\\\\
    1657 If no surface heat flux is assigned, '''shf''' is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} theta,,*,, (of course only with [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] switched on). Here, u,,*,, and theta,,*,, are calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming logarithmic wind and temperature profiles between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the potential temperature.\\\\
     1657If no surface heat flux is assigned, '''shf''' is calculated at each time step by u,,*,, {{{*}}} theta,,*,, (of course only with [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] switched on). Here, u,,*,, and theta,,*,, are calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming logarithmic wind and temperature profiles between k=0 and k=1. In this case, a Dirichlet condition (see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the potential temperature.\\\\
    16581658Non-zero values must not be given for '''surface_heatflux''' in case of simulations with pure neutral stratification (see parameter [#neutral neutral]).\\\\
    16591659See also [#top_heatflux top_heatflux].
    16731673Scalar flux at the surface (in kg/(m^2^ s)).\\\\
    16741674If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective scalar flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the scalar concentration equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the scalar concentration (see [#bc_s_b bc_s_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface scalar concentration (see [#s_surface_initial_change s_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
    1675 If no surface scalar flux is assigned ('''surface_scalarflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} s,,*,, (of course only with [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] switched on). Here, s,,*,, is calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming a logarithmic scalar concentration profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see bc_s_b) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the scalar concentration.
     1675If no surface scalar flux is assigned ('''surface_scalarflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each time step by u,,*,, {{{*}}} s,,*,, (of course only with [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] switched on). Here, s,,*,, is calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming a logarithmic scalar concentration profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case, a Dirichlet condition (see bc_s_b) must be used as bottom boundary condition for the scalar concentration.
    16891689Kinematic water flux near the surface (in m/s).\\\\
    16901690If a non-zero value is assigned to this parameter, the respective water flux value is used as bottom (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the humidity equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the specific humidity / total water content (see [#bc_q_b bc_q_b]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the surface flux so that a constant value cannot be guaranteed. Also, changes of the surface humidity (see [#q_surface_initial_change q_surface_initial_change]) are not allowed.\\\\
    1691 If no surface water flux is assigned ('''surface_waterflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each timestep by u,,*,, {{{*}}} q,,*,, (of course only with a constant flux layer switched on). Here, q,,*,, is calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming a logarithmic temperature profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case a Dirichlet condition (see bc_q_b) must be used as the bottom boundary condition for the humidity.
     1691If no surface water flux is assigned ('''surface_waterflux''' = ''0.0''), it is calculated at each time step by u,,*,, {{{*}}} q,,*,, (of course only with a constant flux layer switched on). Here, q,,*,, is calculated from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory assuming a logarithmic temperature profile between k=0 and k=1. In this case, a Dirichlet condition (see bc_q_b) must be used as the bottom boundary condition for the humidity.
    17051705Kinematic sensible heat flux at the top boundary (in K m/s).\\\\
    1706 If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field {{{tswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_heatflux''' as top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the temperature equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the potential temperature (see [#bc_pt_t bc_pt_t]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the top flux so that a constant flux value cannot be guaranteed.\\\\
     1706If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional surface heat flux field {{{tswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_heatflux''' as the top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the temperature equation. This additionally requires that a Neumann condition must be used for the potential temperature (see [#bc_pt_t bc_pt_t]), because otherwise the resolved scale may contribute to the top flux so that a constant flux value cannot be guaranteed.\\\\
    17081708The application of a top heat flux additionally requires the setting of initial parameter [#use_top_fluxes use_top_fluxes] = ''.T.''.\\\\
    17251725Momentum flux along x at the top boundary (in m^2^/s^2^).\\\\
    1726 If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional u-momentum flux field {{{uswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_momentumflux_u''' as top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the u-momentum equation.\\\\
     1726If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional u-momentum flux field {{{uswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_momentumflux_u''' as the top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the u-momentum equation.\\\\
    17281728The application of a top momentum flux additionally requires the setting of initial parameter [#use_top_fluxes use_top_fluxes] = ''.T.''. Setting of '''top_momentumflux_u''' requires setting of [#top_momentumflux_v top_momentumflux_v] also.\\\\
    17451745Momentum flux along y at the top boundary (in m^2^/s^2^).\\\\
    1746 If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional v-momentum flux field {{{vswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_momentumflux_v''' as top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the v-momentum equation.\\\\
     1746If a value is assigned to this parameter, the internal two-dimensional v-momentum flux field {{{vswst}}} is initialized with the value of '''top_momentumflux_v''' as the top (horizontally homogeneous) boundary condition for the v-momentum equation.\\\\
    17481748The application of a top momentum flux additionally requires the setting of initial parameter [#use_top_fluxes use_top_fluxes] = ''.T.''. Setting of '''top_momentumflux_v''' requires setting of [#top_momentumflux_u top_momentumflux_u] also.\\\\
    17851785A turbulent inflow requires Dirichlet conditions at the respective inflow boundary. So far, a turbulent inflow is realized from the left (west) side only, i.e. [#bc_lr bc_lr] = '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' is required! \\\\
    17861786The initial (quasi-stationary) turbulence field must be generated by a precursor run and used by setting [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'cyclic_fill'.''\\\\
    1787 The distance of the recycling plane from the inflow boundary can be set with parameter [#recycling_width recycling_width]. The heigth above ground above which the turbulence signal is not used for recycling and the width of the layer within the magnitude of the turbulence signal is damped from 100% to 0% can be set with parameters [#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height] and [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
     1787The distance of the recycling plane from the inflow boundary can be set with parameter [#recycling_width recycling_width]. The height above ground above which the turbulence signal is not used for recycling and the width of the layer within the magnitude of the turbulence signal is damped from 100% to 0% can be set with parameters [#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height] and [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
    17881788The detailed setup for a turbulent inflow is described in [../examples/turbinf here].
