Changes between Version 204 and Version 205 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

May 28, 2013 1:51:44 PM (12 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v204 v205  
    83 Conservation of volume flow in x- and y-direction.\\\\ In case of lateral cyclic boundary conditions (bc_lr = '' 'cyclic' '' and bc_ns = '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') '''conserve_volume_flow''' = ''.T.'' guarantees that the volume flow through the xz- and yz-cross-sections of the total model domain remains constant throughout the run depending on the chosen [#conserve_volume_flow_mode conserve_volume_flow_mode]. In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (bc_lr /= '' 'cyclic' '' or bc_ns /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') this option guarantees that the volume flow at the inflow boundary equals at each time step the volume flow at the outflow. \\\\
    84 Note that '''conserve_volume_flow''' = ''.T.'' requires [#dp_external dp_external] = ''.F.''.
    86 Detailed information about the conservation of volume flow can be found [../../tec/noncyclic here].
     83Conservation of volume flow in x- and y-direction.\\\\ In case of lateral cyclic boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] = '' 'cyclic' '' and [#bc_ns bc_ns] = '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') [#conserve_volume_flow conserve_volume_flow] = ''.T.'' guarantees that the volume flow through the xz- and yz-cross-sections of the total model domain remains constant throughout the run depending on the chosen [#conserve_volume_flow_mode conserve_volume_flow_mode]. In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') this option guarantees that the volume flow at the inflow boundary equals at each time step the volume flow at the outflow. \\\\
     84Note that [#conserve_volume_flow conserve_volume_flow] = ''.T.'' requires [#dp_external dp_external] = ''.F.''.
     86In case of [../../tec/noncyclic non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions], detailed information about the conservation of volume flow can be found in the  documentation.
    102102      Per default, PALM uses '' 'initial_profiles' ''. \\\\
    103103'' 'initial_profiles' ''\\\\
    104       The target volume flow is calculated at t=0 from the initial profiles of u and v. This option is also standard for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (bc_lr /= '' 'cyclic' '' or bc_ns /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') because the (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time and are identical with the initial profiles.\\\\
     104      The target volume flow is calculated at t=0 from the initial profiles of u and v. This option is also standard for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}'') because the (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time and are identical with the initial profiles.\\\\
    105105'' 'inflow_profile' ''\\\\
    106       The target volume flow is calculated at every timestep from the inflow profile of u or v, respectively. This setting is only allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (bc_lr /= '' 'cyclic' '' or bc_ns /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}''). '''This option is not implemented so far, because at this time (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time in the standard code.'''\\\\
     106      The target volume flow is calculated at every timestep from the inflow profile of u or v, respectively. This setting is only allowed for non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions ([#bc_lr bc_lr] /= '' 'cyclic' '' or [#bc_ns bc_ns] /= '' 'cyclic{{{'}}}''). '''This option is not implemented so far, because at this time (spanwise averaged) inflow profiles do not vary with time in the standard code.'''\\\\
    107107'' 'bulk_velocity' ''\\\\
    108108      The target volume flow is calculated from a predefined bulk velocity (see [#u_bulk u_bulk] and [#v_bulk v_bulk]). This setting is only allowed for cyclic lateral boundary conditions  .\\\\
    871871If the damping factor is too low, gravity waves can develop within the damping domain and if the damping factor is too high, gravity waves can develop in front of the damping domain.
    873 Detailed information about non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions and the damping function can be found [../../tec/noncyclic here].
     873Detailed information about the damping can be found in the documentation of the [../../tec/noncyclic non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions].
    887887In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] or [#bc_ns bc_ns]), this parameter determines the range where damping of the potential temperature is applied. The damping domain starts at the inflow boundary and ranges to the value of '''pt_damping_width'''. The intensity of the damping is applied by [#pt_damping_factor pt_damping_factor].
    889 Detailed information about non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions and the damping function can be found [../../tec/noncyclic here].
     890Detailed information about the damping can be found in the documentation of the [../../tec/noncyclic non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions].
    11311132'''bc_lr''' may also be assigned the values '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' (inflow from left, outflow to the right) or '' 'radiation/dirichlet' '' (inflow from right, outflow to the left). This requires the multi-grid method to be used for solving the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) and it also requires cyclic boundary conditions along y (see [#bc_ns bc_ns]).\\\\
    11321133In case of these non-cyclic lateral boundaries, a Dirichlet condition is used at the inflow for all quantities (initial vertical profiles - see [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] - are fixed during the run) except e, to which a Neumann (zero gradient) condition is applied. At the outflow, a radiation condition is used for all velocity components and the calculation method of the required phase velocity is controlled by the parameter [#use_cmax use_cmax].
