Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of doc/app/examples/cbl
- Timestamp:
- Sep 16, 2010 12:43:43 PM (14 years ago)
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v13 v14 29 29 [../../d3par#dt_dopr dt_dopr]{{{ = 900.0,}}} [../../d3par#averaging_interval_pr averaging_interval_pr]{{{ = 600.0,}}} \\ 30 30 [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input_pr dt_averaging_input_pr]{{{ = 10.0, }}} \\ 31 [../../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr]{{{ = '#pt', 'w”pt”', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2', }}} \\ 32 [../../d3par#z_max_do1d z_max_do1d]{{{ = 1500.0, / }}} \\ 31 [../../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr]{{{ = '#pt', 'w”pt”', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2', / }}} \\ 33 32 34 The initialization parameters ([../../inipar &inipar]) are located at the beginning of the file. For analysis of a convective boundary layer of approx. 1000 m thickness the horizontal size of the model domain should amount to at least ''2 km x 2 km''. In order to resolve the convective structures a grid spacing of [../../inipar#dx dx]'' = ''[../../inipar#dy dy]'' = ''[../../inipar#dz dz]'' = 50 m'' is enough, since the typical diameter of convective plumes is more than ''100 m.'' Thereby the upper array index in the two horizontal directions needs to be [../../inipar#nx nx]'' '= ''[../../inipar#ny ny]'' = 39'' . Since in each case the lower array index has the value ''0'', ''40'' grid points are used along both horizontal directions. In the vertical direction the domain must be high enough to include the entrainment processes at the top of the boundary layer as well as the propagation of gravity waves, which were stimulated by the convection. However, in the stably stratified region the grid resolution has not necessarily to be as high as within the boundary layer. This can be obtained by a vertical stretching of the grid starting from ''1200 m'' via [../../inipar#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]''= 1200.0 m.'' \\\\33 The initialization parameters ([../../inipar &inipar]) are located at the beginning of the file. For analysis of a convective boundary layer of approx. 1000 m thickness the horizontal size of the model domain should amount to at least ''2 km x 2 km''. In order to resolve the convective structures a grid spacing of [../../inipar#dx dx]'' = ''[../../inipar#dy dy]'' = ''[../../inipar#dz dz]'' = 50 m'' is enough, since the typical diameter of convective plumes is more than ''100 m.'' Thereby the upper array index in the two horizontal directions needs to be [../../inipar#nx nx]'' = ''[../../inipar#ny ny]'' = 39'' . Since in each case the lower array index has the value ''0'', ''40'' grid points are used along both horizontal directions. In the vertical direction the domain must be high enough to include the entrainment processes at the top of the boundary layer as well as the propagation of gravity waves, which were stimulated by the convection. However, in the stably stratified region the grid resolution has not necessarily to be as high as within the boundary layer. This can be obtained by a vertical stretching of the grid starting from ''1200 m'' via [../../inipar#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]''= 1200.0 m.'' \\\\ 35 34 36 35 Fast Fourier transformations ([../../inipar#fft_method fft_method]) are calculated using the Temperton-algorithm.\\ … … 39 38 Now the run parameters ([../../d3par &d3par] ) must be specified. To produce a quasi stationary boundary layer the simulated time should be at least one hour, i.e. [../../d3par#end_time end_time]'' = 3600 s.'' To stimulate convection, the initially homogeneous (zero) wind field must be disturbed ([../../d3par#create_disturbances create_disturbances]'' = .T.''). These perturbations should be repeated in a temporal interval of [../../d3par#dt_disturb dt_disturb]'' = 150.0 s'' until the energy of the perturbations exceeds the value [../../d3par#disturbance_energy_limit disturbance_energy_limit]'' = 0.01 m^2^/s^2^''. After each time step run time informations (e.g. size of the timestep, maximum velocities, etc.) are to be written to the local file [../../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL #RUN_CONTROL] ([../../d3par#dt_run_control dt_run_control]'' = 0.0 s''). 40 39 41 Instantaneous cross section data of vertical velocity (''w'') and potential temperature (''pt'') are to be output for horizontal (''xy'') and vertical (''xz'') cross sections, and additionally, time averaged (''av'') vertical cross section data are to be output for the vertical velocity: [../../d3par#data_output data_output]'' = 'w_xy', 'w_xz', 'w_xz_av', 'pt_xy', 'pt_xz'.'' Output of instantaneous (time averaged) data is done after each ''900 (1800)s'': [../../d3par#dt_data_output dt_data_output]'' = 900.0,'' [../../d3par#dt_data_output_av dt_data_output_av]'' = 1800.0.'' The averaged data are time averaged over the last ''900.0 s'', where the temporal interval of data entering the average is ''10 s'': [../../d3par#averaging_interval averaging_interval]'' = 900.0,'' [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input dt_averaging_input]'' = 10.0.'' Horizontal cross sections are output for vertical levels with grid index ''k=2'' and ''k=10,'' vertical cross sections are output for index ''j=20'': [../../d3par#section_xy section_xy]'' = 2, 10, '' [../../d3par#section_xz section_xz]'' = 20.'' For runs on more than one processor, cross section data are collected and output on PE0: [../../d3par#data_output_2d_on_each_pe data_output_2d_on_each_pe]'' = .F.''