| 373 | |---------------- |
| 374 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 375 | [=#slicer_range_limits_dvrp '''slicer_range_''']\\ |
| 376 | [=#slicer_range_limits_dvrp '''limits_dvrp'''] |
| 377 | }}} |
| 378 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 379 | R(2,10) |
| 380 | }}} |
| 381 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 382 | 10 * (-1,1) |
| 383 | }}} |
| 384 | {{{#!td |
| 385 | Ranges of values to which a color table has to be mapped (units of the respective quantity).\\\\ |
| 386 | In case that slicers have to be displayed (see [#mode_dvrp mode_dvrp]), this parameter defines the ranges of values of the respective quantities to which the colortable in use has to be mapped. If e.g. a temperature slice shall be displayed, the colortable defines colors from blue to red, and '''slicer_range_limits_dvrp''' = ''290.0, 305.0'' then areas with temperature of 290 K are displayed in dark blue and those with 305.0 are displayed in dark red. Temperatures within these limits will be displayed by a continuous color gradient from blue to red and Temperatures outside the limits will be displayed either in dark blue or in dark red.\\\\ |
| 387 | Up to ten different ranges can be assigned in case that more than one slicer has to be displayed.\\\\ |
| 388 | See [#mode_dvrp mode_dvrp] for the declaration of color charts. |
| 389 | }}} |