Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of doc/app/examples/cbl

Sep 16, 2010 12:25:22 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/examples/cbl

    v11 v12  
    3232  [../../d3par#z_max_do1d z_max_do1d]{{{ = 1500.0, / }}} \\
    34 The initialization parameters ([../../inipar &inipar]) are located at the beginning of the file. For analysis of a convective boundary layer of approx. 1000 m thickness the horizontal size of the model domain should amount to at least 2 km x 2 km. In order to resolve the convective structures a grid spacing of [../../inipar#dx dx]{{{ = }}} [../../inipar#dy dy]{{{ = }}}[../../inipar#dz dz]{{{ = 50 m}}} is enough, since the typical diameter of convective plumes is more than ''100 m.'' Thereby the upper array index in the two horizontal directions needs to be [../../inipar#nx nx]{{{ = }}}[../../inipar#ny ny]{{{ = 39}}}. Since in each case the lower array index has the value ''0'', ''40'' grid points are used along both horizontal directions. In the vertical direction the domain must be high enough to include the entrainment processes at the top of the boundary layer as well as the propagation of gravity waves, which were stimulated by the convection. However, in the stably stratified region the grid resolution has not necessarily to be as high as within the boundary layer. This can be obtained by a vertical stretching of the grid starting from ''1200 m'' via [../../inipar#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]''= 1200.0 m.'' \\\\
     34The initialization parameters ([../../inipar &inipar]) are located at the beginning of the file. For analysis of a convective boundary layer of approx. 1000 m thickness the horizontal size of the model domain should amount to at least ''2 km x 2 km''. In order to resolve the convective structures a grid spacing of [../../inipar#dx dx]'' = ''[../../inipar#dy dy]'' = ''[../../inipar#dz dz]'' = 50 m'' is enough, since the typical diameter of convective plumes is more than ''100 m.'' Thereby the upper array index in the two horizontal directions needs to be [../../inipar#nx nx]''' = ''[../../inipar#ny ny]'' = 39''. Since in each case the lower array index has the value ''0'', ''40'' grid points are used along both horizontal directions. In the vertical direction the domain must be high enough to include the entrainment processes at the top of the boundary layer as well as the propagation of gravity waves, which were stimulated by the convection. However, in the stably stratified region the grid resolution has not necessarily to be as high as within the boundary layer. This can be obtained by a vertical stretching of the grid starting from ''1200 m'' via [../../inipar#dz_stretch_level dz_stretch_level]''= 1200.0 m.'' \\\\
    3636Fast Fourier transformations ([../../inipar#fft_method fft_method]) are calculated using the Temperton-algorithm.\\