    18221822By default, the near-surface subgrid-scale fluxes are parameterized (like in the remaining model domain) using the gradient approach. If '''use_surface_fluxes''' = ''.T.,'' the user-assigned surface fluxes are used instead (see [#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux], [#surface_waterflux surface_waterflux] and [#surface_scalarflux surface_scalarflux]) or the surface fluxes are calculated via Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (depends on the bottom boundary conditions, see [#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b], [#bc_q_b bc_q_b] and [#bc_s_b bc_s_b]).\\\\
    18231823'''use_surface_fluxes''' is automatically set ''.T.,'' if a constant flux layer is used (see [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer]).\\\\
    1824 The user may prescribe the surface fluxes at the bottom boundary without using a constant flux layer by setting '''use_surface_fluxes''' = ''.T.'' and [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.F.''. If , in this case, the momentum flux (u,,*,,^2^) should also be prescribed, the user must assign an appropriate value within the [../userint user-defined code].
     1824The user may prescribe the surface fluxes at the bottom boundary without using a constant flux layer by setting '''use_surface_fluxes''' = ''.T.'' and [#constant_flux_layer constant_flux_layer] = ''.F.''. If, in this case, the momentum flux (u,,*,,^2^) should also be prescribed, the user must assign an appropriate value within the [../userint user-defined code].
    18521852Parameter to restrict the mixing length in the vicinity of the bottom boundary (and near vertical walls of a non-flat topography).\\\\
    18531853With '''wall_adjustment''' = ''.T.,'' the mixing length is limited to a maximum of  1.8 * z. This condition typically affects only the first grid points above the bottom boundary.\\\\
    1854 In case of  a non-flat topography the respective horizontal distance from vertical walls is used.
     1854In case of  a non-flat topography, the respective horizontal distance from vertical walls is used.
    19161916Height where the damping layer begins in the [../../tec/1dmodel 1d-model] (in m).\\\\
    1917 This parameter is used to switch on a damping layer for the 1d-model, which is generally needed for the damping of inertia oscillations. Damping is done by gradually increasing the value of the eddy diffusivities about 10% per vertical grid level (starting with the value at the height given by '''damp_level_1d''', or possibly from the next grid pint above), i.e. K,,m,,(k+1) = 1.1 * K,,m,,(k). The values of K,,m,, are limited to 10 m^2^/s at maximum.\\\\
     1917This parameter is used to switch on a damping layer for the 1d-model, which is generally needed for the damping of inertia oscillations. Damping is done by gradually increasing the value of the eddy diffusivities about 10% per vertical grid level (starting with the value at the height given by '''damp_level_1d''', or possibly from the next grid point above), i.e. K,,m,,(k+1) = 1.1 * K,,m,,(k). The values of K,,m,, are limited to 10 m^2^/s at maximum.\\\\
    19181918This parameter only comes into effect if the 1d-model is switched on for the initialization of the 3d-model using [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_1d-model_profiles'.''
    19501950      '''dt''' < 0.00001 * [../d3par#dt_max dt_max] (with dt_max = 20.0)\\\\
    19511951the simulation will be aborted. Such situations usually arise in case of any numerical problem / instability which causes a non-realistic increase of the wind speed.\\\\
    1952 A small time step due to a large mean horizontal windspeed speed may be enlarged by using a coordinate transformation (see [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation]), in order to spare CPU time.
