Changeset 96 for palm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- Jun 4, 2007 8:07:41 AM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/SOURCE
- Files:
- 1 added
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r95 r96 4 4 + inipar-parameters bc_sa_t, bottom_salinityflux, ocean, sa_surface, sa_vertical_gradient, sa_vertical_gradient_level, top_salinityflux 5 5 6 boundary_conds, check_parameters, diffusion_e, flow_statistics, header, init_grid, init_3d_model, modules, parin, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, swap_timelevel, time_integration, user_interface, write_var_list, write_3d_binary6 average_3d_data, boundary_conds, buoyancy, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, diffusion_e, flow_statistics, header, init_grid, init_3d_model, modules, parin, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, sum_up_3d_data, swap_timelevel, time_integration, user_interface, write_var_list, write_3d_binary 7 7 8 8 New: … … 11 11 Changed: 12 12 ------- 13 hydro_press renamed hyp 13 hydro_press renamed hyp, routine calc_mean_pt_profile renamed calc_mean_profile 14 14 15 advec_particles 15 advec_particles, buoyancy, calc_liquid_water_content, init_cloud_physics, modules, prognostic_equations 16 16 17 17 -
r95 r96 209 209 buoyancy.o calc_precipitation.o calc_radiation.o coriolis.o \ 210 210 diffusion_e.o diffusion_s.o diffusion_u.o diffusion_v.o diffusion_w.o \ 211 impact_of_latent_heat.o production_e.o user_interface.o 211 eqn_state_seawater.o impact_of_latent_heat.o production_e.o \ 212 user_interface.o 212 213 random_gauss.o: random_function.o 213 214 read_3d_binary.o: modules.o random_function.o -
r77 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! Averaging of density and salinity 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 166 166 ENDDO 167 167 168 CASE ( 'rho' ) 169 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 170 DO j = nys-1, nyn+1 171 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 172 rho_av(k,j,i) = rho_av(k,j,i) / REAL( average_count_3d ) 173 ENDDO 174 ENDDO 175 ENDDO 176 168 177 CASE ( 's' ) 169 178 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 … … 171 180 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 172 181 s_av(k,j,i) = s_av(k,j,i) / REAL( average_count_3d ) 182 ENDDO 183 ENDDO 184 ENDDO 185 186 CASE ( 'sa' ) 187 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 188 DO j = nys-1, nyn+1 189 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 190 sa_av(k,j,i) = sa_av(k,j,i) / REAL( average_count_3d ) 173 191 ENDDO 174 192 ENDDO -
r77 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! calc_mean_pt_profile renamed calc_mean_profile 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 29 29 30 30 PRIVATE 31 PUBLIC buoyancy, calc_mean_p t_profile31 PUBLIC buoyancy, calc_mean_profile 32 32 33 33 INTERFACE buoyancy … … 36 36 END INTERFACE buoyancy 37 37 38 INTERFACE calc_mean_p t_profile39 MODULE PROCEDURE calc_mean_p t_profile40 END INTERFACE calc_mean_p t_profile38 INTERFACE calc_mean_profile 39 MODULE PROCEDURE calc_mean_profile 40 END INTERFACE calc_mean_profile 41 41 42 42 CONTAINS … … 207 207 208 208 209 SUBROUTINE calc_mean_p t_profile( theta, pr )209 SUBROUTINE calc_mean_profile( var, pr ) 210 210 211 211 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! … … 224 224 225 225 INTEGER :: i, j, k, omp_get_thread_num, pr, tn 226 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: theta227 228 ! 229 !-- Computation of the horizontally averaged temperature profile, unless226 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: var 227 228 ! 229 !-- Computation of the horizontally averaged profile of variable var, unless 230 230 !-- already done by the relevant call from flow_statistics. The calculation 231 231 !