Version 153 (modified by raasch, 7 years ago) (diff) |
PALM is a large-eddy simulation (LES) model for atmospheric and oceanic flows which is especially designed for performing on massively parallel computer architectures. PALM is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3).
Some of PALM's highlights are
- excellent scaling, so far tested up to 32,000 cores
- on-the-fly data analysis (during model runs) in order to avoid I/O bottlenecks
- topography realized on Cartesian grid (allows for steep topography)
- interactive land surface model, coupled to the RRTMG radiation code
- non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions including turbulent inflow
- wind turbine model (ADM-R) is implemented
- code can be switched to ocean version with salinity equation and equation of state for seawater
- embedded parallelized Lagrangian particle model for various applications (footprint calculation, simulation of cloud droplet growth, visualization, etc.)
- interface allowing users to plug in their own code extensions without modifying the default code
- advanced shell scripts for installing and running the code in interactive and batch mode are available
- code is permanently maintained and improved by the PALM group and other users; code management is based on subversion
PALM is regularly tested. The test status of the current revision is: More details here
PALM news
[ 2017-11-22 ] The Karl Doetsch Young Scientist Award ( award details) for outstanding theses was awarded to Sebastian Giersch this year for his Master thesis titled Flight Simulations in LES Generated Near-Surface Turbulent Wind Fields(photo).
[ 2017-06-02 ] This years PALM seminar is held at the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 25th - 29th September (details).
[ 2017-05-30 ] New topography and surface-modeling concept implemented (details).
[ 2017-02-10 ] PALM celebrates 10 years of code development using SVN.
[ 2016-10-26 ] PALM now features an anelastic approximation for its model equations. This paves the way for the simulation of deep convective clouds with PALM (details).
PALM users world map1
Attachments (6)
(438.9 KB) -
added by maronga 7 years ago.
PALM-4U Logo
(349.3 KB) -
added by Giersch 6 years ago.
Announcement for the PALM seminar 2019
(513.0 KB) -
added by raasch 5 years ago.
Announcement for the PALM seminar 2020
(3.7 MB) -
added by maronga 5 years ago.
- PALM_seminar_registration_form_2023-08_surname.xlsx (13.4 KB) - added by Giersch 21 months ago.
- Seminar_announcement_2023-08.pdf (448.2 KB) - added by Giersch 21 months ago.