Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of doc/app/examples/cbl

Sep 16, 2010 12:46:28 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/examples/cbl

    v14 v15  
    4242Output of vertical profiles is to be done after each ''900 s''. The profiles shall be temporally averaged over the last ''600 s'', whereby the temporal interval of the profiles entering the average has to be ''10 s'': [../../d3par#dt_dopr dt_dopr]'' = 900.0 s,'' [../../d3par#averaging_interval_pr averaging_interval_pr]'' = 600.0 s'', [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input_pr dt_averaging_input_pr]'' = 10.0 s.'' The temperature profile including the initial temperature profile (therefore'' '#pt' ''), the subgrid scale, resolved and total vertical sensible heat flux as well as the variances of the vertical velocity and the potential temperature are to be output:  [../../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr]'' = '#pt', 'w"pt”', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'.''
    44 Before starting the model on the parallel computer, the number of processing elements must be specified. Since relatively few grid points are used for this run, choosing of e.g. 8 PEs is sufficient. By default, a 2d domain decomposition along x and y on the SGI-ICE system is used ('''Note:''' the user may adjust this default domain decomposition with the help of the parameters [../../d3par#npex npex] and [../../d3par#npey npey]).
     44Before starting the model on the parallel computer, the number of processing elements must be specified. Since relatively few grid points are used for this run, choosing of e.g. 8 PEs is sufficient. By default, a 2d domain decomposition along x and y on the SGI-ICE system is used ('''Note:''' the user may adjust this default domain decomposition with the help of the parameters [../../inipar#npex npex] and [../../inipar#npey npey]).
    4646Provided that the parameters file described above are set within the file
    5050and that the conditions mentioned in the first sections of [wiki:chapter_32 chapter 3.2] are met, the model run can be started with the command
    52 mrun -d example_cbl -h ibmh -K parallel -X 8 -T 8 -t 1800 -q cdev -r “d3# xy# xz# pr#”
     52mrun -d example_cbl -h lcsgih -K parallel -X 8 -T 8 -t 1800 -q cdev -r “d3# xy# xz# pr#”
    5454The output files will appear in the directories