Changeset 4695

Sep 24, 2020 11:30:03 AM (5 years ago)

Introduce additional namelist parameters to further customize sampling in the horizontal and vertical surroundings of the original observation coordinates

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/virtual_measurement_mod.f90

    r4671 r4695  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Introduce additional namelist parameters to further customize sampling in the horizontal and
     28! vertical surroundings of the original observation coordinates
     30! 4671 2020-09-09 20:27:58Z pavelkrc
    2731! Implementation of downward facing USM and LSM surfaces
    369373    INTEGER(iwp) ::  maximum_name_length = 32  !< maximum name length of station names
    370374    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ntimesteps                !< number of timesteps defined in NetCDF output file
    371     INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_pr              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in each direction) where virtual profile
     375    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_pr              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in horizontal direction) where virtual profile
    372376                                               !< measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given coordinates in the driver
    373     INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_ts              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in each direction) where virtual timeseries
     377    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_pr_z            = 0   !< number of additional grid points (in each upwardd and downward direction) where
     378                                               !< virtual profile measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given z coordinates in the driver
     379    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_ts              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in horizontal direction) where virtual profile
    374380                                               !< measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given coordinates in the driver
    375     INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_tr              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in each direction) where virtual trajectory
     381    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_ts_z            = 50  !< number of additional grid points (in each upwardd and downward direction) where
     382                                               !< virtual profile measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given z coordinates in the driver
     383    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_tr              = 1   !< number of neighboring grid points (in horizontal direction) where virtual profile
    376384                                               !< measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given coordinates in the driver
     385    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_tr_z            = 1   !< number of additional grid points (in each upwardd and downward direction) where
     386                                               !< virtual profile measurements shall be taken, in addition to the given z coordinates in the driver
    377387    LOGICAL ::  global_attribute          = .TRUE.   !< flag indicating a global attribute
    378388    LOGICAL ::  initial_write_coordinates = .FALSE.  !< flag indicating a global attribute
    875885    INTEGER(iwp) ::  nofill     !< dummy for nofill return value (not used)
    876886    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ns         !< counter variable for number of observation points on subdomain
    877     INTEGER(iwp) ::  off        !< number of surrounding grid points to be sampled
     887    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off        !< number of horizontally surrounding grid points to be sampled
     888    INTEGER(iwp) ::  off_z      !< number of vertically surrounding grid points to be sampled
    878889    INTEGER(iwp) ::  t          !< running index over number of trajectories
    11181129!--          according to the featureType.
    11191130             IF ( vmea(l)%timseries_profile )  THEN
    1120                 off = off_pr
     1131                off   = off_pr
     1132                off_z = off_pr_z
    11211133             ELSEIF ( vmea(l)%timseries     )  THEN
    1122                 off = off_ts
     1134                off   = off_ts
     1135                off_z = off_ts_z
    11231136             ELSEIF ( vmea(l)%trajectory    )  THEN
    1124                 off = off_tr
     1137                off   = off_tr
     1138                off_z = off_tr_z
    11251139             ENDIF
    11421156!--                coordinate points, but first check whether the surrounding coordinate points are
    11431157!--                on the subdomain.
    1144                    kl = MERGE( ks-off, ksurf, ks-off >= nzb  .AND. ks-off >= ksurf )
    1145                    ku = MERGE( ks+off, nzt,   ks+off < nzt+1 )
     1158                   kl = MERGE( ks-off_z, ksurf, ks-off_z >= nzb  .AND. ks-off_z >= ksurf )
     1159                   ku = MERGE( ks+off_z, nzt,   ks+off_z < nzt+1 )
    11471161                   DO  i = is-off, is+off
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