Changes between Version 106 and Version 107 of doc/app/initialization_parameters

Sep 15, 2010 3:07:30 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/initialization_parameters

    v106 v107  
    4646For '''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'', equations for the liquid water content and the liquid water potential temperature are solved instead of those for specific humidity and potential temperature. Note that a grid volume is assumed to be either completely saturated or completely unsaturated (0%-or-100%-scheme). A simple precipitation scheme can additionally be switched on with parameter [#precipitation precipitation]. Also cloud-top cooling by longwave radiation can be utilized (see [#radiation radiation]).\\\\
    4747'''cloud_physics''' = ''.T.'' requires [#humidity humidity] = ''.T.''.\\\\
    48 Detailed information about the condensation scheme is given in the description of the [[cloud physics module]] (pdf-file, only in German).\\\\
     48Detailed information about the condensation scheme is given in the description of the [[cloud physics module]] (pdf-file).\\\\
    4949This condensation scheme is not allowed if cloud droplets are simulated explicitly (see [#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]).
    230230Constant eddy diffusivities are used (laminar simulations).\\\\
    231 If this parameter is specified, both in the 1d and in the 3d-model constant values for the eddy diffusivities are used in space and time with K,,m,, = '''km_constant''' and K,,h,, = K,,m,, / [[prandtl_number]]. The prognostic equation for the subgrid-scale TKE is switched off. Constant eddy diffusivities are only allowed with the Prandtl layer ([#prandtl_layer prandtl_layer]) switched off.
     231If this parameter is specified, both in the 1d and in the 3d-model constant values for the eddy diffusivities are used in space and time with K,,m,, = '''km_constant''' and K,,h,, = K,,m,, / [#prandtl_number prandtl_number]. The prognostic equation for the subgrid-scale TKE is switched off. Constant eddy diffusivities are only allowed with the Prandtl layer ([#prandtl_layer prandtl_layer]) switched off.
    436436Horizontal grid spacing along the x-direction (in m).\\\\
    437437Along x-direction only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
    438 For coupled runs (see [[3.8]]) this parameter must be equal in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O].
     438For coupled runs (see [[chapter 3.8]]) this parameter must be equal in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O].
    451451Horizontal grid spacing along the y-direction (in m).\\\\
    452452Along y-direction only a constant grid spacing is allowed.\\\\
    453 For coupled runs (see [[3.8]]) this parameter must be equal in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O].
     453For coupled runs (see [[chapter 3.8]]) this parameter must be equal in both parameter files [../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and [../iofiles#PARIN_O PARIN_O].
    694694FFT-method to be used.\\\\
    695 The fast fourier transformation (FFT) is used for solving the perturbation pressure equation with a direct method (see [#psolver psolver]) and for calculating power spectra (see optional software packages, [[4.2]]).\\\\
     695The fast fourier transformation (FFT) is used for solving the perturbation pressure equation with a direct method (see [#psolver psolver]) and for calculating power spectra (see optional software packages, [[chapter 4.2]]).\\\\
    696696By default, system-specific, optimized routines from external vendor libraries are used. However, these are available only on certain computers and there are more or less severe restrictions concerning the number of gridpoints to be used with them.\\\\
    697697There are two other PALM internal methods available on every machine (their respective source code is part of the PALM source code):\\\\
    13611361Height below which the turbulence signal is used for turbulence recycling (in m).\\\\
    13621362In case of a turbulent inflow (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]), this parameter defines the vertical thickness of the turbulent layer up to which the turbulence extracted at the recycling plane (see [#recycling_width recycling_width]) shall be imposed to the inflow. Above this level the turbulence signal is linearly damped to zero. The transition range within which the signal falls to zero is given by the parameter [#inflow_damping_width inflow_damping_width].\\\\
    1363 By default, this height is set as the height of the convective boundary layer as calculated from a precursor run. See chapter [[3.9]] about proper settings for getting this CBL height from a precursor run.
     1363By default, this height is set as the height of the convective boundary layer as calculated from a precursor run. See [[chapter 3.9]] about proper settings for getting this CBL height from a precursor run.
