Version 3 (modified by maronga, 14 years ago) (diff)


Wiki Page Templates

(since 0.11)

The default content for a new wiki page can be chosen from a list of page templates.

That list is made up from all the existing wiki pages having a name starting with PageTemplates/. The initial content of a new page will simply be the content of the chosen template page, or a blank page if the special (blank page) entry is selected. When there's actually no wiki pages matching that prefix, the initial content will always be the blank page and the list selector will not be shown (i.e. this matches the behavior we had up to now).

To create a new template, simply create a new page having a name starting with PageTemplates/.

(Hint: one could even create a PageTemplates/Template for facilitating the creation of new templates!)

After you have created your new template, a drop-down selection box will automatically appear on any new wiki pages that are created. By default it is located on the right side of the 'Create this page' button.

Available templates:

    See also: TracWiki

    Template for a member page layout. Replace everything <...> and complete content.

    == <your name> ==
    {{{#!table align=left style="border: 0px solid; vertical-align:text-top; width: 100%"
          {{{#!td style="border: none"
             [[Image(<your picture>, left, margin-right=20, margin-bottom=20, border=2, nolink)]] 
    === Contact ===
    <your name> \\ 
    Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie\\ 
    Herrenhäuser Str. 2\\ 
    Room <your room>\\ 
    30419 Hannover\\
    Phone: +49 511 762-<your number>\\
    Email: <your imuk username>
    === Curriculum Vitae ===
        * ...
        * ...
    === Scientific Preoccupations ===
        * ...
        * ...
    === Current Projects ===
        * '''<project name>''' \\ Project type: <project type> \\ Duration: <time period> \\ Description: <description>.
    === Former Projects ===
        * ...
    === Conference contributions ===
        *  '''''<authors:title>''' \\ <notes> \\ [[attachment:<file>|PDF]]
    === Publications ===
        *  '''''<authors:title>''' \\ <notes> \\ [[attachment:<file>|PDF]]
    === Other contributions ===
       * ...
    === Recommmended links ===
       * [[Animations|Animations of PALM simulations]]

    Formatting hints

    Please note: double brackets are a convention, single brackets will work for standard links as well, but descriptive titles and so forth are different when using single brackets! So please follow the following convention...

    Absolute links:


    Relative links (e.g. page in the same parent directory):


    External links:

    [[|Edgewall Software]]

    Link to attachment:


    Links with name:


    Example for a relative path links inside the file /doc/app/parpar to /doc/app/sppar#... with a descriptive title


    Link to a directory/file in the repository (e.g.):


    Using images (here from attachment):


    You can use several options for the image, e.g.:

    [[Image(image.jpg, left, margin-right=20, margin-bottom=20, border=2, nolink)]]

    will align the image left with a margin on the right/bottom side of 20px, an image border of 2px (standard color). The "nolink" option means that the image will not be a link to the image file, which is the standard setting in trac.

    Standard table:

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Explanation




    Averaging interval for all output of temporally averaged data (in s).

    This parameter defines the time interval length for temporally averaged data (vertical profiles, spectra, 2d cross-sections, 3d volume data). By default, data are not subject to temporal averaging. The interval length is limited by the parameter dt_data_output_av. In any case, averaging_interval <= dt_data_output_av must hold.

    If an interval is defined, then by default the average is calculated from the data values of all timesteps lying within this interval. The number of time levels entering into the average can be reduced with the parameter dt_averaging_input.

    If an averaging interval can not be completed at the end of a run, it will be finished at the beginning of the next restart run. Thus for restart runs, averaging intervals do not necessarily begin at the beginning of the run.

    Parameters averaging_interval_pr and averaging_interval_sp can be used to define different averaging intervals for vertical profile data and spectra, respectively.

    [=#<insert_parameter_name> <insert_parameter_name>]

    <insert type>

    <insert value>

    <insert explanation>

    Table row with nesting:

    [=#<insert_parameter_name> <insert_parameter_name>]

    <insert type>

    <insert value>

    <insert explanation>

    C1 C2
    Text1 Text2

    <insert explanation>

    Code of tables above:

    Standard table:\\
    ||='''Parameter Name'''  =||='''Type'''  =||='''Default Value'''  =||='''Explanation'''  =||
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;width: 150px"
    [=#averaging_interval '''averaging_interval''']
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;width: 50px"
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;width: 100px"
    Averaging interval for all output of temporally averaged data (in s).\\\\
    This parameter defines the time interval length for temporally averaged data (vertical profiles, spectra, 2d cross-sections, 3d volume data). By default, data are not subject to temporal averaging. The interval length is limited by the parameter 
    [[#dt_data_output_av|dt_data_output_av]]. In any case, '''averaging_interval <= dt_data_output_av''' must hold.\\\\
    If an interval is defined, then by default the average is calculated from the data values of all timesteps lying within this interval. The number of time levels entering into the average can be reduced with the parameter [[#dt_averaging_input|dt_averaging_input]].\\\\
    If an averaging interval can not be completed at the end of a run, it will be finished at the beginning of the next restart run. Thus for restart runs, averaging intervals do not necessarily begin at the beginning of the run.\\\\
    Parameters [[#averaging_interval_pr|averaging_interval_pr]] and [[#averaging_interval_sp|averaging_interval_sp]] can be used to define different averaging intervals for vertical profile data and spectra, respectively.
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert type>
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert value>
    <insert explanation>
    Table row with nesting:\\
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert type>
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert value>
    <insert explanation>
    ||=C1   =||=C2    =||
    ||Text1  ||Text2  ||
    <insert explanation>

    Table codes with Class/Group?:

    ||='''Parameter Name'''  =||='''Class/Group'''  =||='''Type'''  =||='''Default Value'''  =||='''Explanation'''  =||
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    [=#<insert_parameter_name> '''<insert_parameter_name>''']
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert class/group>
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert type>
    {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    <insert value>
    <insert explanation>

    Parameter Name Class Type Default Value Explanation

    [=#<insert_parameter_name> <insert_parameter_name>]

    <insert class>

    <insert type>

    <insert value>

    <insert explanation>

    A new macro was installed: CRev
    It's purpose is to get changeset information about a specific revision. It contains the two optional arguments att and rev (usage of rev requires usage of att).



    where att can be set to 0 (default, revision number), 1 (date), 2 (author), 3 (commit message) . rev is the number of the revision.




    is the same as


    Date: 2021/03/04

    Author: banzhafs

    Message: removed unnecessary informative message and unused code from chemistry_model_mod



    Date: 2010/03/02

    Author: suehring

    Message: new datatype for exchange of ghostpoints defined

    Code of the text above:

    Revision: [[CRev(0)]] is the same as [[CRev]]
    Date: [[CRev(1)]]
    Author: [[CRev(2)]]
    Message: [[CRev(3)]]
    Revision: [[CRev(0,500)]]
    Date: [[CRev(1,500)]]
    Author: [[CRev(2,500)]]
    Message: [[CRev(3,500)]]