Changeset 600 for palm/trunk/SOURCE

Nov 24, 2010 4:10:51 PM (14 years ago)



Parameters moved from d3par to inipar: call_psolver_at_all_substeps,
cfl_factor, cycle_mg, mg_cycles,mg_switch_to_pe0_level, ngsrb, nsor,
omega_sor, prandtl_number, psolver, rayleigh_damping_factor,
rayleigh_damping_height, residual_limit (parin, read_var_list, write_var_list)

Due to this change, in routine skip_var_list (end of file read_var_list.f90),
variable ldum is replaced by cdum(LEN=1), because otherwise read errors (too
few data on file) would appear due to one of the additional parameters
(cycle_mg, which is a string of one single character) which are now stored
on the restart file.

Weblink to error message database changed to new trac server (message)


Bugfix concerning check of cross-section levels on netcdf-files to be
extended (xz,yz) (netcdf)

Bugfix in opening of cross section netcdf-files (parallel opening with
netcdf4 only works for netcdf_data_format > 2) (check_open)

Default values of surface_scalarflux and surface_waterflux changed from 0.0
to 9999999.9. Giving the parameter the default values means, that the
respective surface fluxes are calculated by the MO-relations, so the old default
value did not allow to set the surface fluxes to zero explicitly.

7 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/check_open.f90

    r565 r600  
    44! Current revisions:
    55! -----------------
    6 !
     6! Bugfix in opening of cross section netcdf-files (parallel opening with
     7! netcdf4 only works for netcdf_data_format > 2)
    89! Former revisions:
    724725!--          Open an existing NetCDF file for output
     726             IF ( netcdf_data_format < 3 )  THEN
     727                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xy(av) )
     728             ELSE
    725729#if defined( __netcdf4 )
    726              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xy(av), &
    727                                   COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
    728 #else
    729              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xy(av) )
    730 #endif
     730                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xy(av), &
     731                                     COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
     733             ENDIF
    732735             CALL handle_netcdf_error( 'check_open', 20 )
    817820          IF ( netcdf_extend )  THEN
    819 !--          Open an existing NetCDF file for output
     822!--          Open an existing NetCDF file for output
     823             IF ( netcdf_data_format < 3 )  THEN
     824                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xz(av) )
     825             ELSE
    820826#if defined( __netcdf4 )
    821              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xz(av), &
    822                                   COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
    823 #else
    824              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xz(av) )
    825 #endif
     827                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xz(av), &
     828                                     COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
     830             ENDIF
    826832             CALL handle_netcdf_error( 'check_open', 23 )
    911917          IF ( netcdf_extend )  THEN
    913 !--          Open an existing NetCDF file for output
     919!--          Open an existing NetCDF file for output
     920             IF ( netcdf_data_format < 3 )  THEN
     921                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_yz(av) )
     922             ELSE
    914923#if defined( __netcdf4 )
    915              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_yz(av), &
    916                                   COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
    917 #else
    918              nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_yz(av) )
    919 #endif
     924                nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_yz(av), &
     925                                     COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL )
     927             ENDIF
    920929             CALL handle_netcdf_error( 'check_open', 26 )
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/check_parameters.f90

    r581 r600  
    44! Current revisions:
    55! -----------------
    6 !
     6! change due to new default value of surface_waterflux
    88! Former revisions:
    13681368       ENDIF
    1370        IF ( surface_waterflux == 0.0 )  constant_waterflux = .FALSE.
     1370       IF ( surface_waterflux == 9999999.9 )  constant_waterflux = .FALSE.
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r581 r600  
    55! Current revisions:
    66! -----------------
    7 !
     7! default values of surface_scalarflux and surface_waterflux changed
     8! to 9999999.9
    910! Former revisions:
    512513             skip_time_do2d_yz = 9999999.9, skip_time_do3d = 9999999.9, &
    513514             surface_heatflux = 9999999.9, surface_pressure = 1013.25, &
    514              surface_scalarflux = 0.0, surface_waterflux = 0.0, &
     515             surface_scalarflux = 9999999.9, surface_waterflux = 9999999.9, &
    515516             s_surface = 0.0, s_surface_initial_change = 0.0, &
    516517             termination_time_needed = -1.0, time_coupling = 0.0, &
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/netcdf.f90

