20 | | The module is enabled as soon as the NAMELIST {{{biometeorology_parameters}}} exists. |
21 | | The calculation of all three thermal indices can be switched on and off by setting the flag [#thermal_comfort thermal_comfort] in the biometeorology_namelist '''(the default is .FALSE.! If you want palm to calculate thermal comfort indices, set [#thermal_comfort thermal_comfort] = .TRUE.)'''. |
22 | | The calculation of the individual indices is automatically enabled or disabled by the output settings. This of course requires the Biomet_Mod to be enabled (see above). |
| 22 | The calculation of thermal indices can be switched on by setting the flag [#thermal_comfort thermal_comfort] in the namelist "biometeorology_parameters" (the default is .FALSE.! If you want palm to calculate thermal comfort indices, add [[BR]] |
| 23 | |
| 24 | &biometeorology_parameters |
| 25 | [#thermal_comfort thermal_comfort] = .TRUE., [[BR]] |
| 26 | /[[BR]] |
| 27 | |
| 28 | in your <projectname>p3d file!). [[BR]] |
| 29 | |
| 30 | The calculation of the individual indices is automatically enabled or disabled by the output settings. This of course requires the Biomet_Mod to be enabled (see above).[[BR]] |
| 31 | |