     1952A small time step due to a large mean horizontal wind speed may be enlarged by using a coordinate transformation (see [#galilei_transformation galilei_transformation]), in order to spare CPU time.
    20072007By setting the initialization parameter [#ensemble_member_nr ensemble_member_nr] to an integer between 1 and 2000, palm will produce statistically independent members of a simulation.\\
    2009 This parameter can only be used, if '''[#random_generator random_generator]''' = '' 'random-parallel' '' is set.
     2009This parameter can only be used, if '''[#random_generator random_generator]''' = '' 'random-parallel' '' is set to '' '.T.' ''.
    20222022Initialization actions to be carried out.\\\\
    2023 This parameter does not have a default value and therefore must be assigned with each model run. For restart runs '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'read_restart_data' '' must be set. For the initial run of a job chain the following values are allowed:\\\\
     2023This parameter does not have a default value and ,therefore, must be assigned with each model run. For restart runs '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'read_restart_data' '' must be set. For the initial run of a job chain the following values are allowed:\\\\
    20242024'' 'set_constant_profiles' ''\\\\
    20252025      A horizontal wind profile consisting of linear sections (see [#ug_surface ug_surface], [#ug_vertical_gradient ug_vertical_gradient], [#ug_vertical_gradient_level ug_vertical_gradient_level] and [#vg_surface vg_surface], [#vg_vertical_gradient vg_vertical_gradient], [#vg_vertical_gradient_level vg_vertical_gradient_level], respectively) as well as a vertical temperature (humidity) profile consisting of linear sections (see [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient]) are assumed as initial profiles. The subgrid-scale TKE is set to 0 but K,,m,, and K,,h,, are set to very small values because otherwise no TKE would be generated.\\\\
    20302030      The initialization of the arrays of the 3d-model is under complete control of the user and has to be done in routine {{{user_init_3d_model}}} of the [../userint user-interface].\\\\
    20312031'' 'initialize_vortex' ''\\\\
    2032       The initial velocity field of the 3d-model corresponds to a Rankine-vortex with vertical axis. This setting may be used to test advection schemes. Free-slip boundary conditions for u and v (see [#bc_uv_b bc_uv_b], [#bc_uv_t bc_uv_t]) are necessary. In order not to distort the vortex, an initial horizontal wind profile constant with height is necessary (to be set by [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles{{{'}}}'') and some other conditions have to be met (neutral stratification, diffusion must be switched off, see [#km_constant km_constant]). The center of the vortex is located at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. It extends from k = 0 to k = [#nz nz]+1. Its radius is 8 * [#dx dx] and the exponentially decaying part ranges to 32 * dx (see {{{init_rankine.f90}}}).\\\\
     2032      The initial velocity field of the 3d-model corresponds to a Rankine-vortex with a vertical axis. This setting may be used to test advection schemes. Free-slip boundary conditions for u and v (see [#bc_uv_b bc_uv_b], [#bc_uv_t bc_uv_t]) are necessary. In order not to distort the vortex, an initial horizontal wind profile constant with height is necessary (to be set by [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles{{{'}}}'') and some other conditions have to be met (neutral stratification, diffusion must be switched off, see [#km_constant km_constant]). The center of the vortex is located at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. It extends from k = 0 to k = [#nz nz]+1. Its radius is 8 * [#dx dx] and the exponentially decaying part ranges to 32 * dx (see {{{init_rankine.f90}}}).\\\\
    20332033'' 'initialize_ptanom' ''\\\\
    2034       A 2d-Gauss-like shape disturbance (x,y) is added to the initial temperature field with radius 10.0 * [#dx dx] and center at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. This may be used for tests of scalar advection schemes (see [#scalar_advec scalar_advec]). Such tests require a horizontal wind profile constant with hight and diffusion switched off (see '' 'initialize_vortex' ''). Additionally, the buoyancy term must be switched of in the equation of motion  for w (this requires the user to comment out the call of buoyancy in the source code of {{{prognostic_equations.f90}}}).\\\\
     2034      A 2d-Gauss-like shape disturbance (x,y) is added to the initial temperature field with radius 10.0 * [#dx dx] and center at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. This may be used for tests of scalar advection schemes (see [#scalar_advec scalar_advec]). Such tests require a horizontal wind profile constant with height and diffusion switched off (see '' 'initialize_vortex' ''). Additionally, the buoyancy term must be switched off in the equation of motion  for w (this requires the user to comment out the call of buoyancy in the source code of {{{prognostic_equations.f90}}}).\\\\
    20352035'' 'cyclic_fill' ''\\\\
    20362036      Here, 3d-data from a precursor run are read by the initial (main) run. The precursor run is allowed to have a smaller domain along x and y compared with the main run. Also, different numbers of processors can be used for these two runs. Limitations are that the precursor run must use cyclic horizontal boundary conditions and that the number of vertical grid points, [#nz nz], must be same for the precursor run and the main run. If the total domain of the main run is larger than that of the precursor run, the domain is filled by cyclic repetition of the (cyclic) precursor data. This initialization method is required if a turbulent inflow is used (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]). 3d-data must be made available to the run by activating an appropriate file connection statement for local file [../iofiles#BININ BININ]. The usage of a turbulent inflow is explained [../examples/turbinf here]. \\ Note that in case of [#reference_state reference_state]='' 'initial_profile','' the main run uses the initial profile of the precursor run. \\\\
    22802280Values of u-velocity component to be used as initial profile (in m/s).\\\\
    2281 The corresponding height levels have to be provided by parameter [#uv_heights uv_heights]. The first velocity value always has to be given for the surface and must be zero, i.e. {{{u_profile(1)}}} = 0.0. Velocity values for the model grid levels are calculated from the given values by linear interpolation. If the uppermost value is given for a height smaller than the domain height, this value will be used for all grid points above this level. In runs with non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions this profile will be used as fixed mean inflow profile.
