35 | | Fast Fourier transformations ([../../inipar#fft_method fft_method]) are calculated using the Temperton-algorithm.\\ |
36 | | The initial profiles for wind and temperature can be assigned via [../../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]'' = 'set_constant_profiles'.'' The wind speed, constant with height, amounts to [../../inipar#ug_surface ug_surface]'' = ''[../../inipar#vg_surface vg_surface]'' = 0.0 m/s.'' In order to allow for a fast onset of convection, a neutral stratified layer up to ''z = 800 m'' capped by an inversion with ''dtheta/dz = 1K/100 m'' is given: [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient]'' = 0.0, 1.0,'' [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level]'' = 0.0, 800.0.'' The surface temperature, which by default amounts to ''300 K'', provides the fixed point for the temperature profile (see [../../inipar#pt_surface pt_surface]). Convection is driven by a given, near-surface sensible heat flux via [../../inipar#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux]'' = 0.1 K m/s''. A given surface sensible heta flux requires the bottom boundary condition for potential temperature to be [../../inipar#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]'' = 'neumann'.'' Thus all initialization parameters are determined. These can not be changed during the run (also not for restart runs). |
| 35 | Fast Fourier transformations ([../../inipar#fft_method fft_method]) are calculated using the Temperton-algorithm. The initial profiles for wind and temperature can be assigned via [../../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]'' = 'set_constant_profiles'.'' The wind speed, constant with height, amounts to [../../inipar#ug_surface ug_surface]'' = ''[../../inipar#vg_surface vg_surface]'' = 0.0 m/s.'' In order to allow for a fast onset of convection, a neutral stratified layer up to ''z = 800 m'' capped by an inversion with ''dtheta/dz = 1K/100 m'' is given: [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient pt_vertical_gradient]'' = 0.0, 1.0,'' [../../inipar#pt_vertical_gradient_level pt_vertical_gradient_level]'' = 0.0, 800.0.'' The surface temperature, which by default amounts to ''300 K'', provides the fixed point for the temperature profile (see [../../inipar#pt_surface pt_surface]). Convection is driven by a given, near-surface sensible heat flux via [../../inipar#surface_heatflux surface_heatflux]'' = 0.1 K m/s''. A given surface sensible heta flux requires the bottom boundary condition for potential temperature to be [../../inipar#bc_pt_b bc_pt_b]'' = 'neumann'.'' Thus all initialization parameters are determined. These can not be changed during the run (also not for restart runs). |