| 178 | |
| 179 | {{{#!table class="" |
| 180 | || '' 'rtsp' '' || Data created by the dvrp software is transferred using a special transmission protocol to a so-called streaming server, which is able to continuously transfer visualization data with a high transmission rate. |
| 181 | Additionally, with this output mode a set of files is generated automatically within a directory on the streaming server (beside the visualization data e.g. some html-files) which can be used to visualize the data via an internet-browser plugin. Host (streaming-server) and directory can be defined by the user with dvrp_host and dvrp_directory. || |
| 182 | || '' 'ftp' '' || Data created by the dvrp software is transferred to the destination host (see dvrp_host and dvrp_directory) using ftp. || |
| 183 | || '' 'local' '' || Data created by the dvrp software is output locally on a file defined by dvrp_file . || |
| 184 | }}} |
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