4 | | The parameter file necessary to carry out a run must be provided to the model as an input file under the local name [../../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and has the following contents: \\ |
5 | | |
6 | | [../../inipar &initialization_parameters] |
7 | | [../../inipar#nx nx]{{{ = 39, }}}[../../inipar#ny ny]{{{ = 39, }}}[../../inipar#nz nz]{{{ = 40,}}} \\ |
8 | | [../../inipar#dx dx]{{{ = 50.0, }}}[../../inipar#dy dy]{{{ = 50.0, }}} [../../inipar#dz dz]{{{ = 50.0,}}} \\ |
9 | | [../../inipar#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]{{{ = 1225.0,}}} [../../inipar#dz_stretch_factor dz_stretch_factor]{{{ = 1.08,}}} \\ |
10 | | [../../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]{{{ = 'set_constant_profiles',}}} \\ |
11 | | [../../inipar#ug_surface ug_surface]{{{ = 0.0,}}} [../../inipar#vg_surface vg_surface]{{{ = 0.0,}}} \\ |
12 | | [../../inipar#pt_surface pt_surface]{{{ = 300.0,}}} \\ |
13 | | [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient]{{{ = 0.0, 1.0,}}} \\ |
14 | | [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level]{{{ = 0.0, 800.0,}}} \\ |
15 | | [../../inipar#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux]{{{ = 0.1, }}} [../../inipar#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]{{{ = 'neumann', }}} \\ |
16 | | [../../inipar#fft_method fft_method]{{{ = 'temperton-algorithm', /}}} \\\\ |
17 | | |
18 | | [../../d3par &runtime_parameters] |
19 | | [../../d3par#end_time end_time]{{{ = 3600.0,}}} \\ |
20 | | [../../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]{{{ = .T., }}} \\ |
21 | | [../../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb]{{{ = 150.0, }}} [../../d3par#disturbance_energy_limit disturbance_energy_limit]{{{ = 0.01, }}} \\ |
22 | | [../../d3par#data_output_2d_on_each_pe data_output_2d_on_each_pe]{{{ = .F., }}} \\ |
23 | | [../../d3par#dt_run_control dt_run_control]{{{ = 0.0,}}} \\ |
24 | | [../../d3par#dt_data_output dt_data_output]{{{ = 900.0, }}} \\ |
25 | | [../../d3par#dt_data_output_av dt_data_output_av]{{{ = 1800.0, }}} [../../d3par#averaging_interval averaging_interval]{{{ = 900.0, }}} \\ |
26 | | [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input dt_averaging_input]{{{ = 10.0, }}} \\ |
27 | | [../../d3par#dt_dopr dt_dopr]{{{ = 900.0,}}} [../../d3par#averaging_interval_pr averaging_interval_pr]{{{ = 600.0,}}} \\ |
28 | | [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input_pr dt_averaging_input_pr]{{{ = 10.0, }}} \\ |
29 | | [../../d3par#data_output data_output]{{{ = 'w_xy', 'w_xz', 'w_xz_av', 'theta_xy', 'theta_xz', }}} \\ |
30 | | [../../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr]{{{ = '#theta', 'w”theta”', 'w*theta*', 'wtheta', 'w*2', 'theta*2', }}} \\ |
31 | | [../../d3par#section_xy section_xy]{{{ = 2, 10, }}} [../../d3par#section_xz section_xz]{{{ = 20, /}}} \\ |
| 4 | The convective boundary layer parameter file necessary to carry out a run must be provided to the model as an input file under the local name [../../iofiles#PARIN PARIN]. It is attached to this site (see [attachment:example_cbl_p3d example_cbl_p3d]). |