    r565 r600  
    77! Current revisions:
    88! ------------------
    9 !
     9! Bugfix concerning check of cross-section levels on netcdf-files to be
     10! extended (xz,yz)
    1112! Former revisions:
    2243 !--       Write yv_xz data 
     2244!--       Write yv_xz data
    22442245          DO  i = 1, ns
    22452246             IF( section(i,2) == -1 )  THEN
    23872388          DO  i = 1, ns
    23882389             IF ( section(i,2) /= -1 )  THEN
    2389                 IF ( ( section(i,2) * dy ) /= netcdf_data(i) )  THEN
     2390                IF ( ( ( section(i,2) + 0.5 ) * dy ) /= netcdf_data(i) )  THEN
    23902391                   message_string = 'NetCDF file for cross-sections ' //     &
    23912392                               TRIM( var ) // ' from previous run found,' // &
    29712972          DO  i = 1, ns
    29722973             IF ( section(i,3) /= -1 )  THEN
    2973                 IF ( ( section(i,3) * dx ) /= netcdf_data(i) )  THEN
     2974                IF ( ( ( section(i,3) + 0.5 ) * dx ) /= netcdf_data(i) )  THEN
    29742975                   message_string = 'NetCDF file for cross-sections ' //    &
    29752976                              TRIM( var ) // ' from previous run found,' // &
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/parin.f90

