ocean version including prognostic equation for salinity and equation of state for seawater. Routine buoyancy can be used with both temperature and density.
+ inipar-parameters bc_sa_t, bottom_salinityflux, ocean, sa_surface, sa_vertical_gradient, sa_vertical_gradient_level, top_salinityflux
advec_s_bc, average_3d_data, boundary_conds, buoyancy, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, diffusion_e, flow_statistics, header, init_grid, init_3d_model, modules, netcdf, parin, production_e, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, sum_up_3d_data, swap_timelevel, time_integration, user_interface, write_var_list, write_3d_binary
eqn_state_seawater, init_ocean
inipar-parameter use_pt_reference renamed use_reference
hydro_press renamed hyp, routine calc_mean_pt_profile renamed calc_mean_profile
format adjustments for the ocean version (run_control)
advec_particles, buoyancy, calc_liquid_water_content, check_parameters, diffusion_e, diffusivities, header, init_cloud_physics, modules, production_e, prognostic_equations, run_control
Bugfix: height above topography instead of height above level k=0 is used for calculating the mixing length (diffusion_e and diffusivities).
Bugfix: error in boundary condition for TKE removed (advec_s_bc)
advec_s_bc, diffusion_e, prognostic_equations