Changes between Version 228 and Version 229 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Mar 6, 2014 1:57:13 PM (11 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v228 v229  
    266 Parameter to choose large scale forcing from an external file. By means of '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' the time-dependent surface heat flux '''shf''', surface water flux '''qsws''', surface temperature '''pt_surface''', surface humidity and surface pressure '''surface_pressure''' as well as vertical profiles of the geostrophic wind components '''ug''' and '''vg''' and the large scale vertical subsidence profile '''w_subs''' are provided in the simulation. An example can be found [../examples/nudging here].\\\\
    268 '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs and non cyclic lateral boundary conditions. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity. \\\\
    270 This mode requires the input file [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. This file has to contain two kinds of information: time-dependent surface values and time-dependent profile information which can be provided by measurements or larger scale models.\\\\
     266Parameter to choose large scale forcing from an external file. By means of '''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' the time-dependent surface heat flux '''shf''', surface water flux '''qsws''', surface temperature '''pt_surface''', surface humidity and surface pressure '''surface_pressure''' as well as vertical profiles of the geostrophic wind components '''ug''' and '''vg''' and the large scale vertical subsidence profile '''w_subs''' are provided in the simulation. An example can be found [../examples/nudging here].\\
     268'''large_scale_forcing''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = .T.. It is not implemented for [#ocean ocean] runs and non cyclic lateral boundary conditions. It is possible to drive the simulations either by means of surface fluxes or by means of prescribed surface values for temperature and humidity. \\
     270This mode requires the input file [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. This file has to contain two kinds of information: time-dependent surface values and time-dependent profile information which can be provided by measurements or larger scale models.\\
    272272In case large scale forcing shall be used without nudging ([#nudging nudging] = .F.) initial profiles of potential temperature, humidity and horizontal wind components have to be provided by means of [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient], [#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level] and so forth.
     275{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     276[=#large_scale_subsidence '''large_scale_subsidence''']
     278{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     281{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     285Parameter to enable large scale subsidence/ascent for atmospheric simulations. In case large scale vertical motion is applied, an additional tendency term, tend_subs, is calculated for the scalar quantities, e.g. for potential temperature it is tend_subs(k,j,i) = - w_subs(k)* dpt(k,j,i) / dz. \\
     287The profile for the subsidence velocity w_subs can either be set via [#subs_vertical_gradient subs_vertical_gradient] and [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] or by reading it from the large scale forcing data set [../iofiles#LSF_DATA LSF_DATA]. \\
     289large_scale_subsidence is not implemented for ocean runs. \\
     292The large scale vertical motion is only applied to the prognostic equation for the scalar quantities (potential temperature, humidity if [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.'' or passive scalar if [#passive_scalar passive_scalar] = ''.T.''). It should not be applied to the momentum equations due to incompressibility. Applying it also to the horizontal velocity components would results in mass inconsistencies.
    462482      [#subs_vertical_gradient_level subs_vertical_gradient_level] = ''0.0,'' ''1000.0,''\\\\
    463483That defines the subsidence/ascent profile to be linear up to z = 1000.0 m with a surface value of 0 m/s. Due to the gradient of -0.002 (m/s) / 100 m the subsidence velocity has a value of -0.02 m/s in z = 1000.0 m. For z > 1000.0 m up to the top boundary the gradient is 0.0 (m/s) / 100 m (it is assumed that the assigned height levels correspond with uv levels). This results in a subsidence velocity of -0.02 m/s at the top boundary.\\\\
    464 With an appropriate construction of '''w_subs''' the height of the boundary layer ''z_i'' can be kept approximately constant.\\\\
    465 '''Attention:'''\\
    466 The large scale vertical motion is only applied to the prognostic equation for the scalar quantities (potential temperature, humidity if [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.'' or passive scalar if [#passive_scalar passive_scalar] = ''.T.'') because it cannot be applied to the momentum equations due to incompressibility. Thus, the model is not mass consistent.
     484With an appropriate construction of '''w_subs''' the height of the boundary layer ''z_i'' can be kept approximately constant.