    18141814      The arrays of the 3d-model are initialized with the (stationary) solution of the [[1d-model]]. These are the variables e, K,,h,,{{{,}}} K,,m,,{{{,}}} u, v and with Prandtl layer switched on rif, us, usws, vsws. The temperature (humidity) profile consisting of linear sections is set as for '' 'set_constant_profiles' '' and assumed as constant in time within the 1d-model. For steering of the 1d-model a set of parameters with suffix "_1d" (e.g. [#end_time_1d end_time_1d], [#damp_level_1d damp_level_1d]) is available.\\\\
    18151815'' 'by_user' ''\\\\
    1816       The initialization of the arrays of the 3d-model is under complete control of the user and has to be done in routine {{{user_init_3d_model}}} of the user-interface (see [[3.5.1]]).\\\\
     1816      The initialization of the arrays of the 3d-model is under complete control of the user and has to be done in routine {{{user_init_3d_model}}} of the user-interface (see [[section 3.5.1]]).\\\\
    18171817'' 'initialize_vortex' ''\\\\
    18181818      The initial velocity field of the 3d-model corresponds to a Rankine-vortex with vertical axis. This setting may be used to test advection schemes. Free-slip boundary conditions for u and v (see [#bc_uv_b bc_uv_b], [#bc_uv_t bc_uv_t]) are necessary. In order not to distort the vortex, an initial horizontal wind profile constant with height is necessary (to be set by [#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = '' 'set_constant_profiles{{{'}}}'') and some other conditions have to be met (neutral stratification, diffusion must be switched off, see [#km_constant km_constant]). The center of the vortex is located at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. It extends from k = 0 to k = [#nz nz]+1. Its radius is 8 * [#dx dx] and the exponentially decaying part ranges to 32 * dx (see {{{init_rankine.f90}}}).\\\\
    18201820      A 2d-Gauss-like shape disturbance (x,y) is added to the initial temperature field with radius 10.0 * [#dx dx] and center at jc = ([#nx nx]+1)/2. This may be used for tests of scalar advection schemes (see [#scalar_advec scalar_advec]). Such tests require a horizontal wind profile constant with hight and diffusion switched off (see '' 'initialize_vortex' ''). Additionally, the buoyancy term must be switched of in the equation of motion  for w (this requires the user to comment out the call of buoyancy in the source code of {{{prognostic_equations.f90}}}).\\\\
    18211821'' 'cyclic_fill' ''\\\\
    1822       Here, 3d-data from a precursor run are read by the initial (main) run. The precursor run is allowed to have a smaller domain along x and y compared with the main run. Also, different numbers of processors can be used for these two runs. Limitations are that the precursor run must use cyclic horizontal boundary conditions and that the number of vertical grid points, [#nz nz], must be same for the precursor run and the main run. If the total domain of the main run is larger than that of the precursor run, the domain is filled by cyclic repetition of the (cyclic) precursor data. This initialization method is recommended if a turbulent inflow is used (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]). 3d-data must be made available to the run by activating an appropriate file connection statement for local file [../iofiles#BININ BININ]. See chapter [[3.9]] for more details, where usage of a turbulent inflow is explained.\\\\
     1822      Here, 3d-data from a precursor run are read by the initial (main) run. The precursor run is allowed to have a smaller domain along x and y compared with the main run. Also, different numbers of processors can be used for these two runs. Limitations are that the precursor run must use cyclic horizontal boundary conditions and that the number of vertical grid points, [#nz nz], must be same for the precursor run and the main run. If the total domain of the main run is larger than that of the precursor run, the domain is filled by cyclic repetition of the (cyclic) precursor data. This initialization method is recommended if a turbulent inflow is used (see [#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]). 3d-data must be made available to the run by activating an appropriate file connection statement for local file [../iofiles#BININ BININ]. See [[chapter 3.9]] for more details, where usage of a turbulent inflow is explained.\\\\
    18231823Values may be combined, e.g. '''initializing_actions''' = '' 'set_constant_profiles initialize_vortex' '', but the values of '' 'set_constant_profiles' '', '' 'set_1d-model_profiles' '' , and '' 'by_user' '' must not be given at the same time.