28 | | '''[ 2015/10/08 ]''' ''A new Doxygen based PALM source code documentation is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/doxygen|details]])''\\ |
29 | | '''[ 2015/09/16 ]''' ''The PALM homepage and the subversion server are now accessible via the https-protocol''\\ |
30 | | '''[ 2015/08/13 ]''' ''Technical description paper of PALM 4.0 is published in Geoscienfic Model Development ([http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/8/2515/2015/gmd-8-2515-2015.html details])''\\ |
31 | | '''[ 2015/06/15 ]''' ''Announcement of PALM seminar at Chinese University of Hong Kong, 21st - 25th September ([wiki:seminar_2015 further information])''\\ |
32 | | '''[ 2015/05/06 ]''' ''The RRTMG radiation scheme is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/radiation|details]]) ''\\ |
33 | | '''[ 2015/05/06 ]''' ''A land surface scheme is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/lsm|details]]) ''\\ |
| 28 | '''[ 2015-10-08 ]''' ''A new Doxygen based PALM source code documentation is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/doxygen|details]])''\\ |
| 29 | '''[ 2015-09-16 ]''' ''The PALM homepage and the subversion server are now accessible via the https-protocol''\\ |
| 30 | '''[ 2015-08-13 ]''' ''Technical description paper of PALM 4.0 is published in Geoscienfic Model Development ([http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/8/2515/2015/gmd-8-2515-2015.html details])''\\ |
| 31 | '''[ 2015-06-15 ]''' ''Announcement of PALM seminar at Chinese University of Hong Kong, 21st - 25th September ([wiki:seminar_2015 further information])''\\ |
| 32 | '''[ 2015-05-06 ]''' ''The RRTMG radiation scheme is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/radiation|details]]) ''\\ |
| 33 | '''[ 2015-05-06 ]''' ''A land surface scheme is now available ([[wiki:doc/tec/lsm|details]]) ''\\ |