    r581 r600  
    44! Current revisions:
    55! -----------------
    6 !
     6! parameters moved from d3par to inipar: call_psolver_at_all_substeps,
     7! cfl_factor, cycle_mg, mg_cycles, mg_switch_to_pe0_level, ngsrb, nsor,
     8! omega_sor, prandtl_number, psolver, rayleigh_damping_factor,
     9! rayleigh_damping_height, residual_limit
    811! Former revisions:
    110113             bottom_salinityflux, building_height, building_length_x, &
    111114             building_length_y, building_wall_left, building_wall_south, &
    112              canopy_mode, canyon_height, canyon_width_x, canyon_width_y, &
    113              canyon_wall_left, canyon_wall_south, cloud_droplets, &
    114              cloud_physics, conserve_volume_flow, conserve_volume_flow_mode, &
     115             call_psolver_at_all_substeps, canopy_mode, canyon_height, &
     116             canyon_width_x, canyon_width_y, canyon_wall_left, &
     117             canyon_wall_south, cfl_factor, cloud_droplets, cloud_physics, &
     118             conserve_volume_flow, conserve_volume_flow_mode, &
    115119             coupling_start_time, cthf, cut_spline_overshoot, &
    116              damp_level_1d, dissipation_1d, dp_external, dp_level_b, &
     120             cycle_mg, damp_level_1d, dissipation_1d, dp_external, dp_level_b, &
    117121             dp_smooth, dpdxy, drag_coefficient, dt, dt_pr_1d, &
    118122             dt_run_control_1d, dx, dy, dz, dz_max, dz_stretch_factor, &
    124128             lad_vertical_gradient, lad_vertical_gradient_level, &
    125129             leaf_surface_concentration, long_filter_factor, &
    126              loop_optimization, mixing_length_1d, momentum_advec, &
    127              netcdf_precision, nsor_ini, nx, ny, &
    128              nz, ocean, omega, outflow_damping_width, overshoot_limit_e, &
    129              overshoot_limit_pt, overshoot_limit_u, overshoot_limit_v, &
    130              overshoot_limit_w, passive_scalar, pch_index, phi, & 
    131              plant_canopy, prandtl_layer, precipitation, pt_reference, &
    132              pt_surface, pt_surface_initial_change, pt_vertical_gradient, &
     130             loop_optimization, mg_cycles, mg_switch_to_pe0_level, &
     131             mixing_length_1d, momentum_advec, netcdf_precision, ngsrb, nsor, &
     132             nsor_ini, nx, ny, nz, ocean, omega, omega_sor, &
     133             outflow_damping_width, overshoot_limit_e, overshoot_limit_pt, &
     134             overshoot_limit_u, overshoot_limit_v, overshoot_limit_w, &
     135             passive_scalar, pch_index, phi, plant_canopy, prandtl_layer, &
     136             prandtl_number, precipitation, psolver, pt_reference, pt_surface, &
     137             pt_surface_initial_change, pt_vertical_gradient, &
    133138             pt_vertical_gradient_level, q_surface, q_surface_initial_change, &
    134139             q_vertical_gradient, q_vertical_gradient_level, radiation, &
    135              random_generator, random_heatflux, recycling_width, rif_max, &
    136              rif_min, roughness_length, sa_surface, sa_vertical_gradient, &
    137              sa_vertical_gradient_level, scalar_advec, &
     140             random_generator, random_heatflux, rayleigh_damping_factor, &
     141             rayleigh_damping_height, recycling_width, residual_limit, &
     142             rif_max, rif_min, roughness_length, sa_surface, &
     143             sa_vertical_gradient, sa_vertical_gradient_level, scalar_advec, &
    138144             scalar_exchange_coefficient, statistic_regions, &
     145             subs_vertical_gradient, subs_vertical_gradient_level, &
    139146             surface_heatflux, surface_pressure, surface_scalarflux, &
    140147             surface_waterflux, s_surface, s_surface_initial_change, &
    141148             s_vertical_gradient, s_vertical_gradient_level, timestep_scheme, &
    142149             topography, topography_grid_convention, top_heatflux, &
    143              top_momentumflux_u, top_momentumflux_v, &
    144              top_salinityflux, turbulent_inflow, ug_surface, &
    145              ug_vertical_gradient, ug_vertical_gradient_level, u_bulk, &
    146              ups_limit_e, ups_limit_pt, ups_limit_u, ups_limit_v, ups_limit_w, &
    147              use_surface_fluxes, use_top_fluxes, use_ug_for_galilei_tr, &
    148              use_upstream_for_tke, vg_surface, vg_vertical_gradient, &
    149              vg_vertical_gradient_level, v_bulk, wall_adjustment, &
    150              wall_heatflux, wall_humidityflux, wall_scalarflux, &
    151              subs_vertical_gradient, subs_vertical_gradient_level
    154     NAMELIST /d3par/   averaging_interval,  averaging_interval_pr, &
    155                        call_psolver_at_all_substeps, cfl_factor, &