     2281The corresponding height levels have to be provided by parameter [#uv_heights uv_heights]. The first velocity value always has to be assigned to the surface and must be zero, i.e. {{{u_profile(1)}}} = 0.0. Velocity values for the model grid levels are calculated from the given values by linear interpolation. If the uppermost value is given for a height smaller than the domain height, this value will be used for all grid points above this level. In runs with non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions this profile will be used as fixed mean inflow profile.
    2478 y-coordinate of the South building wall (distance between the South building wall and the South border of the model domain) in m.\\\\
     2478y-coordinate of the south building wall (distance between the south building wall and the south border of the model domain) in m.\\\\
    24792479Currently, '''building_wall_south''' must be at least 1 * [#dy dy] and less than ( [#ny ny]  - 1 ) * dy -  [#building_length_y building_length_y]. This parameter requires the use of [#topography topography] = '' 'single_building'.''\\\\
    24802480The default value '''building_wall_south''' = ( ( ny + 1 ) * dy -  building_length_y ) / 2 centers the building in y-direction. Due to the staggered grid the building will be displaced by -0.5 [#dx dx] in x-direction and -0.5 dy in y-direction.
    2550 y-coordinate of the South canyon wall (distance between the South canyon wall and the South border of the model domain) in m.\\\\
     2550y-coordinate of the south canyon wall (distance between the south canyon wall and the south border of the model domain) in m.\\\\
    25512551Currently, '''canyon_wall_south''' must be at least 1 * [#dy dy] and less than ( [#ny ny]  - 1 ) * dy -  [#canyon_width_y canyon_width_y]. This parameter requires [#topography topography] = '' 'single_street_canyon'.''\\\\
    25522552The default value '''canyon_wall_south''' = ( ( ny + 1 ) * dy -  canyon_width_y ) / 2 centers the canyon in y-direction.
    25722572'' 'single_street_canyon' ''
    25732573  Flow over a single, quasi-2D street canyon of infinite length oriented either in x- or in y-direction.
    2574   The canyon size, orientation and location can be specified by the parameters [#canyon_height canyon_height] plus '''either''' [#canyon_width_x canyon_width_x] and [#canyon_wall_left canyon_wall_left] '''or'''  [#canyon_width_y canyon_width_y] and [#canyon_wall_south canyon_wall_south].
     2574  The canyon size, orientation, and location can be specified by the parameters [#canyon_height canyon_height] plus '''either''' [#canyon_width_x canyon_width_x] and [#canyon_wall_left canyon_wall_left] '''or'''  [#canyon_width_y canyon_width_y] and [#canyon_wall_south canyon_wall_south].