-- is done only for the first respective intermediate timestep in order to 232 232 !-- spare communication time and to produce identical model results with jobs 233 233 !-- which are calling flow_statistics at different time intervals. 234 !-- Although this calculation is not required for model runs with a slope,235 !-- it is nevertheless also computed.236 234 IF ( .NOT. flow_statistics_called .AND. & 237 235 intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN 238 236 239 237 ! 240 !-- Horizontal average of the potential temperature238 !-- Horizontal average of variable var 241 239 tn = 0 ! Default thread number in case of one thread 242 240 !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE( i, j, k, tn ) … … 247 245 DO j = nys, nyn 248 246 DO k = nzb_s_outer(j,i), nzt+1 249 sums_l(k,pr,tn) = sums_l(k,pr,tn) + theta(k,j,i)247 sums_l(k,pr,tn) = sums_l(k,pr,tn) + var(k,j,i) 250 248 ENDDO 251 249 ENDDO … … 272 270 ENDIF 273 271 274 END SUBROUTINE calc_mean_p t_profile272 END SUBROUTINE calc_mean_profile 275 273 276 274 END MODULE buoyancy_mod -
r95 r96 1485 1485 hom(:,2,22,:) = SPREAD( zw, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1486 1486 1487 CASE ( 'sa', '#sa' ) 1488 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 1489 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 1490 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: data_output_pr = ', & 1491 data_output_pr(i), & 1492 ' is not implemented for ocean = FALSE' 1493 ENDIF 1494 CALL local_stop 1495 ELSE 1496 dopr_index(i) = 23 1497 dopr_unit(i) = 'psu' 1498 hom(:,2,23,:) = SPREAD( zu, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1499 IF ( data_output_pr(i)(1:1) == '#' ) THEN 1500 dopr_initial_index(i) = 26 1501 hom(:,2,26,:) = SPREAD( zu, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1502 hom(nzb,2,26,:) = 0.0 ! weil zu(nzb) negativ ist 1503 data_output_pr(i) = data_output_pr(i)(2:) 1504 ENDIF 1505 ENDIF 1506 1487 1507 CASE ( 'u*2' ) 1488 1508 dopr_index(i) = 30 … … 1846 1866 dopr_unit(i) = 'K m/s' 1847 1867 hom(:,2,63,:) = SPREAD( zu, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1868 1869 CASE ( 'rho' ) 1870 dopr_index(i) = 64 1871 dopr_unit(i) = 'kg/m3' 1872 hom(:,2,64,:) = SPREAD( zu, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1873 1874 CASE ( 'w"sa"' ) 1875 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 1876 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 1877 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: data_output_pr = ', & 1878 data_output_pr(i), & 1879 ' is not implemented for ocean = FALSE' 1880 ENDIF 1881 CALL local_stop 1882 ELSE 1883 dopr_index(i) = 65 1884 dopr_unit(i) = 'psu m/s' 1885 hom(:,2,65,:) = SPREAD( zw, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1886 ENDIF 1887 1888 CASE ( 'w*sa*' ) 1889 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 1890 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 1891 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: data_output_pr = ', & 1892 data_output_pr(i), & 1893 ' is not implemented for ocean = FALSE' 1894 ENDIF 1895 CALL local_stop 1896 ELSE 1897 dopr_index(i) = 66 1898 dopr_unit(i) = 'psu m/s' 1899 hom(:,2,66,:) = SPREAD( zw, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1900 ENDIF 1901 1902 CASE ( 'wsa' ) 1903 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 1904 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 1905 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: data_output_pr = ', & 1906 data_output_pr(i), & 1907 ' is not implemented for ocean = FALSE' 1908 ENDIF 1909 CALL local_stop 1910 ELSE 1911 dopr_index(i) = 67 1912 dopr_unit(i) = 'psu m/s' 1913 hom(:,2,67,:) = SPREAD( zw, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) 