    156                        create_disturbances, cross_normalized_x, &
    157                        cross_normalized_y, cross_profiles, cross_ts_uymax, &
    158                        cross_ts_uymin, cross_xtext, cycle_mg, data_output, &
    159                        data_output_format, &
    160                        data_output_masks, &
    161                        data_output_pr, &
    162                        data_output_2d_on_each_pe, disturbance_amplitude, &
    163                        disturbance_energy_limit, disturbance_level_b, &
    164                        disturbance_level_t, do2d_at_begin, do3d_at_begin, &
    165                        do3d_compress, do3d_comp_prec, dt, dt_averaging_input, &
    166                        dt_averaging_input_pr, dt_coupling, dt_data_output, &
    167                        dt_data_output_av, dt_disturb, dt_domask, dt_dopr, &
    168                        dt_dopr_listing, dt_dots, dt_do2d_xy, dt_do2d_xz, &
    169                        dt_do2d_yz, dt_do3d, dt_max, dt_restart, dt_run_control,&
    170                        end_time, force_print_header, &
    171                        mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y, mask_scale_z, &
    172                        mask_x, mask_y, mask_z,  &
    173                        mask_x_loop, mask_y_loop, mask_z_loop, &
    174                        mg_cycles, mg_switch_to_pe0_level, &
    175                        netcdf_data_format, &
    176                        ngsrb, normalizing_region, npex, npey, nsor, nz_do3d, &
    177                        omega_sor, &
    178                        prandtl_number, precipitation_amount_interval, &
    179                        profile_columns, profile_rows, psolver, &
    180                        rayleigh_damping_factor, rayleigh_damping_height, &
    181                        residual_limit, restart_time, section_xy, section_xz, &
    182                        section_yz, skip_time_data_output, &
    183                        skip_time_data_output_av, skip_time_dopr, &
    184                        skip_time_do2d_xy, skip_time_do2d_xz, &
    185                        skip_time_do2d_yz, skip_time_do3d, skip_time_domask, &
    186                        termination_time_needed, use_prior_plot1d_parameters, &
    187                        z_max_do1d, z_max_do1d_normalized, z_max_do2d
     150             top_momentumflux_u, top_momentumflux_v, top_salinityflux, &
     151             turbulent_inflow, ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient, &
     152             ug_vertical_gradient_level, u_bulk, ups_limit_e, ups_limit_pt, &
     153             ups_limit_u, ups_limit_v, ups_limit_w, use_surface_fluxes, &
     154             use_top_fluxes, use_ug_for_galilei_tr, use_upstream_for_tke, &
     155             vg_surface, vg_vertical_gradient, vg_vertical_gradient_level, &
     156             v_bulk, wall_adjustment, wall_heatflux, wall_humidityflux, &
     157             wall_scalarflux
     160    NAMELIST /d3par/  averaging_interval, averaging_interval_pr, &
     161             create_disturbances, cross_normalized_x, cross_normalized_y, &
     162             cross_profiles, cross_ts_uymax, cross_ts_uymin, cross_xtext, &
     163             data_output, data_output_format, data_output_masks, &
     164             data_output_pr, data_output_2d_on_each_pe, disturbance_amplitude, &
     165             disturbance_energy_limit, disturbance_level_b, &
     166             disturbance_level_t, do2d_at_begin, do3d_at_begin, do3d_compress, &
     167             do3d_comp_prec, dt, dt_averaging_input, dt_averaging_input_pr, &
     168             dt_coupling, dt_data_output, dt_data_output_av, dt_disturb, &
     169             dt_domask, dt_dopr, dt_dopr_listing, dt_dots, dt_do2d_xy, &
     170             dt_do2d_xz, dt_do2d_yz, dt_do3d, dt_max, dt_restart, &
     171             dt_run_control,end_time, force_print_header, mask_scale_x, &
     172             mask_scale_y, mask_scale_z, mask_x, mask_y, mask_z, mask_x_loop, &
     173             mask_y_loop, mask_z_loop, netcdf_data_format, &
     174             normalizing_region, npex, npey, nz_do3d, &
     175             precipitation_amount_interval, profile_columns, profile_rows, &
     176             restart_time, section_xy, section_xz, section_yz, &
     177             skip_time_data_output, skip_time_data_output_av, skip_time_dopr, &
     178             skip_time_do2d_xy, skip_time_do2d_xz, skip_time_do2d_yz, &
     179             skip_time_do3d, skip_time_domask, termination_time_needed, &
     180             use_prior_plot1d_parameters, z_max_do1d, z_max_do1d_normalized, &
     181             z_max_do2d
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/read_var_list.f90

