Changes between Version 206 and Version 207 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Jun 12, 2013 1:55:36 PM (12 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v206 v207  
    374374'' 'initial profile' ''\\
    375      The initial vertical potential temperature profile will be used. See [#pt_surface pt_surface] and [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial profile. In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead. In ocean runs, density is used (calculated from the initial potential temperature and salinity profile).
     375     The initial vertical potential temperature profile will be used. See [#pt_surface pt_surface] and [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial profile.
     377     In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead (see [#q_surface q_surface] and [#q_vertical_gradient q_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial specific humidity profile).
     379     In ocean runs, potential density is used instead of temperature (calculated from the initial potential temperature and salinity profile, see [#sa_surface sa_surface] and [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient] for how to set the initial salinity profile).
    377381'' 'horizontal_average' ''\\
    378      The instantaneous horizontally averaged potential temperature profile will be used. Please be aware that this causes the reference state to change in time. In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead. In ocean runs, density is used.
     382     The instantaneous horizontally averaged potential temperature profile will be used. Please be aware that this causes the reference state to change in time.
     384     In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature will be used instead. In ocean runs, potential density is used.
    380386'' 'single_value' ''\\
    381387     A constant single potential temperature value is used as reference state. The respective value can be defined with parameter [#pt_reference pt_reference].
    382      '''Warning:''' In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature is used, which is calculated from {{{pt_reference}}} and the surface specific humidity (see [#q_surface q_surface]).
     389     '''Warning:''' In case of runs with humidity, the virtual potential temperature is used. The reference value is then calculated from [#pt_reference pt_reference] and the surface specific humidity (see [#q_surface q_surface]), i.e. it cannot be explicitly set by the user.
    383391     In ocean runs, the reference value cannot be explicitly set by the user. Instead, it is calculated as the vertical average of the initial potential density profile.
    923931{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    924 use horizontal average as reference
     932value of [#pt_surface pt_surface]
    927935Reference temperature to be used in all buoyancy terms (in K).\\\\
    928 By default, the instantaneous horizontal average over the total model domain is used.\\\\
     936This parameter only becomes effective if [#reference_state reference_state] = '' 'single_value' '' has been chosen for the reference state to be used in the buoyancy term.\\\\
    930 In case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), always a reference temperature is used in the buoyancy terms with a default value of '''pt_reference''' = [#pt_surface pt_surface].
     938This parameter has no effect in case of ocean runs (see [#ocean ocean]), where potential density is used in the buoyancy term (see [#reference_state reference_state] for more details).