4 | | [[NoteBox(warn, Dear PALM users\,\\\\you may have noted that we recently allowed users to create accounts for accessing the PALM sources (svn-server) and some trac-features themselves by just filling out a register form under\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/register \\\\New users using this form have to provide certain informations\, especially their full name (first and last name)\, as well as their email-address. Users can also manage their passwords themselves now.\\\\We would now like to ask all OLD USERS\, which got their account after requesting it by email\, to add some missing informations (especially your email-address) to our database by logging in via\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/login\\\\ Then please go to\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/prefs\\\\ and provide your full name and email address. If you like\, you may also change your password under "Account".\\\\\\'''IMPORTANT:\\----------\\\\Please add these informations not later than end of March (31/03/2014). We will deactivate accounts missing this information at the beginning of April!)]] |
| 4 | [[NoteBox(warn, Dear PALM users\,\\\\you may have noted that we recently allowed users to create accounts for accessing the PALM sources (svn-server) and some trac-features themselves by just filling out a register form under\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/register \\\\New users using this form have to provide certain information\, especially their full name (first and last name)\, as well as their email-address. Users can also manage their passwords themselves now.\\\\We would now like to ask all OLD USERS\, which got their account after requesting it by email\, to add some missing information (especially your email-address) to our database by logging in via\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/login\\\\ Then please go to\\\\http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/prefs\\\\ and provide your full name and email address. If you like\, you may also change your password under "Account".\\\\\\'''IMPORTANT:\\----------\\\\Please add these information not later than end of March (31/03/2014). We will deactivate accounts missing this information at the beginning of April!)]] |