Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of doc/app/examples/turbinf

Sep 16, 2010 12:26:16 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/examples/turbinf

    v2 v3  
    33Starting from version 3.5 PALM includes a so-called turbulence recycling method which allows a turbulent inflow with non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions. The method follows the one described by Lund et al. (1998, J. Comp. Phys., '''140''', 233-258), modified by Kataoka and Mizuno (2002, Wind and Structures, '''5''', 379-392). The method is switched on by setting the initial parameter [../../inipar#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow] = {{{.TRUE.}}}.\\\\
    4 The turbulent signal A'(y,z) to be imposed at the left inflow boundary is taken from the same simulation at a fixed distance x,,r,, from the inflow (given by parameter [../../inipar#recycling_width recycling_width): A'(y,z) = A(x,,r,,,y,z) - '''A(z)''', where '''A(z)''' is the horizontal average between the inflow boundary and the recycling plane. The turbulent quantity A'(y,z) is then added to a mean inflow profile a(z) which is the horizontal (and temporal) average as calculated from a precursor run. This is done after each timestep.\\\\
    5 So far (09/16/08), a turbulent signal is imposed to all prognostic variables except humidity (passive scalar) and salinity!\\\\
     4The turbulent signal A'(y,z) to be imposed at the left inflow boundary is taken from the same simulation at a fixed distance x,,r,, from the inflow (given by parameter [../../inipar#recycling_width recycling_width]): A'(y,z) = A(x,,r,,,y,z) - '''A(z)''', where '''A(z)''' is the horizontal average between the inflow boundary and the recycling plane. The turbulent quantity A'(y,z) is then added to a mean inflow profile a(z) which is the horizontal (and temporal) average as calculated from a precursor run. This is done after each timestep.\\\\
     5'''So far (09/16/08), a turbulent signal is imposed to all prognostic variables except humidity (passive scalar) and salinity! '''\\\\
    66In order to avoid a continous growth of the turbulent layer with time, the height up to which turbulence is recycled is limited by parameter inflow_damping_height. By default, this height is calculated and taken from the precursor run.
    77The following tries to give a short recipe about how to create a proper setup for using the turbulence recycling method: