Changes between Version 209 and Version 210 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Jul 10, 2013 6:17:46 PM (12 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v209 v210  
    11851185Boundary condition along y (for all quantities).\\\\
    11861186By default, a cyclic boundary condition is used along y.\\\\
    1187 '''bc_ns''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' or '' 'dirichlet/neumann' '' (inflow from rear ("north"), outflow to the front ("south")) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' or '' 'neumann/dirichlet' '' (inflow from front ("south"), outflow to the rear ("north")). This requires the multi-grid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along x (see
     1187'''bc_ns''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from rear ("north"), outflow to the front ("south")) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from front ("south"), outflow to the rear ("north")). This requires the multi-grid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along x (see
    11881188[#bc_lr bc_lr]).\\\\
    11891189In case of these non-cyclic lateral boundaries, a Dirichlet condition is used at the inflow for all quantities (initial vertical profiles - see [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] - are fixed during the run) except e, to which a Neumann (zero gradient) condition is applied. At the outflow, a radiation condition is used for all velocity components and the calculation method of the required phase velocity is controlled by the parameter [#use_cmax use_cmax].