1914 ENDIF 1848 1915 1849 1916 … … 2068 2135 unit = 'kg/kg' 2069 2136 2137 CASE ( 'rho' ) 2138 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 2139 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 2140 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: output of "', TRIM( var ), & 2141 '" requires ocean = .TRUE.' 2142 ENDIF 2143 CALL local_stop 2144 ENDIF 2145 unit = 'kg/m3' 2146 2070 2147 CASE ( 's' ) 2071 2148 IF ( .NOT. passive_scalar ) THEN … … 2077 2154 ENDIF 2078 2155 unit = 'conc' 2156 2157 CASE ( 'sa' ) 2158 IF ( .NOT. ocean ) THEN 2159 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN 2160 PRINT*, '+++ check_parameters: output of "', TRIM( var ), & 2161 '" requires ocean = .TRUE.' 2162 ENDIF 2163 CALL local_stop 2164 ENDIF 2165 unit = 'psu' 2079 2166 2080 2167 CASE ( 'u*', 't*', 'lwp*', 'pra*', 'prr*', 'z0*' ) -
r77 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! Output of density and salinity 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 370 370 IF ( mode == 'xy' ) level_z = zu 371 371 372 CASE ( 'rho_xy', 'rho_xz', 'rho_yz' ) 373 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN 374 to_be_resorted => rho 375 ELSE 376 to_be_resorted => rho_av 377 ENDIF 378 372 379 CASE ( 's_xy', 's_xz', 's_yz' ) 373 380 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN … … 375 382 ELSE 376 383 to_be_resorted => q_av 384 ENDIF 385 386 CASE ( 'sa_xy', 'sa_xz', 'sa_yz' ) 387 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN 388 to_be_resorted => sa 389 ELSE 390 to_be_resorted => sa_av 377 391 ENDIF 378 392 -
r77 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! Output of density and salinity 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 251 251 ENDIF 252 252 253 CASE ( 'rho' ) 254 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN 255 to_be_resorted => rho 256 ELSE 257 to_be_resorted => rho_av 258 ENDIF 259 253 260 CASE ( 's' ) 254 261 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN … … 256 263 ELSE 257 264 to_be_resorted => q_av 265 ENDIF 266 267 CASE ( 'sa' ) 268 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN 269 to_be_resorted => sa 270 ELSE 271 to_be_resorted => sa_av 258 272 ENDIF 259 273 -
r94 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! Calculation of Deardorff velocity scale adjusted to be used with the ocean 6 ! Statistics for ocean version (salinity, density) added, 7 ! calculation of Deardorff velocity scale adjusted to be used with the ocean 7 8 ! version (HAS STILL TO BE COMPLETED!!!) 8 9 ! … … 123 124 ENDDO 124 125 ENDDO 126 127 ! 128 !-- Horizontally averaged profile of salinity 129 IF ( ocean ) THEN 130 !$OMP DO 131 DO i = nxl, nxr 132 DO j = nys, nyn 133 DO k = nzb_s_outer(j,i), nzt+1 134 sums_l(k,23,tn) = sums_l(k,23,tn) + & 135 sa(k,j,i) * rmask(j,i,sr) 136 ENDDO 137 ENDDO 138 ENDDO 139 ENDIF 125 140 126 141 ! … … 177 192 sums_l(:,2,0) = sums_l(:,2,0) + sums_l(:,2,i) 178 193 sums_l(:,4,0) = sums_l(:,4,0) + sums_l(:,4,i) 194 IF ( ocean ) THEN 195 sums_l(:,23,0) = sums_l(:,23,0) + sums_l(:,23,i) 196 ENDIF 179 197 IF ( humidity ) THEN 180 198 sums_l(:,41,0) = sums_l(:,41,0) + sums_l(:,41,i) … … 200 218 CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( sums_l(nzb,4,0), sums(nzb,4), nzt+2-nzb, MPI_REAL, & 201 219 MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) 220 IF ( ocean ) THEN 221 CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( sums_l(nzb,23,0), sums(nzb,23), nzt+2-nzb, & 222 MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) 223 ENDIF 202 224 IF ( humidity ) THEN 203 225 CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( sums_l(nzb,44,0), sums(nzb,44), nzt+2-nzb, & … … 221 243 sums(:,2) = sums_l(:,2,0) 222 244 sums(:,4) = sums_l(:,4,0) 245 IF ( ocean ) sums(:,23) = sums_l(:,23,0) 223 246 IF ( humidity ) THEN 224 247 sums(:,44) = sums_l(:,44,0) … … 241 264 hom(:,1,2,sr) = sums(:,2) ! v 242 265 hom(:,1,4,sr) = sums(:,4) ! pt 266 267 ! 