. 40 Instantaneous cross section data of vertical velocity (''w'') and potential temperature (''pt'') are to be output for horizontal (''xy'') and vertical (''xz'') cross sections, and additionally, time averaged (''av'') vertical cross section data are to be output for the vertical velocity: [../../d3par#data_output data_output]'' = 'w_xy', 'w_xz', 'w_xz_av', 'pt_xy', 'pt_xz'.'' Output of instantaneous (time averaged) data is done after each ''900 (1800)s'': [../../d3par#dt_data_output dt_data_output]'' = 900.0,'' [../../d3par#dt_data_output_av dt_data_output_av]'' = 1800.0.'' The averaged data are time averaged over the last ''900.0 s'', where the temporal interval of data entering the average is ''10 s'': [../../d3par#averaging_interval averaging_interval]'' = 900.0,'' [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input dt_averaging_input]'' = 10.0.'' Horizontal cross sections are output for vertical levels with grid index ''k=2'' and ''k=10,'' vertical cross sections are output for index ''j=20'': [../../d3par#section_xy section_xy]'' = 2, 10, '' [../../d3par#section_xz section_xz]'' = 20.'' For runs on more than one processor, cross section data are collected and output on PE0: [../../d3par#data_output_2d_on_each_pe data_output_2d_on_each_pe]'' = .F.''. 42 41 43 Output of vertical profiles is to be done after each 900 s. The profiles shall be temporally averaged over the last 600 seconds, whereby the temporal interval of the profiles entering the average has to be 10 s: dt_dopr = 900.0 s, averaging_interval_pr = 600.0 s, dt_averaging_input_pr = 10.0 s. The temperature profile including the initial temperature profile (therefore '#pt'), the subgrid scale, resolved and total vertical sensible heat flux as well as the variances of the vertical velocity and the potential temperature are to be output: data_output_pr = '#pt', 'w"pt”', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'.42 Output of vertical profiles is to be done after each ''900 s''. The profiles shall be temporally averaged over the last ''600 s'', whereby the temporal interval of the profiles entering the average has to be ''10 s'': [../../d3par#dt_dopr dt_dopr]'' = 900.0 s,'' [../../d3par#averaging_interval_pr averaging_interval_pr]'' = 600.0 s'', [../../d3par#dt_averaging_input_pr dt_averaging_input_pr]'' = 10.0 s.'' The temperature profile including the initial temperature profile (therefore'' '#pt' ''), the subgrid scale, resolved and total vertical sensible heat flux as well as the variances of the vertical velocity and the potential temperature are to be output: [../../d3par#data_output_pr data_output_pr]'' = '#pt', 'w"pt”', 'w*pt*', 'wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'.'' 44 43 45 If the data output format for graphic software profil is selected (see data_output_format), the temperature profile and the individual variances are to be drawn into independent coordinate systems, and in contrast to this all heat flux profiles are to be drawn into the same system: cross_profiles = 'pt', 'w"pt"w*pt*wpt', 'w*2', 'pt*2'. The legend of the x axes of these systems is set to cross_xtext= 'pot. temperature in K', 'heat flux in K ms>->1', 'velocity variance in m>2s>->2', 'temperature variance in K>2'. The profiles are to be drawn up to a height level of z_max_do1d = 1500.0 m. 46 47 Before starting the model on the parallel computer, the number of processing elements must be specified. Since relatively few grid points are used for this run, choosing of e.g. 8 PEs is sufficient. By default, a 1d domain decomposition along x is used on the IBM-Regatta, which means that a virtual processor topology (grid) of 8*1 (x*y) is used. (Note: the user may adjust this default domain decomposition with the help of the parameters npex and npey). 44 Before starting the model on the parallel computer, the number of processing elements must be specified. Since relatively few grid points are used for this run, choosing of e.g. 8 PEs is sufficient. By default, a 2d domain decomposition along x and y on the SGI-ICE system is used ('''Note:''' the user may adjust this default domain decomposition with the help of the parameters [../../d3par#npex npex] and [../../d3par#npey npey]). 48 45 49 46 Provided that the parameters file described above are set within the file 50 51 52 53 and that the conditions mentioned in the first sections of chapter 3.2are met, the model run can be started with the command54 47 {{{ 48 ~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example/INPUT/example_cbl_p3d 49 }}} 50 and that the conditions mentioned in the first sections of [wiki:chapter_32 chapter 3.2] are met, the model run can be started with the command 51 {{{ 55 52 mrun -d example_cbl -h ibmh -K parallel -X 8 -T 8 -t 1800 -q cdev -r “d3# xy# xz# pr#” 56 53 }}} 57 54 The output files will appear in the directories 58 59 60 61 62 while the job protocol will appear in directory ~/job_queue.55 { 56 ~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example_cbl/MONITORING 57 ~/palm/current_version/JOBS/example_cbl/OUTPUT , 58 } 59 while the job protocol will appear in directory {{{~/job_queue}}}.