12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
use_reference-case activated in accelerator version. …
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
code adjustment of accelerator version for PGI 12.3 / CUDA 5.0
12 years |
raasch |
r1028 documented
12 years |
raasch |
asynchronous transfer of ghost point data for acc-optimized version
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
code has been put under the GNU General Public License (v3)
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
Starting with changes required for GPU optimization. OpenACC …
12 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
12 years |
raasch |
pointer free version can be generated with cpp switch nopointer
14 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
14 years |
raasch |
Optional barriers included in order to speed up collective …
15 years |
raasch |
last commit documented
15 years |
raasch |
simple installation method documented and updated; bugfix for PGI …
15 years |
raasch |
Adapted for machine lck
(mrun, mbuild, subjob)
bc_lr/bc_ns …
16 years |
heinze |
Output of messages replaced by message handling routin
17 years |
raasch |
Plant canopy model of Watanabe (2004,BLM 112,307-341) added. …
17 years |
letzel |
Vertical profiles now based on nzb_s_inner; they are divided by …
17 years |
raasch |
Allows runs for a coupled atmosphere-ocean LES,
coupling …
18 years |
raasch |
preliminary update of bugfixes and extensions for non-cyclic BCs
18 years |
raasch |
updating comments and rc-file
18 years |
raasch |
ocean version including prognostic equation for salinity and …
18 years |
raasch |
more preliminary uncomplete changes for ocean version
18 years |
raasch |
particle reflection from vertical walls implemented, …
18 years |
raasch |
preliminary update of further changes, advec_particles is not running!
18 years |
raasch |
Id keyword set as property for all *.f90 files
18 years |
raasch |
RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up
18 years |
raasch |
Initial repository layout and content