    25752575'' 'read_from_file' ''
    25762576  Flow around arbitrary topography.
    25972597      The distance between cell edges defines the extent of topography. This setting is normally for generic topographies, i.e. topographies that are constructed using length parameters. For example, [#topography topography] = '' 'single_building' '' is constructed using [#building_length_x building_length_x] and [#building_length_y building_length_y]. The advantage of this setting is that the actual size of generic topography is independent of the grid size, provided that the length parameters are an integer multiple of the grid lengths [#dx dx] and [#dy dy]. This is convenient for resolution parameter studies.\\\\
    25982598'' 'cell_center' ''\\\\
    2599       The number of topography cells define the extent of topography. This setting is normally for rastered real topographies derived from digital elevation models. For example, [#topography topography] = '' 'read_from_file' '' is constructed using the input file [../iofiles#TOPOGRAPHY_DATA TOPOGRAPHY_DATA]. The advantage of this setting is that the rastered topography cells of the input file are directly mapped to topography grid boxes in PALM.\\\\
     2599      The number of topography cells defines the extent of topography. This setting is normally for rastered real topographies derived from digital elevation models. For example, [#topography topography] = '' 'read_from_file' '' is constructed using the input file [../iofiles#TOPOGRAPHY_DATA TOPOGRAPHY_DATA]. The advantage of this setting is that the rastered topography cells of the input file are directly mapped to topography grid boxes in PALM.\\\\
    26002600The example files {{{example_topo_file}}} and {{{example_building}}} in trunk/EXAMPLES/ illustrate the difference between both approaches. Both examples simulate a single building and yield the same results. The former uses a rastered topography input file with '' 'cell_center' '' convention, the latter applies a generic topography with '' 'cell_edge' '' convention.\\\\
    26012601The default value is\\\\
    2682 Parameter to control how often 2-moment cloud microphysics ([#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme] = 'seifert_beheng') are computed during a model time step. Using the default, cloud microphysics are computed once before the time step. Using call_microphysics_at_all_substeps = .T., cloud microphysics are computed before every substep of the applied time step scheme, which is, however, not necessary to gain acceptable results. Note that advection and diffusion of rain water content (qr) and rain drop concentration (nr) are not affected by this parameter (these processes are computed as any other scalar).
     2682Parameter to control how often 2-moment cloud microphysics ([#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme] = 'seifert_beheng') are computed during a model time step. Using the default, cloud microphysics are computed once before the time step. Using call_microphysics_at_all_substeps = .T., cloud microphysics are computed before every substep of the applied time step scheme, which is, however, not necessary to gain acceptable results. Note that advection and diffusion of rainwater content (qr) and rain drop concentration (nr) are not affected by this parameter (these processes are computed as any other scalar).
    2711 Courant number for sedimentation process. A too big Courant number inhibits microphysical interactions of the sedimented quantity. There is no need to use the limiter ([#limiter_sedimentation limiter_sedimentation]) if [#c_sedimentation c_sedimentation] <= 1.0.
     2711Courant number for sedimentation process.
     2713A Courant number that is too big inhibits microphysical interactions of the sedimented quantity. There is no need to use the limiter ([#limiter_sedimentation limiter_sedimentation]) if [#c_sedimentation c_sedimentation] <= 1.0.
    27132715This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used ([#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme] = 'seifert_beheng').
    2741 Slope limiter in sedimentation process according to Stevens and Seifert (2008). There is no need to use the limiter if [#c_sedimentation c_sedimentation] <= 1.0.
     2743Slope limiter in sedimentation process according to Stevens and Seifert (2008).
    27432745This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used ([#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme] = 'seifert_beheng').
     2747If [#c_sedimentation c_sedimentation] <= 1.0 there is no need to use the limiter.
    2786 Parameter to consider the ventilation effect on evaporation of rain drops according to Seifert (2008).
     2790Parameter to consider the ventilation effect on evaporation of raindrops according to Seifert (2008).
    27882792This parameter only comes into effect if the microphysical cloud scheme according to Seifert and Beheng (2006) is used ([#cloud_scheme cloud_scheme] = 'seifert_beheng').
    28062810Inclination of the model domain with respect to the horizontal (in degrees).\\\\
    2807 By means of '''alpha_surface''' the model domain can be inclined in x-direction with respect to the horizontal. In this way flows over inclined surfaces (e.g. drainage flows, gravity flows) can be simulated. In case of '''alpha_surface''' /= ''0'' the buoyancy term appears both in the equation of motion of the u-component and of the w-component.\\\\
     2811By setting '''alpha_surface''' unequal to zero the model domain can be inclined in x-direction with respect to the horizontal. In this way flows over inclined surfaces (e.g. drainage flows, gravity flows) can be simulated. In case of '''alpha_surface''' /= ''0'' the buoyancy term appears both in the equation of motion of the u-component and of the w-component.\\\\
    28082812An inclination is only possible in case of cyclic horizontal boundary conditions along x '''AND''' y (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] and [#bc_ns bc_ns]) and [#topography topography] = '' 'flat'.''\\\\
    28092813Runs with inclined surface still require additional [../userint user-defined code] as well as modifications to the default code. Please ask the PALM developer group ([[contact details]]).