Version 84 (modified by maronga, 12 years ago) (diff) |
PALM - A PArallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model for Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows
PALM is a large-eddy simulation (LES) model for atmospheric and oceanic flows which is especially designed for performing on massively parallel computer architectures. It can freely be used for scientific research.
A PALM simulation using the letters "PALM" as surface heat flux pattern. Check out the gallery for more movies!
Some of PALM's highlights are
- excellent scaling, so far tested up to 32000 cores
- online data analysis (during model runs) in order to avoid I/O bottlenecks
- topography realized on cartesian grid (allows for steep topography)
- non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions including turbulent inflow
- code can be switched to ocean version with salinity equation and equation of state for seawater
- embedded parallelized Lagrangian particle model for various applications (footprint calculation, simulation of cloud droplet growth, visualization, etc.)
- interface which allows users to plug in their own code extensions without modifying the default code
- advanced shell scripts for installing and running the code in interactive and batch mode are available
- code is permanently maintained and improved by the PALM group and other users; code management is based on subversion
If you are interested in using or just testing the code, just send an email including a username and a password that you like to use to access the code. This account will also allow you to login on this trac-server, e.g. to submit trouble tickets, or to edit the wiki, if you have proper access permissions. As a registered user, you will also be informed about new PALM updates by email.
We appreciate any comments on the contents of this server which may help us to improve our documentation. Please contact us by email or just send a ticket, if you are a registered user.
News from the PALM Group
[ 2012/09/03 ] New movies on the development of cumulus clouds can now be found in our gallery. (see here)
[ 2012/05/29 ] First announcement of this year's PALM seminar.
[ 2011/09/06 ] The PALM Group presented 3D animations of PALM simulations at IdeenExpo 2011 in Hannover.
Latest PALM Revision Change
[ 2021/03/04 ] by user banzhafs (removed unnecessary informative message and unused code from chemistry_model_mod, see changeset)
Attachments (6)
(438.9 KB) -
added by maronga 7 years ago.
PALM-4U Logo
(349.3 KB) -
added by Giersch 6 years ago.
Announcement for the PALM seminar 2019
(513.0 KB) -
added by raasch 5 years ago.
Announcement for the PALM seminar 2020
(3.7 MB) -
added by maronga 5 years ago.
- PALM_seminar_registration_form_2023-08_surname.xlsx (13.4 KB) - added by Giersch 20 months ago.
- Seminar_announcement_2023-08.pdf (448.2 KB) - added by Giersch 20 months ago.