    1133 For scalars, a Neumann (zero gradient) condition is used. For the perturbation pressure, Neumann (zero gradient) conditions are assumed both at the inflow and at the outflow.\\\\
     1134For scalars, a Neumann condition is used. For the perturbation pressure, Neumann conditions are assumed both at the inflow and at the outflow.\\\\
    11341135In order to maintain a turbulent state of the flow, it may be neccessary to continuously impose perturbations on the horizontal velocity field in the vicinity of the inflow throughout the whole run. This can be switched on using [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The horizontal range to which these perturbations are applied is controlled by the parameters [#inflow_disturbance_begin inflow_disturbance_begin] and [#inflow_disturbance_end inflow_disturbance_end]. The vertical range and the perturbation amplitude are given by [../d3par#disturbance_level_b disturbance_level_b], [../d3par#disturbance_level_t disturbance_level_t], and [../d3par#disturbance_amplitude disturbance_amplitude]. The time interval at which perturbations are to be imposed is set by [../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb].\\\\
    11351136In case of non-cyclic horizontal boundaries [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps] = ''.T.'' should be used.\\\\
    11371138Using non-cyclic lateral boundaries requires very sensitive adjustments of the inflow (vertical profiles) and the bottom boundary conditions, e.g. a surface heating should not be applied near the inflow boundary because this may significantly disturb the inflow. Please check the model results very carefully.
    1139 Detailed information about non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions can be found [../../tec/noncyclic here].
     1140Detailed information can be found in the documentation of the [../../tec/noncyclic non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions].
    16681669Generates a turbulent inflow at side boundaries using a turbulence recycling method.\\\\
    16691670Turbulent inflow is realized using the turbulence recycling method from Lund et al. (1998, J. Comp. Phys., 140, 233-258) modified by Kataoka and Mizuno (2002, Wind and Structures, 5, 379-392).\\\\
    1670 A turbulent inflow requires Dirichlet conditions at the respective inflow boundary. So far, a turbulent inflow is realized from the left (west) side only, i.e. [#bc_lr bc_lr] = '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' is required!\\\\
     1671A turbulent inflow requires Dirichlet conditions at the respective inflow boundary. So far, a turbulent inflow is realized from the left (west) side only, i.e. [#bc_lr bc_lr] = '' 'dirichlet/radiation' '' is required! \\\\
    16711672The initial (quasi-stationary) turbulence field must be generated by a precursor run and used by setting [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'cyclic_fill'.''\\\\
    16721673The distance of the recycling plane from the inflow boundary can be set with parameter [#recycling_width recycling_width]. The heigth above ground above which the turbulence signal is not used for recycling and the width of the layer within the magnitude of the turbulence signal is damped from 100% to 0% can be set with parameters [#inflow_damping_height inflow_damping_height] and [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
    1686 Parameter to choose the calculation method of the phase velocity at the outflow in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions.
    1688 In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, radiation boundary conditions are used for the velocity components at the outflow boundary.
    1689 If use_cmax is set to ''.T.'', the phase velocity is set to the maximum value that ensures numerical stability (CFL-condition). Thus, the radiation boundary conditions are simplified in this way that the phase velocity must not be calculated.
    1691 Setting [#use_cmax use_cmax] = ''.F.'', the phase velocity is calculated after Orlanski (1976) after every time step and averaged along the outflow.
    1693 Detailed information about the radiation boundary conditions can be found [../../tec/noncyclic here].
     1687Parameter to choose the calculation method of the phase velocity at the outflow boundary in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions.
     1689In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions (see [#bc_lr bc_lr] and [#bc_ns bc_ns]), radiation boundary conditions are used for the velocity components at the outflow boundary.
     1690If [#use_cmax use_cmax] = ''.T.'', the phase velocity is set to the maximum value that ensures numerical stability (CFL-condition). With this method, the radiation boundary conditions are simplified, as phase velocity must not be calculated.
     1692Setting [#use_cmax use_cmax] = ''.F.'', the phase velocity is calculated after every time step, using the approach of Orlanski (1976). Additionally, local phase velocities are averaged along the outflow boundary in each height level.
     1694Detailed information can be found in the documentation of the [../../tec/noncyclic non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions].