7 years |
kanani |
Removal of chem directive, plus minor changes
7 years |
maronga |
deleting of deprecated files; headers updated where needed
7 years |
kanani |
Correction of "Former revisions" section
7 years |
kanani |
Merge of branch palm4u into trunk
7 years |
schwenkel |
extended by cloud_droplets option
7 years |
schwenkel |
Bugfix for calculate ol via lookup table
7 years |
maronga |
improvements for spinup mechanism
7 years |
schwenkel |
implementation of new bulk microphysics scheme
8 years |
suehring |
Clean-up unnecessary index access to surface type
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Adjustments according new topography and surface-modelling concept …
8 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
8 years |
raasch |
all OpenACC directives and related parts removed from the code
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in calculation of vsws
8 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
8 years |
raasch |
further openmp bugfix for lookup method
8 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
8 years |
raasch |
mostly openmp related bugfixes
8 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
8 years |
knoop |
Anelastic approximation implemented
8 years |
kanani |
last commit documented
8 years |
kanani |
changes related to steering and formating of urban surface model
8 years |
kanani |
last commit documented
8 years |
kanani |
changes in the course of urban surface model implementation
8 years |
knoop |
last commit documented
8 years |
knoop |
Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Prescribing scalar flux at model top; several bugfixes concering data …
8 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
8 years |
suehring |
Separate balance equations for humidity and passive_scalar
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
several bugfixes in particle model and serial mode
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Avoid segmentation fault (see change in 1915) by different …
9 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
9 years |
suehring |
Bugfix: avoid segmentation fault in case of most_method = 'circular' …
9 years |
maronga |
last commit documented
9 years |
maronga |
added _mod string to several filenames to meet the naming convection …
copied from palm/trunk/SOURCE/surface_layer_fluxes.f90:
9 years |
hoffmann |
last commit documented