268 !-- Salinity 269 IF ( ocean ) THEN 270 sums(:,23) = sums(:,23) / ngp_2dh_outer(:,sr) 271 hom(:,1,23,sr) = sums(:,23) ! sa 272 ENDIF 243 273 244 274 ! … … 377 407 378 408 ! 409 !-- Salinity flux w"sa" 410 IF ( ocean ) THEN 411 sums_l(k,65,tn) = sums_l(k,65,tn) & 412 - 0.5 * ( kh(k,j,i) + kh(k+1,j,i) ) & 413 * ( sa(k+1,j,i) - sa(k,j,i) ) & 414 * ddzu(k+1) * rmask(j,i,sr) 415 ENDIF 416 417 ! 379 418 !-- Buoyancy flux, water flux (humidity flux) w"q" 380 419 IF ( humidity ) THEN … … 420 459 sums_l(nzb,61,tn) = sums_l(nzb,61,tn) + & 421 460 0.0 * rmask(j,i,sr) ! v"pt" 461 IF ( ocean ) THEN 462 sums_l(nzb,65,tn) = sums_l(nzb,65,tn) + & 463 saswsb(j,i) * rmask(j,i,sr) ! w"sa" 464 ENDIF 422 465 IF ( humidity ) THEN 423 466 sums_l(nzb,48,tn) = sums_l(nzb,48,tn) + & … … 450 493 sums_l(nzt,61,tn) = sums_l(nzt,61,tn) + & 451 494 0.0 * rmask(j,i,sr) ! v"pt" 495 IF ( ocean ) THEN 496 sums_l(nzt,65,tn) = sums_l(nzt,65,tn) + & 497 saswst(j,i) * rmask(j,i,sr) ! w"sa" 498 ENDIF 452 499 IF ( humidity ) THEN 453 500 sums_l(nzt,48,tn) = sums_l(nzt,48,tn) + & … … 508 555 sums_l(k,36,tn) = sums_l(k,36,tn) + pts**2 * w(k,j,i) * & 509 556 rmask(j,i,sr) 557 558 ! 559 !-- Salinity flux and density (density does not belong to here, 560 !-- but so far there is no suitable place to calculate) 561 IF ( ocean ) THEN 562 pts = 0.5 * ( sa(k,j,i) - hom(k,1,23,sr) + & 563 sa(k+1,j,i) - hom(k+1,1,23,sr) ) 564 sums_l(k,66,tn) = sums_l(k,66,tn) + pts * w(k,j,i) * & 565 rmask(j,i,sr) 566 sums_l(k,64,tn) = sums_l(k,64,tn) + rho(k,j,i) * & 567 rmask(j,i,sr) 568 ENDIF 510 569 511 570 ! … … 739 798 hom(:,1,21,sr) = sums(:,21) ! w*pt*BC 740 799 hom(:,1,22,sr) = sums(:,16) + sums(:,21) ! wptBC 741 ! profiles 23-29 left empty for initial 800 ! profile 24 is initial profile (sa) 801 ! profiles 25-29 left empty for initial 742 802 ! profiles 743 803 hom(:,1,30,sr) = sums(:,30) ! u*2 … … 771 831 hom(:,1,62,sr) = sums(:,62) ! v*pt* 772 832 hom(:,1,63,sr) = sums(:,61) + sums(:,62) ! vpt_t 833 hom(:,1,64,sr) = sums(:,64) ! rho 834 hom(:,1,65,sr) = sums(:,65) ! w"sa" 835 hom(:,1,66,sr) = sums(:,66) ! w*sa* 836 hom(:,1,67,sr) = sums(:,65) + sums(:,66) ! wsa 773 837 774 838 hom(:,1,pr_palm-1,sr) = sums(:,pr_palm-1) -
r95 r96 190 190 ALLOCATE( saswsb_1(nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), & 191 191 saswst_1(nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 192 ALLOCATE( rho (nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1),&193 sa_1(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), &194 sa_2(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), &192 ALLOCATE( rho_1(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), & 193 sa_1(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), & 194 sa_2(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1), & 195 195 sa_3(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 196 rho => rho_1 ! routine calc_mean_profile requires density to be a 197 ! pointer 196 198 ENDIF 197 199 … … 826 828 827 829 ! 828 !-- If required, initialize quantities needed for the ocean model829 IF ( ocean ) CALL init_ocean830 831 !832 830 !-- If required, initialize dvrp-software 833 831 IF ( dt_dvrp /= 9999999.9 ) CALL init_dvrp 834 832 835 ! 836 !-- If required, initialize quantities for handling cloud physics 837 !-- This routine must be called before init_particles, because 838 !-- otherwise, array pt_d_t, needed in data_output_dvrp (called by 839 !-- init_particles) is not defined. 840 CALL init_cloud_physics 833 IF ( ocean ) THEN 834 ! 835 !-- Initialize quantities needed for the ocean model 836 CALL init_ocean 837 ELSE 838 ! 839 !-- Initialize quantities for handling cloud physics 840 !-- This routine must be called before init_particles, because 841 !-- otherwise, array pt_d_t, needed in data_output_dvrp (called by 842 !-- init_particles) is not defined. 843 CALL init_cloud_physics 844 ENDIF 841 845 842 846 ! -
