5 years |
raasch |
support for MPI Fortran77 interface (mpif.h) removed
5 years |
raasch |
salsa decycling replaced by explicit setting of lateral boundary conditions
5 years |
raasch |
bugfix: cpp-directives for serial mode added
5 years |
hellstea |
All the USE-statements within subroutines moved to the module …
5 years |
hellstea |
Nesting-related error messages PA0425 and PA0426 made more specific
5 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in output of time-averaged plant-canopy quanities; Output of …
5 years |
motisi |
Introduction of wall_flags_total_0, which currently sets bits based on …
5 years |
motisi |
Renamed wall_flags_0 to wall_flags_static_0
5 years |
monakurppa |
Add logical switched nesting_chem and nesting_offline_chem
5 years |
hellstea |
Rest of the grid-line matching tests in pmc_interface_mod changed to …
5 years |
hellstea |
Several grid-line matching tests changed to a round-off-error tolerant form
6 years |
scharf |
- corrected "Former revisions" section
- minor formatting in "Former …
6 years |
scharf |
removed comments in 'Former revisions' section that are older than …
6 years |
suehring |
Replace get_topography_top_index functions by pre-calculated arrays in …
6 years |
raasch |
bugfix: decycling of chemistry species after nesting data transfer, …
6 years |
suehring |
Improve albedo initialization in land-surface model by setting always …
6 years |
hellstea |
Last commit fixed
6 years |
hellstea |
Nest mass conservation correction included
6 years |
kanani |
clean up location, debug and error messages
6 years |
hellstea |
Some cleaning up in pmc_interface_mod, renamings, commenting …
6 years |
hellstea |
Bugfix in nesting interpolation pmci_interp_1sto_sn
6 years |
hellstea |
Child initialization extended to the redundant ghost points behind the …
6 years |
hellstea |
some cleaning up
6 years |
hellstea |
Child-domain size checks extended
6 years |
hellstea |
New checks added for nested setups
6 years |
raasch |
messed document changes for r3932 cleaned up
6 years |
maronga |
bugfixes in urban surface model; output of greenz roof transpiration …
6 years |
suehring |
Add missing if statements for call of pmc_set_dataarray_name for TKE …
6 years |
hellstea |
bugfix in pmc_handle_communicator_mod
6 years |
kanani |
restructure/add location/debug messages
6 years |
hellstea |
Checks and error messages improved and extended. Number of variables …
6 years |
knoop |
Moved "photolysis_scheme", "chem_species" and "phot_frequen" to …
6 years |
monakurppa |
major changes in salsa: data input, format and performance
- …
6 years |
forkel |
removed USE chem_gasphase_mod from chem_modules, apply USE …
6 years |
hellstea |
Temporary increase of the vertical dimension of the parent-grid arrays …
6 years |
hellstea |
Adjustable anterpolation buffer introduced on all nest boundaries
6 years |
hellstea |
Last commit documented
6 years |
hellstea |
Nesting anterpolation domain height reduced
6 years |
hellstea |
A bug fixed in lateral boundary interpolations
6 years |
raasch |
unused variables removed
6 years |
hellstea |
Interpolations improved. Large number of obsolete subroutines removed. …
6 years |
hellstea |
Bugfix in nest initialization and interpolations
6 years |
hellstea |
Checks for parent / child grid line matching introduced
6 years |
hellstea |
bugfix in child initialization in pmc_interface_mod
6 years |
hellstea |
Major update of pmc_interface_mod
6 years |
knoop |
Bugfix: made "unit" and "found" intend INOUT in module interface …
6 years |
kanani |
Bugfix: replace simulated_time by time_since_reference_point where required
6 years |
raasch |
nopointer option removed
6 years |
suehring |
Determine number of coupled arrays dynamically
6 years |
raasch |
unused variables removed, missing working precision added, missing …
6 years |
hellstea |
Nesting interpolation made mass-conservative
6 years |
knoop |
Modularization of all bulk cloud physics code components
7 years |
raasch |
various changes to avoid compiler warnings (mainly removal of unused …
7 years |
suehring |
Revise calculation of index bounds for array index_list, prevent …
7 years |
suehring |
changes for commit 3209 documented
7 years |
suehring |
Additional namelist parameter to switch on/off the nesting of chemical …
7 years |
suehring |
last commit documented
7 years |
suehring |
New Inifor features: grid stretching, improved command-interface, …
7 years |
gronemeier |
merge with branch rans
7 years |
Giersch |
New vertical stretching procedure has been introduced
7 years |
Giersch |
Revision history corrected
7 years |
Giersch |
Remaining error messages revised, comments extended
7 years |
Giersch |
Code adjusted according to coding standards, renamed namelists, error …
7 years |
suehring |
Revise recent bugfix in nested runs at left and south boundary; bugfix …
7 years |
maronga |
bugfixes for nested runs
7 years |
hellstea |
Bugfix in pmci_define_loglaw_correction_parameters
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, replace MERGE function by an if-condition in the anterpolation …
7 years |
suehring |
Mask topography grid points in anterpolation.
7 years |
hellstea |
Bugfix in the log-law correction initialization and removal of the …
7 years |
raasch |
bugfix: missing parallel cpp-directives added
7 years |
kanani |
Add cpu measures for nesting initialization
7 years |
suehring |
Nesting in RANS-LES and RANS-RANS mode enabled; synthetic turbulence …
7 years |
hellstea |
Nesting-related calls to pmci_ensure_nest_mass_conservation and pres …
7 years |
hellstea |
Control logics improved to allow nesting also in cases with …
7 years |
hellstea |
Change in the nest initialization (pmci_interp_tril_all). Bottom wall …
7 years |
hellstea |
Local conditional Neumann conditions for one-way coupling removed
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix in init log-law correction
7 years |
knoop |
Bugfix: wrong placement of include 'mpif.h' corrected
7 years |
hellstea |
Bugfixes in computation of the interpolation loglaw-correction parameters
7 years |
schwenkel |
Bugfix for gfortran: Replace the function C_SIZEOF with STORAGE_SIZE
7 years |
thiele |
Bugfixing Write statements
7 years |
thiele |
preprocessor directive for c_sizeof in case of gfortran added
7 years |
thiele |
preprocessor directive for c_sizeof in case of gfortran added
7 years |
thiele |
Introduce particle transfer in nested models
7 years |
hellstea |
Bugfix in nesting anterpolation relaxation functions
7 years |
suehring |
Nesting for chemical species implemented; Bugfix passive scalar …
7 years |
maronga |
deleting of deprecated files; headers updated where needed
7 years |
kanani |
Correction of "Former revisions" section
7 years |
suehring |
changes from last commit documented
7 years |
suehring |
Particle reflections at downward-facing walls; revision of particle …
7 years |
kanani |
Merge of branch palm4u into trunk
7 years |
raasch |
file attributes and activation strings in .palm.iofiles revised, file …
7 years |
suehring |
Bugfix, wrong coarse-grid index in init_tkefactor used.
7 years |
hellstea |
Bug fixes and cleaning up in pmc_interface_mod
7 years |
hellstea |
i/o grouping update for nested runs
7 years |
hellstea |
pmc bugfix and gfortran workaround
8 years |
hellstea |
Minor bugfix in nesting initialization
8 years |
kanani |
removed check for nopointer version
8 years |
kanani |
bugfixes and workarounds for nopointer version
8 years |
suehring |
get topograpyhy top index via function call