    r595 r600  
    44! Current revisions:
    5 ! -----------------
    6 ! remove print command
     5! -----------------_
     6! +call_psolver_at_all_substeps, cfl_factor, cycle_mg, mg_cycles,
     7! mg_switch_to_pe0_level, ngsrb, nsor, omega_sor, psolver,
     8! rayleigh_damping_factor, rayleigh_damping_height, residual_limit
     9! in routine skip_var_list (end of this file), variable ldum is replaced
     10! by cdum(LEN=1), because otherwise read errors (too few data on file)
     11! appear due to one of the additional parameters (cycle_mg) which are now
     12! stored on the restart file
    814! Former revisions:
    107113!-- Make version number check first
    108114    READ ( 13 )  version_on_file
    109     binary_version = '3.4'
     115    binary_version = '3.5'
    110116    IF ( TRIM( version_on_file ) /= TRIM( binary_version ) )  THEN
    111117       WRITE( message_string, * ) 'version mismatch concerning control ', &
    246252          CASE ( 'building_wall_south' )
    247253             READ ( 13 )  building_wall_south
     254          CASE ( 'call_psolver_at_all_substeps' )
     255             READ ( 13 )  call_psolver_at_all_substeps
    248256          CASE ( 'canopy_mode' )
    249257             READ ( 13 )  canopy_mode
    258266          CASE ( 'canyon_wall_south' )
    259267             READ ( 13 )  canyon_wall_south
     268          CASE ( 'cfl_factor' )
     269             READ ( 13 )  cfl_factor
    260270          CASE ( 'cloud_droplets' )
    261271             READ ( 13 )  cloud_droplets
    274284          CASE ( 'cut_spline_overshoot' )
    275285             READ ( 13 )  cut_spline_overshoot
     286          CASE ( 'cycle_mg' )
     287             READ ( 13 )  cycle_mg
    276288          CASE ( 'damp_level_1d' )
    277289             READ ( 13 )  damp_level_1d
    374386             ENDIF
    375387             READ ( 13 )  mean_inflow_profiles
     388          CASE ( 'mg_cycles' )
     389             READ ( 13 )  mg_cycles
     390          CASE ( 'mg_switch_to_pe0_level' )
     391             READ ( 13 )  mg_switch_to_pe0_level
    376392          CASE ( 'mixing_length_1d' )
    377393             READ ( 13 )  mixing_length_1d
    380396          CASE ( 'netcdf_precision' )
    381397             READ ( 13 )  netcdf_precision
     398          CASE ( 'ngsrb' )
     399             READ ( 13 )  ngsrb
     400          CASE ( 'nsor' )
     401             READ ( 13 )  nsor
    382402          CASE ( 'nsor_ini' )
    383403             READ ( 13 )  nsor_ini
    394414          CASE ( 'omega' )
    395415             READ ( 13 )  omega
     416          CASE ( 'omega_sor' )
     417             READ ( 13 )  omega_sor
    396418          CASE ( 'outflow_damping_width' )
    397419             READ ( 13 )  outflow_damping_width
    418440          CASE ( 'prandtl_layer' )
    419441             READ ( 13 )  prandtl_layer
     442          CASE ( 'prandtl_number' )
     443             READ ( 13 )  prandtl_number
    420444          CASE ( 'precipitation' )
    421445             READ ( 13 ) precipitation
     446          CASE ( 'psolver' )
     447             READ ( 13 )  psolver
    422448          CASE ( 'pt_init' )
    423449             READ ( 13 )  pt_init
    452478          CASE ( 'random_heatflux' )
    453479             READ ( 13 )  random_heatflux
     480          CASE ( 'rayleigh_damping_factor' )
     481             READ ( 13 )  rayleigh_damping_factor
     482          CASE ( 'rayleigh_damping_height' )
     483             READ ( 13 )  rayleigh_damping_height
    454484          CASE ( 'recycling_width' )
    455485             READ ( 13 )  recycling_width
     486          CASE ( 'residual_limit' )
     487             READ ( 13 )  residual_limit
    456488          CASE ( 'rif_max' )
    457489             READ ( 13 )  rif_max
    832864    CHARACTER (LEN=30) ::  variable_chr
    834     INTEGER ::  idum
     866    CHARACTER (LEN=1) ::  cdum
    849881    WRITE (9,*) 'skipvl chr = ', variable_chr
    850882    CALL local_flush( 9 )
    851        READ ( 13 )  idum
     883       READ ( 13 )  cdum
    852884       READ ( 13 )  variable_chr
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/write_var_list.f90