r95 r96 8 8 ! Former revisions: 9 9 ! ------------------ 10 ! $Id :$10 ! $Id$ 11 11 ! 12 12 ! Initial revision (raasch 01/06/07) … … 37 37 ! 38 38 !-- Calculate initial vertical profile of hydrostatic pressure (in Pa) 39 !-- and the reference density (used later in buoyancy term) 39 40 hyp(nzt+1) = surface_pressure * 100.0 40 41 41 42 hyp(nzt) = hyp(nzt+1) + rho_surface * g * 0.5 * dzu(nzt+1) 43 rho_ref = rho_surface * 0.5 * dzu(nzt+1) 42 44 43 45 DO k = nzt-1, 0, -1 … … 46 48 pt_l = 0.5 * ( pt_init(k) + pt_init(k+1) ) 47 49 48 rho_l = eqn_state_seawater_func( hyp(k+1), pt_l, sa_l )50 rho_l = eqn_state_seawater_func( hyp(k+1), pt_l, sa_l ) 49 51 50 hyp(k) = hyp(k+1) + rho_l * g * dzu(k+1) 52 hyp(k) = hyp(k+1) + rho_l * g * dzu(k+1) 53 rho_ref = rho_ref + rho_l * dzu(k+1) 51 54 52 55 ENDDO 53 56 57 rho_ref = rho_ref / ( zw(nzt) - zu(nzb) ) 58 print*, '*** rho_ref = ', rho_ref 59 54 60 55 61 END SUBROUTINE init_ocean -
r95 r96 119 119 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: & 120 120 e_1, e_2, e_3, kh_1, kh_2, km_1, km_2, p, pt_1, pt_2, pt_3, q_1, & 121 q_2, q_3, ql_1, ql_2, rho , sa_1, sa_2, sa_3, u_1, u_2, u_3, v_1,&121 q_2, q_3, ql_1, ql_2, rho_1, sa_1, sa_2, sa_3, u_1, u_2, u_3, v_1, & 122 122 v_2, v_3, vpt_1, vpt_2, w_1, w_2, w_3 123 123 124 124 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: & 125 125 e, e_m, e_p, kh, kh_m, km, km_m, pt, pt_m, pt_p, q, q_m, q_p, ql, & 126 ql_c, sa, sa_p, te_m, tpt_m, tq_m, tsa_m, tu_m, tv_m, tw_m, u, u_m, &127 u_ p, v, v_m, v_p, vpt, vpt_m, w, w_m, w_p126 ql_c, rho, sa, sa_p, te_m, tpt_m, tq_m, tsa_m, tu_m, tv_m, tw_m, u, & 127 u_m, u_p, v, v_m, v_p, vpt, vpt_m, w, w_m, w_p 128 128 129 129 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rif_wall … … 149 149 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: & 150 150 e_av, p_av, pc_av, pr_av, pt_av, q_av, ql_av, ql_c_av, ql_v_av, & 151 ql_vp_av, qv_av, s_av, u_av, v_av, vpt_av, w_av151 ql_vp_av, qv_av, rho_av, s_av, sa_av, u_av, v_av, vpt_av, w_av 152 152 153 153 END MODULE averaging -
r95 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! prognostic equation for salinity 7 ! new argument zw in calls of diffusion_e 6 ! prognostic equation for salinity, density is calculated from equation of 7 ! state for seawater, +eqn_state_seawater_mod 8 ! new argument zw in calls of diffusion_e, calc_mean_pt_profile renamed 9 ! calc_mean_profile 8 10 ! 9 11 ! Former revisions: … … 41 43 USE control_parameters 42 44 USE cpulog 45 USE eqn_state_seawater_mod 43 46 USE grid_variables 44 47 USE indices … … 107 110 !-- Calculate those variables needed in the tendency terms which need 108 111 !-- global communication 109 CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( pt, 4 ) 110 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( vpt, 44 ) 112 CALL calc_mean_profile( pt, 4 ) 113 IF ( ocean ) CALL calc_mean_profile( rho, 64 ) 114 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_profile( vpt, 44 ) 111 115 112 116 ! … … 495 499 ENDIF 496 500 ENDIF 501 502 ! 503 !-- Calculate density by the equation of state for seawater 504 CALL eqn_state_seawater( i, j ) 497 505 498 506 ENDDO … … 758 766 !-- Calculate those variables needed in the tendency terms which need 759 767 !