Changes between Version 137 and Version 138 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Dec 14, 2010 11:07:58 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v137 v138  
    615615Switch to steer the call of the pressure solver.\\\\
    616 In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) can be called only at the last substep of multistep Runge-Kutta timestep schemes (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]) by setting '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.F.''. In many cases, this sufficiently reduces the divergence of the velocity field. Nevertheless, small-scale ripples (2-delta-x) may occur. In this case and in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the default value '''call_psolver_at_all_timesteps''' = ''.T.'' should be used.
     616In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation for perturbation pressure (see [#psolver psolver]) can be called only at the last substep of multistep Runge-Kutta timestep schemes (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]) by setting '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.F.''. In many cases, this sufficiently reduces the divergence of the velocity field. Nevertheless, small-scale ripples (2-delta-x) may occur. In this case and in case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the default value '''call_psolver_at_all_substeps''' = ''.T.'' should be used.
    851851      Successive over relaxation method (SOR). The convergence of this iterative scheme is steered with the parameters [#omega_sor omega_sor], [#nsor_ini nsor_ini] and [#nsor nsor].\\
    852852      Compared to the direct method and the multi-grid method, this scheme needs substantially more computing time. It should only be used for test runs, e.g. to compare results with the other pressure solver methods.\\\\
    853       In case of using a multistep Runge-Kutta timestep scheme (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]), the Poisson equation is by default solved after each of the substeps. In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation may be solved only for the last substep (see [#call_psolver at_all_substeps call_psolver at_all_substeps]).
     853      In case of using a multistep Runge-Kutta timestep scheme (see [#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme]), the Poisson equation is by default solved after each of the substeps. In order to speed-up performance, the Poisson equation may be solved only for the last substep (see [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps]).
    11061106When using non-cyclic lateral boundaries, a filter is applied to the velocity field in the vicinity of the outflow in order to suppress any reflections of outgoing disturbances (see [#km_damp_max km_damp_max] and [#outflow_damping_width outflow_damping_width]).\\\\
    11071107In order to maintain a turbulent state of the flow, it may be neccessary to continuously impose perturbations on the horizontal velocity field in the vicinity of the inflow throughout the whole run. This can be switched on using [../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]. The horizontal range to which these perturbations are applied is controlled by the parameters [#inflow_disturbance_begin inflow_disturbance_begin] and [#inflow_disturbance_end inflow_disturbance_end]. The vertical range and the perturbation amplitude are given by [../d3par#disturbance_level_b disturbance_level_b], [../d3par#disturbance_level_t disturbance_level_t], and [../d3par#disturbance_amplitude disturbance_amplitude]. The time interval at which perturbations are to be imposed is set by [../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb].\\\\
    1108 In case of non-cyclic horizontal boundaries [../d3par#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps] = ''.T.'' should be used.\\\\
     1108In case of non-cyclic horizontal boundaries [#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps] = ''.T.'' should be used.\\\\
    11101110Using non-cyclic lateral boundaries requires very sensitive adjustments of the inflow (vertical profiles) and the bottom boundary conditions, e.g. a surface heating should not be applied near the inflow boundary because this may significantly disturb the inflow. Please check the model results very carefully.