    r590 r600  
    44! Current revisions:
    5 ! -----------------
    6 !
     5! -----------------
     6! +call_psolver_at_all_substeps, cfl_factor, cycle_mg, mg_cycles,
     7! mg_switch_to_pe0_level, ngsrb, nsor, omega_sor, psolver,
     8! rayleigh_damping_factor, rayleigh_damping_height, residual_limit
    810! Former revisions:
    98     binary_version = '3.4'
     100    binary_version = '3.5'
    100102    WRITE ( 14 )  binary_version
    175177    WRITE ( 14 )  'building_wall_south           '
    176178    WRITE ( 14 )  building_wall_south
     179    WRITE ( 14 )  'call_psolver_at_all_substeps  '
     180    WRITE ( 14 )  call_psolver_at_all_substeps
    177181    WRITE ( 14 )  'canopy_mode                   '
    178182    WRITE ( 14 )  canopy_mode
    187191    WRITE ( 14 )  'canyon_wall_south             '
    188192    WRITE ( 14 )  canyon_wall_south
     193    WRITE ( 14 )  'cfl_factor                    '
     194    WRITE ( 14 )  cfl_factor
    189195    WRITE ( 14 )  'cloud_droplets                '
    190196    WRITE ( 14 )  cloud_droplets
    203209    WRITE ( 14 )  'cut_spline_overshoot          '
    204210    WRITE ( 14 )  cut_spline_overshoot
     211    WRITE ( 14 )  'cycle_mg                      '
     212    WRITE ( 14 )  cycle_mg
    205213    WRITE ( 14 )  'damp_level_1d                 '
    206214    WRITE ( 14 )  damp_level_1d
    295303       WRITE ( 14 )  mean_inflow_profiles
    296304    ENDIF
     305    WRITE ( 14 )  'mg_cycles                     '
     306    WRITE ( 14 )  mg_cycles
     307    WRITE ( 14 )  'mg_switch_to_pe0_level        '
     308    WRITE ( 14 )  mg_switch_to_pe0_level
    297309    WRITE ( 14 )  'mixing_length_1d              '
    298310    WRITE ( 14 )  mixing_length_1d
    301313    WRITE ( 14 )  'netcdf_precision              '
    302314    WRITE ( 14 )  netcdf_precision
     315    WRITE ( 14 )  'ngsrb                         '
     316    WRITE ( 14 )  ngsrb
     317    WRITE ( 14 )  'nsor                          '
     318    WRITE ( 14 )  nsor
    303319    WRITE ( 14 )  'nsor_ini                      '
    304320    WRITE ( 14 )  nsor_ini
    313329    WRITE ( 14 )  'omega                         '
    314330    WRITE ( 14 )  omega
     331    WRITE ( 14 )  'omega_sor                     '
     332    WRITE ( 14 )  omega_sor
    315333    WRITE ( 14 )  'outflow_damping_width         '
    316334    WRITE ( 14 )  outflow_damping_width
    337355    WRITE ( 14 )  'prandtl_layer                 '
    338356    WRITE ( 14 )  prandtl_layer
     357    WRITE ( 14 )  'prandtl_number                '
     358    WRITE ( 14 )  prandtl_number
    339359    WRITE ( 14 )  'precipitation                 '
    340360    WRITE ( 14 )  precipitation
     361    WRITE ( 14 )  'psolver                       '
     362    WRITE ( 14 )  psolver
    341363    WRITE ( 14 )  'pt_init                       '
    342364    WRITE ( 14 )  pt_init
    371393    WRITE ( 14 )  'random_heatflux               '
    372394    WRITE ( 14 )  random_heatflux
     395    WRITE ( 14 )  'rayleigh_damping_factor       '
     396    WRITE ( 14 )  rayleigh_damping_factor
     397    WRITE ( 14 )  'rayleigh_damping_height       '
     398    WRITE ( 14 )  rayleigh_damping_height
    373399    WRITE ( 14 )  'recycling_width               '
    374400    WRITE ( 14 )  recycling_width
     401    WRITE ( 14 )  'residual_limit                '
     402    WRITE ( 14 )  residual_limit
    375403    WRITE ( 14 )  'rif_max                       '
    376404    WRITE ( 14 )  rif_max
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