-- global communication 760 CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( pt, 4 ) 761 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( vpt, 44 ) 768 CALL calc_mean_profile( pt, 4 ) 769 IF ( ocean ) CALL calc_mean_profile( rho, 64 ) 770 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_profile( vpt, 44 ) 762 771 IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) CALL production_e_init 763 772 … … 1020 1029 ENDIF 1021 1030 ENDIF 1031 1032 ! 1033 !-- Calculate density by the equation of state for seawater 1034 CALL eqn_state_seawater( i, j ) 1022 1035 1023 1036 ENDIF … … 1178 1191 !-- Calculate those variables needed in the tendency terms which need 1179 1192 !-- global communication 1180 CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( pt, 4 ) 1181 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_pt_profile( vpt, 44 ) 1193 CALL calc_mean_profile( pt, 4 ) 1194 IF ( ocean ) CALL calc_mean_profile( rho, 64 ) 1195 IF ( humidity ) CALL calc_mean_profile( vpt, 44 ) 1182 1196 1183 1197 ! … … 1589 1603 1590 1604 CALL cpu_log( log_point(37), 'sa-equation', 'stop' ) 1605 1606 ! 1607 !-- Calculate density by the equation of state for seawater 1608 CALL cpu_log( log_point(38), 'eqns-seawater', 'start' ) 1609 CALL eqn_state_seawater 1610 CALL cpu_log( log_point(38), 'eqns-seawater', 'stop' ) 1591 1611 1592 1612 ENDIF -
r95 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! + sa, saswsb, saswst6 ! +rho_av, sa, sa_av, saswsb, saswst 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 273 273 READ ( 13 ) random_iv 274 274 READ ( 13 ) random_iy 275 CASE ( 'rho_av' ) 276 ALLOCATE( rho_av(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 277 READ ( 13 ) rho_av 275 278 CASE ( 'rif' ) 276 279 READ ( 13 ) rif … … 284 287 CASE ( 'sa' ) 285 288 READ ( 13 ) sa 289 CASE ( 'sa_av' ) 290 ALLOCATE( sa_av(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 291 READ ( 13 ) sa_av 286 292 CASE ( 'saswsb' ) 287 293 READ ( 13 ) saswsb -
r77 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! 6 ! +sum-up of density and salinity 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 132 132 qv_av = 0.0 133 133 134 CASE ( 'rho' ) 135 IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( rho_av ) ) THEN 136 ALLOCATE( rho_av(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 137 ENDIF 138 rho_av = 0.0 139 134 140 CASE ( 's' ) 135 141 IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( s_av ) ) THEN … … 137 143 ENDIF 138 144 s_av = 0.0 145 146 CASE ( 'sa' ) 147 IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( sa_av ) ) THEN 148 ALLOCATE( sa_av(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) 149 ENDIF 150 sa_av = 0.0 139 151 140 152 CASE ( 't*' ) … … 337 349 ENDDO 338 350 351 CASE ( 'rho' ) 352 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 353 DO j = nys-1, nyn+1 354 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 355 rho_av(k,j,i) = rho_av(k,j,i) + rho(k,j,i) 356 ENDDO 357 ENDDO 358 ENDDO 359 339 360 CASE ( 's' ) 340 361 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 … … 342 363 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 343 364 s_av(k,j,i) = s_av(k,j,i) + q(k,j,i) 365 ENDDO 366 ENDDO 367 ENDDO 368 369 CASE ( 'sa' ) 370 DO i = nxl-1, nxr+1 371 DO j = nys-1, nyn+1 372 DO k = nzb, nzt+1 373 sa_av(k,j,i) = sa_av(k,j,i) + sa(k,j,i) 344 374 ENDDO 345 375 ENDDO -
r95 r96 4 4 ! Actual revisions: 5 5 ! ----------------- 6 ! + sa, saswsb, saswst6 ! +rho_av, sa, sa_av, saswsb, saswst 7 7 ! 8 8 ! Former revisions: … … 133 133 ENDIF 134 134 IF ( ocean ) THEN 135 IF ( ALLOCATED( rho_av ) ) THEN 136 WRITE ( 14 ) 'rho_av '; WRITE ( 14 ) rho_av 137 ENDIF 135 138 WRITE ( 14 ) 'sa '; WRITE ( 14 ) sa 139 IF ( ALLOCATED( sa_av ) ) THEN 140 WRITE ( 14 ) 'sa_av '; WRITE ( 14 ) sa_av 141 ENDIF 136 142 WRITE ( 14 ) 'saswsb '; WRITE ( 14 ) saswsb 137 143 WRITE ( 14 ) 'saswst '; WRITE ( 14 ) saswst
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