Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Sep 13, 2010 9:39:21 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v14 v15  
    2222    * An additional prognostic equation for salinity is solved.
    2323    * Potential temperature in buoyancy and stability-related terms is replaced by potential density.
    24     * Potential density is calculated from the equation of state for seawater after each timestep, using the algorithm proposed by Jackett et al. (2006, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 23, 1709-1728).
     24    * Potential density is calculated from the equation of state for seawater after each timestep, using the algorithm proposed by Jackett et al. (2006, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., '''23''', 1709-1728).
    2525      So far, only the initial hydrostatic pressure is entered into this equation.
    2626    * z=0 (sea surface) is assumed at the model top (vertical grid index k=nzt on the w-grid), with negative values of z indicating the depth.
    27     * Initial profiles are constructed (e.g. from pt_vertical_gradient / pt_vertical_gradient_level) starting from the sea surface, using surface values given by pt_surface, sa_surface, ug_surface, and vg_surface.
     27    * Initial profiles are constructed (e.g. from [#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient] / [#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level]) starting from the sea surface, using surface values given by [#pt_surface pt_surface], [#sa_surface sa_surface], [#ug_surface ug_surface], and [#vg_surface vg_surface].
    2828    * Zero salinity flux is used as default boundary condition at the bottom of the sea.
    2929    * If switched on, random perturbations are by default imposed to the upper model domain from zu(nzt*2/3) to zu(nzt-3).
    3131Relevant parameters to be exclusively used for steering ocean runs are [#bc_sa_t bc_sa_t], [#bottom_salinityflux bottom_salinityflux], [#sa_surface sa_surface], [#sa_vertical_gradient sa_vertical_gradient], [#sa_vertical_gradient_level sa_vertical_gradient_level], and [#top_salinityflux top_salinityflux].\\\\
     33Section 4.4.2 gives an example for appropriate settings of these and other parameters neccessary for ocean runs.\\\\
     35'''ocean''' = ''.T.'' does not allow settings of timestep_scheme = '' 'leapfrog' '' or '' 'leapfrog+euler' '' as well as scalar_advec = '' 'ups-scheme' ''.