Changes between Version 46 and Version 47 of doc/app/dvrpar

Sep 14, 2010 7:18:02 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/dvrpar

    v46 v47  
    297297    '''mode_dvrp''' ='' 'isosurface02', 'slicer01', 'particles', 'slicer02' ''
    299 In this case one isosurface, two cross sections, and particles will be created. The quantities for which isosurfaces or cross sections are to be created have to be selected with the parameter [../3dpar#data_output data_output] ('''data_output''' also determines the orientation of the cross section, thus xy, xz, or yz). Since for '''data_output''' lists of variables may be assigned, the digits at the end of the '''mode_dvrp'''-string select the quantity, which is given at the respective position in the respective list (e.g.'' 'isosurface02' ''selects the second 3D quantity of '''data_output''','' 'slicer01' ''selects the first 2D quantity of '''data_output'''). If e.g. '''data_output''' is assigned as data_output ='' 'u_xy', 'w_xz', 'v_yz', 'pt', 'u', 'w','' then - assuming the above assignment of mode_dvrp - an isosurface of u, a horizontal cross section of u and a vertical cross section (xz) of w are created. For locations of the cross sections see '''data_output'''. The theshold value for which the isosurface is to be created can be defined with parameter threshold. The isosurface color is controlled by parameter isosurface_color.\\\\
     299In this case one isosurface, two cross sections, and particles will be created. The quantities for which isosurfaces or cross sections are to be created have to be selected with the parameter [../d3par#data_output data_output] ('''data_output''' also determines the orientation of the cross section, thus xy, xz, or yz). Since for '''data_output''' lists of variables may be assigned, the digits at the end of the '''mode_dvrp'''-string select the quantity, which is given at the respective position in the respective list (e.g.'' 'isosurface02' ''selects the second 3D quantity of '''data_output''','' 'slicer01' ''selects the first 2D quantity of '''data_output'''). If e.g. '''data_output''' is assigned as data_output ='' 'u_xy', 'w_xz', 'v_yz', 'pt', 'u', 'w','' then - assuming the above assignment of mode_dvrp - an isosurface of u, a horizontal cross section of u and a vertical cross section (xz) of w are created. For locations of the cross sections see '''data_output'''. The theshold value for which the isosurface is to be created can be defined with parameter threshold. The isosurface color is controlled by parameter isosurface_color.\\\\
    300300The particles color and size can be set using parameters particle_color and particle_dvrpsize.